The Strangest Dream (part 19)

"Pregnant!" Evelyn cried out, "We're going to have a baby?" "Woh woh woh, I was just joking." Then he looked at Autumn "I was just joking, right?" "Of course you are, that's impossible. Oh.. wait.. Clyde?" It wasn't the look Evelyn expected to see from her parents with such good news.

They were concerned because they were informed that after Evelyn was born that the next child might have complications as well, so they had been careful all those years.

Autumn said, "I will set up an appointment."

A few days later, they all drove into town so Autumn could see the doctor and it was confirmed, Evelyn was going to be a big sister. Oh, what joy! She thought, now I won't be so alone. On the drive back home, Evelyn saw that the fair was in town. "Daddy, can we go! Can we go?" Autumn welcomed the idea, being cooped up all the time it felt good getting out. There were so many bright lights and rides that Evelyn thought her head would explode. They went on the spinny cup and the giant swing while Autumn stood there and waved. "Look, mama! Look at me!" Evelyn was having the time of her life. Autumn stood there at the exit waiting for the ride to stop when she recognized the butcher's wife and said hello. "Sad thing," she said back to her then walked away.

What the heck was that? She thought but blew it off. They were having so much fun that day, hotdogs, cotton candy, it was just a day about having fun.

Clyde saw the ring toss and asked Autumn, "Remember when I won you that bear?" Autumn laughed, "Yeah, you ended up paying the guy ten bucks to let you win."

As they were standing there waiting for the guy to hand them their rings, the preacher walked up. "I see you are enjoying the festivities" "Oh yes! We are having so much fun!" Evelyn told him. He didn't even acknowledge she was there.

"So, how's the job at the mill been treating you?" Clyde didn't like how Evelyn was ignored, but maybe he didn't hear her, "Just fine preacher, just fine."

"Good good" there was an awkward silence, the preacher then put his hand on Clyde's shoulder with tears starting to well up in his eyes "You are a good man." then cleared his throat. "Well, I'll be going, you have fun." and started to walk away.

"We're going to have a baby!" Evelyn said out loud.

The preacher stopped in his tracks. He slowly turned around looking like he was gritting his teeth and started marching straight over to her with his cane extended above his head, raising his voice saying, "You should never have been born!" Thankfully, two men who were watching this happen grabbed the preacher from behind. "It's too late," one of them told him, and he fell to the ground crying while they held his arms, and a crowd began to form.

"Let's go, Autumn," and he hurried them both out to the car.

"What the hell was that?" Autumn asked, "I have no flipping idea." he said, and he started the truck. On the way home, Clyde stopped to get gas, and while he was in there, Evelyn asked her mother why the preacher was so mad at her? "I don't know, Evie. I think the whole town has gone mad" just then, Clyde jumped in the truck. "I didn't have to pay!" The girls both looked at him like he was robbing the station, "The guy told me I didn't have to pay. Do you see it? Silver lining."

"See what I mean, Evie? The whole town has gone mad!" They both laughed, and Clyde drove them home.