Yellow Carnation

Her feet stung as she collapsed against a familiar tree. Lungs expanding desperately for an ounce of air. Her heart raced as she steadied herself against the oak. She didn't know why she ran. Her mind replayed the obscene imagines of the boy's body causing her to let out an audable wince. Her parents had forced her out of the room as they rushed to tend to the bloodied man. His shrill screams still echoed in her mind. A wetness coated her face as she remembered his broken frame. There had been so much blood. She glanced down at her hands which were unknowingly coated in the dark residue. The deep red hue stared back at her, a feeling of helplessness arose in her chest. She felt a sense of fear, not for herself, but for the unknown man her father had brought home. There were many questions that had been left unanswered for now. Who was he? Why was he wounded? Who did this to him? How did her father find him?

Her head began to thump with the images of the boy once again. Pushing from the tree, she found herself in the meadow. The moon cascaded over the sea of flowers, causing them to glow in it's light. With unsteady knees, she trekked through the field, fingers gently caressing the muted petals. She didn't know how long she has been wandering absentmindedly. Her thoughts had been focused on the unknown man and the strange worry she couldn't help but harbor for him. As she found herself standing in front of the giant oak once more, there was a weight in her hand that hadn't been there before; a single yellow carnation.


The soft grass brushed against her bare feet. Her unannounced journey to the meadow had tamed her wondering thoughts for now. It was eerily silent as she approached the cottage. The screams that deafened her earlier could no longer be heard. Her heart dropped, fearing the worst possible outcome. As she approached the door, she could hear the hushed whispers of her parents.

"I hope she's alright," a worried voice whispered.

She watched as her father reached over to comfort the distressed woman.

His rough hands enclosed her frail ones as he spoke, "I'm sure she was just frightened. No one should have to witness something that horrible."

She frowned at her father's words, images of the brunette's slashed frame crossed her mind. As she looked to her hand that held the flower, she shivered to see her skin still painted in his blood. Slipping the flower into her pocket, she gently pushed the door open. The two figures gaze locked onto her as the worry fell from their features. They both looked exhausted from the past few hours. Their hands were free of the red liquid unlike hers but their clothes were tainted in it. Silence enveloped the three of them as they exchanged glances. She didn't know what to say. There were so many questions she needed answers to.

Finally finding the courage to speak as she asked, "Is he okay?"

Her mother tried to give her a reassuring smile, but she could tell that she was just as scared as the girl before her.

"He's sleeping," was all she said.

She simply nodded as she moved to the basin. The water tinted red as she scrubbed away at her hands, eager to remove the remains of earlier. She wondered why they weren't being completely open with her. It was as if there was something they didn't want her to know about the man that was now silent. Her father's voice interrupted her thoughts.

"His wounds were pretty deep."

Her eyebrows raised in concern as she turned her attention on him; wanting to know more. The man patted the seat next to him, signaling for her to sit. She carefully made her way over to him, once settled he began to speak again.

"I'm sorry that I burdened the two of you with this," his head dropping as he let out an apology.

Her eyes followed her mother as she rubbed reassuring circles on the man's arm.

When he gained his composure once again, he spoke, "I had an odd feeling the whole day. When I started to pack up, it was as if a small voice told me to stay a few extra minutes. That's when a man showed up dragging along the boy."

Her eyebrows began to furrow and she grew weary as he continued, "I could tell he was an important figure of some kind but I am uncertain of what. He had many people with him. I wondered where they were going until they stopped at the whipping post."

Her father's voice shook as he struggled to continue the story. The girl feared that she already knew where this was going judging by the sight of the boy earlier.

"I had never seen something so evil in all of my years," he muttered, disgust briefly washing over his features. "I watched as they removed the bag from his head. I already knew by looking at the boy that he wasn't from around here. He never uttered a word as they tied him up. But I will never forget the awful sounds of his skin being torn open. I-I lost count of how many times they hit him," his voice finally gave out.

Her heart broke as her father recalled the story, eyes beginning to fill with tears. "After the man had his fun he left him there to rot. By the time I reached him he was laying in a pool of his own blood and was barely responsive."

How could someone be that cruel? Her fists clenched and unclenched where they laid unseen in her lap.

"I'm unsure of why he was lashed. But when I questioned one of the men that helped me load him onto my cart of his identity, he said that the boy had been seen a few times around the village. I'm guessing he was a servant of some sort by the way he was dressed."

Noticing her discomfort, her mother spoke up, "His injuries are deep, but he's resting now. Within a few weeks he should be fine."

She knew her mother was only trying to make her feel at ease but her words weren't comforting. For some reason she wanted no needed to see his condition for herself.

"Can I see him," she weakly asked. Her parents exchanged worried glances. For some unknown reason, she felt the need to make sure he was okay with her own eyes.

"You can but..." her mother's tone shifted. Her eyebrows raised in question at the change in her voice.

"He's in your bed and I don't want to risk moving him and causing him any more pain. Would you be comfortable with keeping an eye on him tonight? I would but-" she quickly cut her off.

"No, no it's fine I'll do it,"the girl breathed out a little too eager. She didn't know the first thing about watching over someone in that condition, however, knowing she could watch over him and make sure he was alright out her mind at ease. With a soft smile, her mother nodded at her. She could tell the events of the day had worn them out. It took a few reassuring words, before they both agreed to turn in for the night.


The muffled sounds of snores could be heard through the door of her parent's room. She was hesitant about whether or not to open the door to her own. If the man was asleep she didn't want to be the cause of him waking up. However, she knew she wouldn't be able to rest peacefully that night without seeing him for herself.

Her hands shook as they landed on the wood of the door. As it slid, a distinct scraping sound could be heard and she internally winced, hoping she didn't disturb the boy deep in slumber. She carefully pulled the door shut before turning her attention to the sleeping figure. The only source of light in the room was the moon gleaming through her window; tinting everything in a white hue. The only sound heard was that of her deep breaths and the boy's ragged ones. A sense of worry came over her as she took careful steps towards him.

His chest rose slowly with each shakey inhale. It was difficult to make out many of his features in the dim room but what she could see caused her chest to tighten. His left eye was swollen and face littered with cuts; the deepest one being on his left cheek. As she glanced towards his body she noticed that he had been dressed in her father's clothes; the material clinging to his moist skin. Her mother had done her best to bandage him, however, the wounds were too deep and had already colored the cloth wrapped around them.

The girl prayed a silent prayer that the unknown man wouldn't bleed out in his sleep. Her eye caught sight of a bowl placed next to her bed. A stained cloth floated on the surface. With careful hands, she took the cloth and began to dab at the man's sweaty skin. The back of her hand gently brushed against his forehead, causing her to wince at the heat emitting from him.

She didn't know how much time had passed, too concentrated on the injured man as she pulled her aching body from the bed. A soft thud sound was heard from below her. Looking down she found that the flower that was placed in her pocket earlier had slipped out. Picking it up from the ground, she placed it on the window next to the boy's head. Sighing, she turned from the unconscious boy to find that a few blankets had been laid down for her. It didn't take her but a moment after hitting the blankets for sleep to envelope her.


The sound of soft groans pulled the girl from her sleep. Her eyes fluttered open as they latched onto the man in front of her trying to move. She watched as his bandaged arm reached towards the window. However, when he tried to reach again a pained sound erupted from him. His actions caused her to stand, quickly approaching him.

"Hey, hey don't move," she exclaimed as he writhed against the sheets. The eye that wasn't swollen widened in fear as she approached him. Her heart clenched in realization. With an unsteady breath, she held her hands out as if he were an animal, signaling that she meant no harm. The man looked warily at her but it was quickly masked with pain. She carefully approached him again. The man whimpered as his pain settled back in. The girl unknowingly winced at his sounds of discomfort. This caught the boy's attention. He eyed her cautiously as she approached the bed. The room was filled with his pained breaths as she settled next to him.

"I won't hurt you," she whispered.

His eyes clenched shut as he sharply inhaled causing her to pause for a moment before she made another move. The man's breathing calmed as he stilled, making no sudden movements. When his eyes opened again they landed on hers. He had a look in his eyes like he wanted to say something but couldn't find the words.

The boy moved his mouth to say something but when he did he began to cough. She quickly got up to grab some water. When she returned his coughing had settled but the pain in his features still remained. Carefully sitting beside him once again she slowly reached for his face to help him drink. The man visibly flinched, faltering her actions. Her eyes filled with tears at his reaction. How could someone do this to a person? Blinking the unwanted wetness away, she gestured to the bowl in her hand.

"Please try to drink."

At that the man's eyebrows softened as he looked between the bowl and her. He reluctantly nodded allowing her to reach her hand out once more, this time the man didn't pull away. When he was done she set the bowl down on the chair.

When her eyes caught his gaze, she noticed that he had been following her every move. His body was still tense as she settled back on the bed. A frown found its way to her face but she expected nothing less. He had been through a lot and it would take time for him to trust her. She watched as his eyes flickered back towards the window. Following his line of sight, she found the flower she had put there the night before. Was that what he was reaching for?

His gaze was hard as he stared at it. Maybe he didn't like it and was trying to remove it. She reached for the flower, the dark-haired man's gaze wavering at the movement. His eyes widened as her fingers clasped the stem.

"Sorry I brought it home last night after what happened and thought that it might be nice to wake up to but if you don't like it I can..." she trailed off as the man's hand softly grabbed her wrist.

His eyes were wide and filled with wonder as he looked upon the flower that rested in her hands. She remembered his movement towards the window earlier.

"D-do you want it", she stuttered out. The man's eyes look at her in question. The hand that wasn't being held down by the injured man's grasped the flower. Gently, she brought it to his empty hand.

"Here," she said gesturing for him to take it. His eyes widened as she handed him the flower. He hesitantly took it in both hands, cradling it. A faint smile crossed her features at his childlike wonder. His uninjured doe eye sparked as he held the single flower examining it. She thought of how his eyes would light up if he saw the place in which it came from.

Shaking her head she stood, his eyes moving from the flower in his hands to her. She gave him a small smile.

"I'm going to go get you some food. You must be hungry," she said before she hesitantly left the room. Little did she know that as she left the man's eyes filled with tears as he stared down at the flower. The girl had given him something with a small gesture without realizing it. She had given the broken boy hope.