It was around nine am the next day when Xiu Ying was awake. She freshened up and went downstairs to get breakfast and saw Li Na again in deep thought. She ignored it. If she wanted to tell her, she would.
She then remembered that she had a party to attend today. She really didn't want to go. Li Na had snapped out of whatever she was in and grasped Xiu Ying's hands.
"Ying'er we need to go shopping for dresses today. We need clothes for the party. We have to look our best."
Xiu Ying rose both brows. "Is the party that important? Why do we need a fancy dress?" She thought it was a simple get together. She never even planned to stay long. She'd just sneak our and come back home.
Li Na rolled her eyes like she was asking a stupid question. "You never know, you'll meet your Mr. Right there. Chop chop let's go."
She dragged Xiu Ying to her car. "We're using my car today. It has more space." Xiu Ying shrugged. It didn't matter whose car they took as long as she just gets this over with. She still couldn't understand why they were trying so hard.
They drove to the P&V mall downtown. It was huge with various department stores. Li Na's eyes sparkled from the fact that she had many options to choose from. They got down and had started their shopping adventure.
About forty-five minutes later, they still had no progress. Xiu Ying was getting tired. Why couldn't her friend just pick a good one? she had seen many good ones and still nothing. She was starting to get frustrated.
Li Na noticed the change in her friend's behaviour and thought she must have been tired. She knew Xiu Ying wasn't one to party, but she had to get her to go this evening.
They eventually arrived at another shop. It read the FA store. Li Na's attention was piqued as she saw a dress not too far off and went to get it. Unfortunately, as she was about to, another hand also reached for the dress. Li Na looked at the person with a little frown and tried to tug the dress away, but the hand also didn't let go. She turned to face the person.
Ye Ying was shopping for a dress and saw a dress at the FA store. It wasn't the most expensive but still, not everyone could shop here. She saw a dress that didn't look too bad and wanted to grab it but another hand also went to grab it.
The dress itself was a navy blue dress that would reach a little bit above the knee if worn. It had sequences at the bottom that made the dress look fluttery and rhinestones at the top that made it look shiny. Overall, the dress was elegant and it seemed both hands wanted it.
Ye Ying and Li Na had a stare-off. 'Who the hell is this?' is what they were both thinking not letting go the part of the dress each was holding.
Li Na got a notification at that moment and with a tight grip still on the dress checked it. She saw it was from Xiu Ying saying that she had gone to the restroom. She'd meet her soon.
Li Na and Ye Ting were like tigers fighting over the same piece of meat.
The store assistant finally noticed the exchange between the two and came over. "Ah, you young ladies have good taste. This is one of our new arrivals. It has only been on display for an hour." Then she turned her attention towards the two ladies.
"So, which of you would be buying this dress today?" to which they both answered, "I will" and "Me" at the same time. The store lady looked confused then noticed that these two weren't together. She stated apologetically "Sorry, only one piece is available now. So we need to know whom.
Ye Ying forced a smile. "Hi, there sister. You look fabulous today. Just let this one slide, please. If you want money, I can definitely give you after this. Just name your price." She expected Li Na to agree but was surprised at her answer.
"Pretty sister." she began. "Judging from your clothes, you obviously have more money than me. There are fancier dresses with even better clothes. Just leave this to me mm?"
Again, both were at a dead end. Ye Ying got tired of being nice. She tugged the dress once more but Li Na didn't let go. She frowned.
"Do you know who I am? Are you sure you want to offend me?" at that, Li Na's fighting spirit dimmed. It's true. She didn't know what family she was from but if she dare offended her, who knows what could happen. She looked at her one more time and then really looked at her face.
She found her familiar. She tried to pinpoint where she had seen her when realization struck and because of that, her grip on the dress loosened. Ye Ying thought she was scared and didn't see the anger that flashed through Li Na's face. She was the one with Zhang Wei.
She knew that she really couldn't offend her. To talk with someone like Zhang Wei, her family really isn't small. She knew she had lost this fight and stomped away. Ye Ying stood looking at her departing back with smugness. She turned to go pay for the dress.
Meanwhile, Xiu Ying was facing her own dilemma in the bathroom. She didn't bring any pads!!!.