The Strangest Dream (part 17)

Lengthen, piercing her skin. She felt Evelyn start to climb past her legs crawling up closer to her chest, and she started wrapping her arms around her waist and squeezed, causing her to lose her breath and feel pain like she had never felt in her lifetime. The stench of rotten eggs filled the air. "MAMA!"

Autumn heard her scream out. Panicked, she yelled back, "Stop, Evie Stop!"

She then heard Evelyn say... "I'm behind you."

Autumn looked back and saw her daughter standing there. A break came through the darkness revealing a glistening black creature crawling up her body, and she felt something slither underneath her climbing up the bottom of her back, lifting her slightly off the floor.

Evelyn could only stand there with her eyes wide open, frozen in fear.

Slowly it tightened its grip around her, making restricting her lungs, causing her to feel faint, she turned her head back and away to the side. However, she could still see out of the corner of her eyes a face forming resembling dark molten lava, its eyes receding inward like voids in space. Terrified and unable to move she felt the heels of her feet scrape across the floorboards as it brought her closer still, from behind her it then took its long spindling fingers that had climbed up her back into her hair behind her head gripping and forcing her to turn two inches from its face.

She saw spurts of her own breath as it moved it's head down from her chin and up to her lips, breathing in her fear. "God, please help me" went through her mind as she trembled, a low growl vibrated from the floor and up through her body, followed by a slow deep, ominous laugh. In terror, she looked at this thing. The sides of its mouth curled up as if into a smile, and in her mind, it spoke. "NO GOD!" and a tear rolled down her cheek.

Evelyn, seeing her mother suspended in the grips of this dark creature, broke free of her frozen state and ran up to her grabbing and clawing, trying to release her mother from its clutches yelling, "LET HER GO!". With every strike she made, it felt like her arms were underwater, so her hits slowed down, having no impact at all.

The being jerked Autumn's body back, knocking Evelyn to the ground so hard she rolled, and her necklace came off almost falling through the cracks of the floorboards.

"Run baby run!" Autumn cried out.

Evelyn saw blood dripping from Autumn's leg, and even though Evelyn felt helpless, she knew that she had to do something. Picking up her necklace and putting it back around her neck, then stopped, not wanting it to fall off again, she wrapped it around her wrist. "I said, let her go!" Evelyn stood up, screaming louder- "I said let her go!" causing the entity to mockingly laugh at her while licking her mother's face, keeping eye contact with Evelyn anticipating her next move.

Evelyn rushed over, grabbing at it, but it seemed to ooze through her fingers, and Autumn felt it tremble with laughter under its breath. Determined not to give up, she lifted her hand to strike it again, but the loosely wrapped pendant slipped down into her palm, revealing the image of St Michael, she came down with her fist, and it lodged into its side breaking the chain from her wrist. A shriek filled the room, and her mother dropped to the floor.

The nails of its feet dug into the floorboards. You could hear the wood splinter as it began slithering backward across to the furthest part of the room. The two girls clutched each other with their eyes fixed