Sorry For Disappearing.

Hello! I am speaking as the author, to be honest, I lost motivation to continue writing this piece due to school and eventually college, and now that I have a job and stuff, I found myself with so little time and less motivation to work on this story.

But, I do want to revamp this story because I was growing quite fond of it and seeing some comments about keeping up the good work, simply made me feel fuzzy inside and also sad that I couldn't keep up the good work.

But, I'm happy to say that I will be reworking this series for my own enjoyment, and I'll also be working on two other stories that are set in this same universe, though with extremely different systematics and stuff. I'm testing the limits of my imagination with this, but I hope that whatever you find here, you will enjoy!

If you are reading this, then I hope you'll continue reading my writing. Story writing, world building and lore investing are some of my favourite things to do, so I hope you'll enjoy what I make!!