Pretty good, Hope the novel goes on.
The training progress is realistic, The interactions don't just count of, A teasing female, a teasing male, a stupid MC, and the annoying girls that's a friend.
please give mc special colored fire (i think white would be nice)....................................................................................................................
Reveal Spoiler
140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters 140 characters
Looks really promising and can't wait until you release more chapters for this storie. 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140.
Pretty good, Hope the novel goes on. The training progress is realistic, The interactions don't just count of, A teasing female, a teasing male, a stupid MC, and the annoying girls that's a friend.
Reveal Spoiler
Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee Niceeee
please give mc special colored fire (i think white would be nice)....................................................................................................................
High quality.
Noice 111111111111111111111111144444444444444444444444444400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
So far so good can’t wait for the next chapter and the concept is really interesting and has lots of promise ^_^
It’s interesting and I like it so far 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140