The Stoneage

When Elo opened his eyes, the only thing he saw was Ella's face. He carefully escaped her embrace and left the hut without making a noise.

When he thought about what happened yesterday, he still doubted his memories. Everything had been almost perfect... except for the time he almost got killed, but there is not enough energy to think about such small things!

Without hesitation, he opened the building screen.


"Building blueprints:


-Small hut (300 sticks, 10 big sticks)

-Rudimentary stone building (300 stones, 20 big sticks)

-City hall* (1000 stones, 100 big sticks) [0/1]


-Wooden spikes (5 big sticks)

-Fall trap (100 sticks)


[See more]


-"What could this City hall be? And why can I only build one of them? It must be something interesting!"-


"City hall:

The city hall is the heart of every city. Only "Lords" and can build it, and you can only build one. If it is constructed, it unlocks city decisions.

-Cost: 1000 stones, 100 big sticks"

City decisions, building a city... That was exactly what Elo was after! If he didn't have to uphold the picture of a good leader, he would most likely jump around in joy.

When he thought it couldn't get any better, the pocket of his pans suddenly bulked out, and he saw a faint red light.

He started shivering in excitement when he took the red stones out.


"You received:

-48 Power Stones, gifted by Lichti and others"

He had never gotten so many power stones in one go. Did the goods want to reward him for slaying the boss as well?

But he couldn't dwell in his thoughts for any longer, because of the inhabitants of his new city. They had all gathered around the fireplace, and now, Gorden called out for him.

"Elo, let's talk about what we want to do today!"

When Elo saw that the others had already gathered, he walked towards them in long strides. When he stood before the others, he looked at them with a happy smile.

Had had already been able to gather a significant force on this clearing!

The eyes of those who had been into the dungeon with him were filled with anticipation. Meanwhile, the others looked at him with resentment.

Why did he suddenly act up? He couldn't be bothered to talk to them in this way before, why did he do it now?

However, when he started speaking, nobody tried to interrupt him.

"Today, we will split into two forces, One hunting force, which is lead by Gorden, and one building force, which is lead by me."

When Elo pointed at Lara, everybody looked at her.

"You will stay here with me to ensure my safeness. The others will go hunting."

Then he pointed at William.

"You and your team will help me with gathering sticks. Every one of you will be rewarded with one soul gems as soon as we gathered 1000 stones and 100 gig sticks."

When William heard the payment of one soul gem, his eyes almost popped out. They had found one to two soul gems per day at best, and now Elo wanted to give them one each for... gathering stones? How could they refuse?!

They thanked Elo without hesitation, but as soon as his eyes didn't lay on them anymore, they looked at each other with cynical grins.

Never had they thought it would be so easy to take advantage of their new leader.

It seems like the only thing he had was muscles.

If Elo had heard their thoughts, he would have laughed out loud. Even without the power stones, he still possessed 93 soul gems. And when his Dungeon-Team cleared the dungeon up until the second boss, he would get 62 soul gems every day.

For him, it was just a small matter to give four of them away to have the other team work for an entire day or even longer.

As soon as the others had disappeared into the forest, he turned towards the others and took out 80 soul gems.

"You should be able to clear the dungeon up to the second boss, but don't risk your life. Two of you can level up now—the other one when you come back."


Elo and Lara had gone into the forest to gather stones as well, but they didn't want to use them to build the City hall. They collected stones and big sticks to construct themselves real houses.

When the Dungeon-Team came back in the night, two small stone houses stood on the clearing, and the others already sat around a small fire.

When everyone sat down, they received a meal, and they started talking.

The resources for the city hall had almost been collected, and tomorrow they would only need to gather some more stones and finally construct the building.

It wasn't hard, but it would still take a while. Elo was happy that he had recruited the other team to build the hall. Otherwise, he would have to waste at least one day to create it, which meant 62 soul gems less for his team.

When he got tired, Elo went back to the house, followed by Ella.

When they entered, Ella's jaw almost fell to the ground. This small house couldn't even be compared to the hut they lived in before.

It was still only a small room, but its atmosphere was entirely different.

The sturdy stone walls made one feel safe and protected, while the chestnut brown floor felt warm and welcoming.

In the corner of the room, several pelts were stacked over one another in an unorderly fashion. That was first the thing she saw in this new world that could be considered a bed.

Without thinking twice, she jumped onto the pelts and took Elo down with her.

The last thing the others heard from the small house was Elo's voice.

"Come on, I just arranged them. Now you made a complete mess! I..."

Then he suddenly fell silent.