Chapter 7

Disclaimer: I do not own The Vampire Diaries / The Originals, or any of the characters, plot-lines, dialogues from the shows or books

However, I do own Catherine Matthews/ my very own Katherine Peirce, her backstory, the storyline, and any additional characters that do not belong to The Vampire Diaries or The Originals. Characters in this story may not have the same opinion as you. These characters are all fictional.

"So, you are telling me that you trapped Elena in her own house?" I asked through the phone.

"Well, it's for the best. For both of you. Trust me. Elena is on a martyr tear that rivals your greatest hits. You should be glad the witch and I are even getting along," said Damon.

"I am not surprised you locked her up. I am surprised Stefan let you," I said to the guy.

"Same here. But, I guess Stef couldn't pass up such a brilliant plan designed by his big brother," said Damon.

"You both brothers are surprisingly calm, considering Klaus will hunt you down if you mess with his little plan," I said to Damon.

"We died once. We got over it," said Damon with a snort "What about you, how are you dealing?"

"I ran into Elijah yesterday," I said to him.

"What? And you are saying this now? What happened?" he asked, a hint of concern in his tone.

"He says he wants to help us, and he is trying to kill Klaus," I said.

"And you believe him?" he questioned

"Of course not. I was betrayed once. I am not going to get over it, nor will I make the same mistake again," I said, my voice bitter.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked, and he sounded embarrassed to ask it.

"I am alright. I had 500 years to think and talk about it. I will survive," I said, "I gotta go, bye, Damon. Things to do. Moonstone to track. I will be out of town for two days, meet a witch, sketch a plan."

"Take care of yourself, Katherine," he said and cut the call.

I really left the town for two days but not to see a witch; instead, I went to meet up with a private detective in New York. I mean its modern age and if you have to find a person, you don't have to look for yourself. You have people to do that. You should develop along with the times, ladies...or gents.

I went for two different consultancies that had top ratings and gave them a name each. Hayley Marshall and Nadia Petrova. I asked one to start his search in the Appalachians. For the other guy, I gave my dear this dimension daughter Nadia Petrova's name and a picture of her that I drew.

Well, I can't say my paintings are hanging in hermitage, but I can say I am a top student in my art class. Now that I think about my past life, it was such a bore compared to this. It would've been such a waste if it wasn't for the knowledge I gained in my art and acting classes.

I mean, the name Katherine Pierce has a significant impact on Vampire species in this world. Sure it's not a picnic. Katherine has a lot of enemies. I mean the last time I went to New York, some idiot came with wooden stakes to kill me. He was vengeful, and kinda wanted revenge for Katherine killing his wife in front of him for something silly and insignificant. That idiot became a hunter from then on and started searching for her. I mean, how stupid was Katherine. If she wanted revenge, she should have killed his wife and then him. Leaving him behind to plan an act of attack is a dumb move, even for her.

I thought she wasn't supposed to keep loose ends.

It was night by the time; I came back to Mystic Falls. I entered the house, I have been lodging from the time, I came to this world, to see an intruder in it.

"How do you even know where I live? And how did you even come in?" I asked, infuriated, and the person just shrugged in response.

"What do you want?" I asked with a sigh and sat on the couch opposite to him

"I thought I told you to leave town before Klaus gets here. You did but only for two days. Damon said you are back in town. So, I came to give you a piece of my mind. Do you want to die that badly? You are not even blonde, why are you acting so dumb?" he asks, frustrated.

"One, that is such a stereotypical thing to say. All blondes are not dumb, and FYI, Klaus is blonde. However, Caroline is another story. I am sure she is the one who told my address." I said, "And two, I will leave when I get what I want, and I will always get what I want."

"Of course, you will get what you want. I know you enough to tell you are stubborn. By the way, what's this between you and Caroline. When did you become close?" he asked, utterly curious.

"I think she has a thing for me," I said, and he choked on air.

"What?" he asked, baffled.

"Calm down, Stefan. She wants to paint nails and have slumber parties with me. I still don't know what gave her that idea," I said.

"OH!" he said

"Yeah. OH! Now get out of here. I am having a bad day after meeting another dead end," I said, pushing him towards the door.

"I thought you love me," he said teasingly.

"I do. But I love my free time more than you. Now go before your girlfriend tries to call another one of my enemies for spending time with her boyfriend," I said and shut the door.

I went to the fridge to pour a glass of blood for myself but again interrupted by the knocking.

Stupid Vampire. I should kill myself for giving Caroline my address.

"Stefan, I am going to kick your vampire arse if you don't get off my front porch," I shouted, still not opening the door. But there was another knock.

Cool Kath. You can't kill him, because you want to erase your name from their hit list. Remember?

Another knock.

You know what, fuck it.

"I am going to kill you and then get you back to life, just to kill you all over again," I muttered but enough for a vampire to hear and opened the door.

"Katerina," the person on the other side said as soon as I saw him.

"You gotta be kidding me?" I said, frustrated, "How do you know my address? I am sure Caroline didn't tell you."

"May I come in?" he asked, completely ignoring my questions.

"No. this is not my house, and even if it is, you sure as hell are not getting in," I said haughtily from the other side of the door with a smirk and went to close the door.

Do you think I am stupid enough to let an original in so that he can kill me? Not a chance. But to my surprise, he stopped me from closing the door and stepped into the house.

"When you were out of the town, the lovely old woman of this house invited me in. I hope you don't mind," he said with the same smirk I gave just a few seconds ago. He walked into the living room and sat on the couch. Rude and arrogant.

"Of course, make yourself at home," I said sarcastically.

"Please sit down," he said to me.

"Dude, I should be the one saying that to you. This is my house. Well, not technically. But I came here first," But I kept those thoughts to myself didn't. I didn't want to die testing the patience of the Original by being sarcastic at the wrong time.

"What do you want?" I asked meekly.

He looked amused by my sudden change in temperament. Of course, he would be. One minute I was given death threats, the next minute, I was acting snobby, and now I became a docile pet cat.

"I was looking for a place to stay," he said.

"So?" I asked, confused about where it was going.

"I thought you would like a flatmate," he said. I gave him an unimpressed look.

"Do you see a tag on me saying I am stupid. You are a Mikaelson; sure you have a house. If if you don't, you can also stay with your witches," I said.

"How do you know I have witches on my side," Elijah asked, raising his perfect eyebrow.

"Well other than the fact that you have a million years to have some witch connections, how about the fact that you know where I live and where my doppelganger was yesterday," I said with a sickly sweet smile.

"A little over thousand if you are counting. And, even if I have witches at my side. I can't let you run away and mess up with my plans now, can I? So, you know the saying, keep your friends close and enemies closer," he said, and something screamed in that voice that means he is not wholly truthful.

"So you want to use me to drag Klaus here," I asked, knowing the answer.

"And for that, you have to stay put," he said.

"I am not going to run away. I would've done that when I saw you yesterday. But I didn't, and FYI, Klaus will be here knowing the doppelganger is here. Elena will be his first priority," I said, getting up from the chair.

"Well, think it as a backup plan," he said, not looking in my eyes like he didn't want to show me something.

"Fine. Use me as a bait. It's not the first time. At least now I know the plan," I growled and shut the bedroom door with a this and locked it.

Did I overreact? Whatever.

Is he really using me as bait? Then why did he gave me all those precautions yesterday? God. He is hard to read. 1000 years of life made him good at hiding his emotions. But I am not stepping back. Even I have backup plans. If not Mikaelson's, I have Salvatore's. TIME TO SLEEP. PACK UP.

The next morning I got up from my bed. Tripping over the air, dragging the quilt along with me.

"Mrs. Flowers, Coffee with some red liquid from the fridge," I said, sitting on the chair and sleeping with my head on the dining table before me.

I blinked my eyes open and sat upright when I heard a clink as a cup of coffee is placed on the table. I took it and smelled the coffee. I used to have 3 cups of coffee every day in my past life. Sometimes the Double Chocolate chip frappuccino. But mostly Americano. Starbucks was my life. I like these peaceful mornings.

"The coffee is amazing. Why don't you make it like this every day?" I said, looking up and started sputtered out everything after I saw Elijah.

God! I was definitely not acting like Katherine before. Did I give myself out? I looked at him once again. However, he was not suspicious but quite amused. Maybe because he didn't see Katherine all these years, he didn't notice anything strange.

"Good Morning, Katerina. Did you sleep well?" He asked.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Did you forget the conversation we had yesterday?" he asked.

Oh yeah. Flatmates and bait.

"Katherine, dear, you are up. I went to pick some flowers. Do you want me to make you your bed Coffee?" the compelled house owner asked, coming into her house.

"You weren't the one who made this?" I asked her, pointing at the coffee cup.

"No. Oh, I think your fiance made it. You didn't tell me about him, such a handsome young man," she said, smiling at Elijah.

"Fiancée?" I asked, confused.

"Oh, yes. He said you came here as you were angry with him about something trivial, and he wants to make things better between you. How sweet..." she said, smiling.

"Adorable. Mrs. Flowers, why don't you prepare breakfast while I deal with my Fiancee?" I said to her through gritted teeth, and she went away excited.

One, I can't kill her. Cause now I am a good-hearted vampire, and she makes a fantastic breakfast. And two, I can't uncompel or override an Originals compulsion. So, I need to go with the flow.

"What's with this bloody fiancée shit?" I asked him angrily. Long gone, my peaceful mood.

"Language, Katerina, and I can't exactly say to the old lady that I am a 1000-year-old vampire to get an invitation into the house now, can I?" he said calmly, reading the newspaper.

Who even reads a newspaper nowadays?

Since I couldn't shout at him, I stomped my foot angrily, went into my bedroom, and shut the door loudly for the impact. I quickly got ready and left for Salvatore Boarding with a little bit of sanity I had left.

"Katerina," Rose said as soon as I entered the house.

"Rosa Marie," I said, "Are the Salvatore brothers here? And please, call me Katherine. It's not hard, you know."

The woman would have been dead by now if I didn't mess with the plot. She could at least say my name correctly. Well, I mean, she's already died, but I meant dead... gone, lifeless.

"Damon is at the grill. He should be here any time now, and Stefan went to get the witch friend to make me a daylight ring for me," she said, and I sat near the fireplace, getting a bourbon for myself and Rose.

"So, you can finally be in the sun. It must have really sucked not to feel the sun for the past 500 years," I said

"What got you in a mood to drink early in the morning?" she asked, taking a glass from me completely ignoring my previous sentence.

"Elijah," I grumbled. "He is my new flatmate," and she started coughing and spat her drink.

"Even I had the same reaction this morning," I said to her with a sigh.

" I think you deserve a drink," she said, clinking my glass with hers.

I think she forgot she has been on the run for the past 500 years, and her buddy Trevor died because of me.

"Don't you both look chummy?" Damon said, entering the living room along with Alaric.

" Alaric Saltzman," Alaric said, introducing himself, and I raised my eyebrow.

"Don't you like...hate me?" I asked him, confused. I mean, he is team Elena right. Woah,Did Klaus already possess him or something? I need to get out of here.

"You have some faith in yourself, Katherine," Damon said, snickering.

"Well, except for Elena, everyone said you were good, and you didn't do anything to me or anyone else I care about except for John, who is a dick, in my opinion, and still alive."

Wow. I didn't expect it.

"So, what were you talking about?" Damon asked us.

"Elijah is Katherine's flatmate," Rose said to Damon.

"What?" he asked, confused and worried.

"He wants me as a backup plan to lure Klaus out, and he is staying with me to keep me from running away," I said, leaning my back on the couch.

"Move into the boarding house," Damon said "You can't be near the guy. He can't be trusted."

"Do you think I don't know that?" I snapped at him, "I wasn't given a choice, and he compelled my good old house lady that he is my Fiancée and got an invitation."

"You gotta be kidding me. After all the things the guy and his brother put you through all those years ago...he wants to play fiancée with you," he snarled.

"What's going on here?" Stefan said, coming in and saw me. "Katherine? Is there any problem?"

"What is she doing here," Bonnie said coming behind him at the same time two chirpy voice said.

"Hey Kat" from Caroline

"Hey, Katherine," from Jeremy. And I waved back at them, wiggling my fingers.

"When did you guys become close," Bonnie asked confused while others have the same expression.

"It kind of happened," they said slowly at the same time.

"Whatever, I don't have time for this. Elijah has witches on his side, and they are probably here," I said, looking at them. "So Bon Bon here, don't trust if some witch comes trying to help you. Witches won't help anyone unless it benefits them."

"I knew the Luka guy was wired," said Jeremy

"Don't talk like you know anything about us witches. We always help one another," said Bonnie angrily.

" My 500-year experience says otherwise. So get your Judgy witch ass straight and do as I say for once," I said and saw that it was around noon, "I am outta here. I don't know how long I can stay without pissing off the Original Vampire," I said downing up my drink, and got up from the couch to walk out, but paused for a second when I remembered something, "Also, Stefan get my dumb shadow self out of the town before she gets one of us killed by using her pea brain," I patted the shoulders of my not so best friends Caroline and Jeremy and vamped out of there.

I just hope Elijah doesn't give me a bedtime or ground me. Stupid Vampire boy problems