Zhang Wei had to take a moment. His mother just called asking about a girl, and it couldn't be ye Ying because she and his mother are already acquainted. He was confused, so he asked, "Which lady are you talking about?"
His mother sighed. 'Which lady? Is he playing dumb, or does he think that we don't know?' She looed once again at Weixi, and Weixi nodded, showing she was confident. So, she tried again.
"Son, your sister told me that you had taken an interest in a lady that saved her."
She decided to just be upfront about it. She wasn't still entirely confident because she didn't know the situation. Her son may say a different story, so she didn't want to get too excited. Besides, she knows her son. His interest only lasts a while, lie a firework. It's there then it bursts, then it's gone.