Ye Ying tried to be calm, not to bring any attention to herself or the situation at hand. It could be new staff, a relative. 'It has to be. He wouldn't allow anyone into his personal space otherwise.' She smiled serenely like nothing was wrong. She was very curious to know who this woman was and whether she was a threat.
Zhang Wei stayed silent but was internally annoyed. She made no appointments, and just showed up. He decided not to mind her though. He led Xiu Ying inside, completely ignoring Ye Ying. His aim or objective today was not her. He did not want to deal with her today.
Seeing that she was ignored, Ye Ying was embarrassed. She looked around to see that no one was watching and caught a glance at the woman following him inside. She wasn't too bad looking. Of course, compared to her, she was still plain. She was going to find out who this woman was.