Chapter 14

Zhang Wei woke up to his ringtone and frowned. He looked at the time ad saw that it was five a.m. He looked at the caller and picked up.

"Good morning President. I am sorry to disturb you but I have news. Bad news." The voice of Secretary Bai floated through the phone.

Zhang Wei stayed silent and waited for him and waited for him to continue.

Secretary Bai took his silence as an 'I'm listening' and continued "We had a little breach in our systems this morning. They were aiming for the plans with AIKO corp, the Sweden business plans didn't succeed but managed to leave a minor bug in the system."

Zhang Wei rose an eyebrow and said nothing. Secretary Bai was internally sweating on his side. He had been with the President since he took over. He understands his silence as two things.

One, he is deep in thought, which rarely happens, which means it's the second one. He is waiting for the most reasonable explanation before firing that person.

He waited before announcing he was done with the report. Again, there was silence on the line, that Secretary Bai had to make sure that the call was still connected then heard his calm voice.

"Apart from the bugs were they able to get any other program or plans?"

"Are the employment standards now so low that we just employ anyone begging for the job?"

Secretary Bai is now sweating bullets and praying for those involved.

"Have you detected its source?" Zhang Wei asked and Secretary Bai nervously answered "We are still in it but are very close. I deeply apologize President."

Now, Zhang Wei is standing in front of his glass window looking at the sunrise up and exhales a little. "You know what to do Secretary Bai." He hung up the call and went to dress up.

Of course, he already had an idea of whom it could be. He was just waiting to hear the results. He wore his signature black suit with a silver tie and silver cufflinks. Carrying his phone and keys off the table, he goes downstairs to see the caretaker in the kitchen.

The woman looked old but also well taken care of. She was Aunty An. She has been serving the Zhang family for two decades. She sees Zhang Wei come downstairs and gives a warm smile. "Good morning Young Master. Breakfast is ready and served." She gestured to the table full of fruits and delicious food. Zhang Wei saw this and sighed.

"Aunty An, how many times have I told you that you don't have to call me Young Master. You are older than me. Secondly, I obviously cannot finish this." He shook his head as he approached the table.

He knew never to refuse her simply because she was a second mother to him. She had been with him since he was five years old. He invited her to take a seat but the lady refused, saying that she needed to clean his room.

"You yourself know that there is nothing to clean in my room." This makes Aunty An stop and turns back with mock scolding in her eyes. "That's what worries me, Young Master. I'm ways amazed at how you keep it all together."

"Well, I learn from the best." He responded with a hint of amusement. Aunty An rolls her eyes and goes back to serve him some tea. "I may not come home today so you have the day off."

Zhang Wei says as he cleans his mouth with a napkin. "Oh, that's alright. I could stay here and take care of the home--" Zhang Wei interrupts her and shakes his head. "You cannot stay here yourself. You have children too. You are going home. Also, greet Butler An for me. Tell him he also has s day off today. He doesn't need to drive me today."

He heads out before she could say anything and Auntie An just sighs and mutters "He spoils that man too much." and shakes her head. She cleans up breakfast and leaves the house.

Zhang Wei drives to the company and sees Secretary Bai at the entrance. He comes out and Secretary Bai bows and welcomes him.

Zhang Wei glances at him before entering. Secretary Bai follows close behind. Everyone on the floor stops what they are doing to welcome him. He continues to walk until he passes the reception and into his elevator followed by his secretary.

After he leaves the area, some workers start whispering "Did you hear that there was a breach in the system today?" "wow is that why he looks more threatening than usual?" "right the room felt colder as he walked by today."

"I heard that it was the Threat Intelligence department at fault. You know how arrogant Manager Wu is. He is probably blaming someone already." They quietly snickered to themselves.

They continued to whisper until they heard the head clear her throat. "Since when did the workers of a great corporation turn into a gossip group ah? get back to work."

With that everyone dispersed and continued to work. The manager 'hmphed' and left.

Zhang Wei got to the top and what was waiting for him was the rumoured Manager Wu making a scene and harassing one of his workers, shouting I his face while the worker was pathetically trying to explain the situation.

He watched for a while and asked whether the results of the investigation are out, to which Secretary Bai nodded.

He signalled his Secretary and Secretary Bai cleared his throat which alerted Manager Wu. He turned and saw the President and immediately stopped making a scene.

He started to explain but Zhang Wei ignored him and entered the office. Of course, Manager Wu grudgingly followed with everyone involved in tow.

Zhang Wei got comfortable and after a while of silence, he finally spoke "Give me a reason."