
I take another longing look backward at the cramped room that I spent more than a month in, I resolved myself and took the first step, delivering my equipment at the gathering supply carts before I met up with the others at the post's tavern for our final good meal before traveling.

I can't help but be a little bit anxious, nervous too. My entire life has been leading up to this point, I've put in so much effort just for this moment. I find myself doubting if this is really what I want, I know that I've very capable of killing, but I just don't know if I'll be able too. This is one of the few moments of my life where I've been afraid of my future.

I want Sir Richard watching over me, making sure that nothing bad occurs. I just keep thinking "What if I mess up? What If I fail? What if...."

As these thoughts shrowd my mind like a gathering tempest, someone clings to my arm and holds it to their chest.

"What's wrong? Why do you have such a troubled expression commander?" Rachel asks.

I look down into her emerald green eyes and my worries just kinda drift away, like they were thrown to the wind. Scattered far from my reach, and with it, came a calming lull. "Everythings going to be fine." I would make sure of it. I will protect them, they'll watch my back. So I don't have to worry anymore.

"Yeah, I was just thinking about how much money this meal is going to set me back." Which isn't a lie, I barely have any money, to begin with. So I'm going to have to pray that the others can split the difference, which is disappointing because I really wanted to treat all of them for their hard work.

"I see." She says unconvinced, "Well Its time to go to the tavern, do you mind if I accompany you?"

I smile warmly at her gesture, "It would be my pleasure." I say, truly meaning it. She returned my smile in kind and walked with me all the way to the tavern.

When we entered into the weathered-looking building hidden away in the corner of the post's wall searching for our squadmates, A pair of burly arms connected to Joseph and Mathew respectively flagged us down from a booth nestled in the corner of the tavern away from all the other occupants.

As we sat down I addressed all of them collectively.

"Guys I know things didn't start out the best, but all of you have far exceeded my expectations. I want to thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for accepting me and working as hard as all of you have. We're going to be the best squad in the 12 battalion, soon everyone's going to hear the name "Wisp Squad".

All the members gave a great shout, quickly quieted by the other occupants of the tavern. We just laugh quietly, then waited for someone to come to take our orders.

We exchanged pleasantries until Jake slyly asked me, "So where do you go off to at night commander, do you have a randevu with a sweetheart we don't know about? Or have you and Rachel just gone out to gaze into each other's eyes under the stars."

His impertinence catches me slightly off guard, but Rachel glares at him, readying to jump over the table and choke him. I grin at their display, it's too good.

I laugh easing some of the tension. "Actually I have trouble sleeping sometimes, so I outside the post to play my mandola. It's always helped me go to sleep and ever since she caught me one night." I give Rachel a sidelong eyebrow making her look down and fidget.

"She's started to come to listen to it when she couldn't sleep."

Jake and the other members express their surprise, He says. "Commander, I didn't know you could play the mandola, you don't really look like the type to."

Why does everyone think that? What's so surprising about that? Then Dontae asks.

"Do you have any other surprising talents commander? You know, other than exceptional swordsmanship, Magecraft, and mandola playing. Do you also sculpt in your spare time perhaps?" He says laced slightly with sarcasm, but also with a hint of curiosity.

I crease my brow for a second thinking. "I can speak 7 languages fluently, but that's about it."

Everyone's jaw, except Rachel's, drops. Dontae springs up pointing an accusatory finger and said.

"You're lying, right? There's no way your that talented, you didn't even go to an academy or a school or anything!"

Rachel intercedes, "No he's telling the truth, I thought the same thing at first, but he really can. Isn't he amazing?"

Everyone's attention shifts towards me, I suddenly become bashful under everyone's gaze. Thankfully the waitress saves me, she comes over.

"So what does everyone want to drink." She asks uninterested, looking at some parchment to write down our orders.

Joseph and Mathew both order ales, while Jake and Dontae order a hard cider. Rachel orders wine and I order a regular cider.

Jake looks at me in surprise, before saying. "Do you not drink commander? Even though its a special occasion."

I just shake my head. "I don't drink, I don't believe in it."

Jake just laughs it off. "Next you're going to tell me that you've never had s..."

"Nope." I finished "I'm still waiting for marriage."

Everyone looks at me with surprise, except Dontae who doesn't seem to enjoy this subject. Jake looks at me with more surprise then when I told him I could speak 7 languages. "You're waiting for ma...Why?" He asked purposely.

I just smile and lean back in my chair saying. "Because it's not something I can give." Everyone looks at me with confusion, I elaborate.

"God has someone made tailor-made just for me, and she's waiting. So If she's waiting for me, then I'll wait for her."

For some reason, Rachel looks down sadly but then looks up at me with an inspired expression.

"Christian, that is very noble of you. I don't think I've heard of anyone that devoted except for priests or monks. You're exceptionally impressive, whoever that girl is will be extremely lucky." She says passionately.

I again look down with embarrassment, then look up again and see Jake's eyes glistening with tears.

"That the most heartwarming thing I've ever heard." He says wiping tears from his eyes with his arm, looking quickly to see if anyone saw his lapse of manliness.

"Anyway," I say trying to get the attention off of me. "What about you guys, I want to know more about you."

Joseph was the first to answer. "Well, my brother and I are from the Lion's Guard Kingdom. We were born into Duke Brawn's household, we were his 7th and 8th child. We were always treated well but were always bored, a noble's life is not as exhilarating as one might expect. We would always skip tutoring lessons to go wrestle with the children in the slums close to our father's estate to elude boredom.

We have always been competitive, to say the least. We have had many competitions with each other, usually trivial things. Like who could put the most grapes in their nose and not die, who could stay underwater the longest and not die, who could wrestle a bear and not die, that's a story for another time. Yes, we were always a handful, especially when we were sent off to serve in the 5th battalion, under our father's Lionheart company."

Mathew continues. "Yes, remember when I challenged you to see who could eat the most food and the entire company forgoed eating for the rest of the week because we ate a month's rations in a single sitting.

It was almost like when we fought at the siege of Oraria and saw who could defeat the most demons with a ladle and a pot lid. I can still remember the cook's awed and infuriated expression when we returned their utensils completely bent and mangled. Yes, good times indeed."

I looked at Dontae hoping he would step in, I think these two could reminisce for the entirety of the meal if we allowed them to. Although the story about wrestling a bear does sound intriguing.

Dontae goes next. "I was born the son of a governor of a small town in the Dragerian Republic. My mother was a priestess that married my father after he saved her from a raid on the town while he was still a town guard. My mother was very skilled at healing magic and that imprinted on me, it made me want to become a great mage. Both my parents were very encouraging towards my dream, my father even pulled a few strings to get me an examination at the Magical Academy in the capital of the Lord's Union.

I worked very hard to graduate from the academy, even if I wasn't at the top of my class, It was a big achievement to graduate at all. I was sent to the mage battalion, but after trying to impress one of the other mages I accidentally released a huge fireball that I was showing her. The fireball completely destroyed a grand mage's tent, and I was demoted to this squad. It was completely unwarranted."

I displayed my disbelief with a stare, he relinquishes with a nod, knowing that It was most likely warranted.

Jake speaks up. "I.....I need to tell you guys sooner or later. I trust all of you and I want you to trust me, so I need to tell you why I was convicted. Unlike all of you, I never had my father around. Actually, I don't even know who he is, but I imagine that there are a lot of other kids that look like me, to put it simply.

The only family I had was my mother and my younger sister, who's real father and my stepfather died fighting in the war trying to provide money for us. We lived in the slums of the High Imperium capital, my mother worked as a seamstress to provide for us, as for the other job....well I didn't learn about it for quite some time and I don't really want to talk about it.

My mother did everything to provide for us, even If I was a bastard, she loved me with all her heart. I did everything I could to help my mother. I worked as an apprentice blacksmith for many years to help her with money. But eventually, we got into some debt trouble, then loaners started asking for more than we were able to pay and it just kept increasing.

Eventually, I had to join a gang under the loaners to do some of their dirty work so they would forgive some of our debt. I was forced to do many things that I will never forget, things that won't let me forget. I just did everything I was told to do, I couldn't bear to see my little sister doing what I was forced to do, or what my mother was forced to, so I put up with it.

I would become the best person under their fold, I could sneak into the castle, steal the crown right off the king's head, and walk right out with no one the wiser. There was no one better at my job than me, but I've killed people. I don't deny it, I've done terrible things just to protect my mother and sister. I know I'm a monster, but I hope one day I'll be able to put my old life behind me and atone somehow. I hope that after we get out of this was I can go back with enough money to free my sister and mother and move to some quiet country town and live simply.

One day on an "Enforcement" visit I would be ambushed by the city's watch and be imprisoned. I would learn that I was betrayed by my employers, I was becoming too dangerous to them apparently. I was framed with several fake and many real charges, most of them theft, and was sent to prison for two years. On my 19th birthday, I decided to serve to reduce my sentence, and now I'm here, with all of you.

The drinks arrive soon after Jake finishes, I grab my drink and encouraged the others to do the same, raising them in a toast. I look to Jake saying.

"Jake I'm sorry you've had such a terrible life, but we are all a squad, we're all family now. I have to trust each one of you with my back, so I hope that everyone will do the same for me. I can say from the bottom of my heart that I love all of you, I cherish our friendships, I..." My eyes tear up and I barely choke the next bit out.

"I never had a father or mother or a real family, I've only ever had my teacher. But to me, all of you are my family, so let's fight hard enough to accomplish all of our dreams."

Everyone was moved by my heartfelt declaration, together we clinked our glasses and enjoyed a final good meal together.