
I jumped down from the wall, my legs still shook slightly, but I've mostly recovered. My squad forms up behind me as I walk to meet the approaching platoon. The commander of the platoon separates himself and approaches me.

He wore a proud expression as he examined the pile of corpses at the foot of the gate. "Fine work, fine work indeed. The east and west side of the city is being infiltrated as we speak, we need to get to that mansion before they can rally a resistance. Your squad can return to the base camp now, your jobs here are done." He moved to rejoin his platoon, but I stop him.

"Sir, my squad and I would like to accompany you. There's no telling what kind of surprises there could be, you need all the support you can afford." My squad nodded in agreement, as they had when I asked before. I called for a vote and they all collectively decided to keep going, there was still work to do and they wanted to be the ones who did it.

The platoon commander smiled and saluted. "Then you better fall in line, that archdemon won't wait for us forever."

Our squad fell behind the rest of the platoon, protecting the rear. There were many bewildered civilians and a few confused demons running through the streets. The soldiers quickly cut down any opposition, while Dontae and I used [Bind] on any civilians dumb enough to be running around during a siege.

After a few minutes of marching through the chaotic streets plunged into turmoil, we arrived at the gates of the mansion. The platoon commander spoke a few words that I was too far away to hear and made a couple of gestures with his hands. A set of men hurried to fulfill their orders.

Three soldiers lined the gate and extended their hands towards it, then a great explosion erupted, causing the giant iron gate to be flung from its hinges on to the pristine grass of the estate. Without wasting a single moment the soldiers sprinted to the mansion, a few pulled out grappling hooks and climbed to the second and third floors, while a swath of men busted through the front door looking to clear the first floor for the awaiting others.

The platoon commander casually walked to us, saying. "Your squad can act as a reserve, but I doubt you'll need it, these are hardened veterans. It would take an army of demons to challenge my men."

I just nodded at his boasting and watched the platoon skillfully breach the solitary building. Everything seemed to be going well until a burst of flames erupted from a third-story window depositing a charred corpse that plummeted to the ground. The platoon leader's eyes filled with shock and concern, he looked to me pointing and said.

"You, your men, let's go." I nodded gravely and motioned for my squad to follow.

We and the remaining group of soldiers swiftly ascended the three stories and entering a large main room, that would be furnished generously if not for everything being burnt. Inside were the charred remains of the soldiers that had breached the building. The only remaining men from the platoon were the commanders and the few men that were accompanying him.

In the middle of the room was a lean demon dressed in a finely tailored suit with a pair of small rimmed glasses that housed eyes shining with amusement.

"So you're the commander of this little infiltration force, pitty, all of them are dead. So before I chare you to a crisp, do you and your men have any useful information. I promise I'll make your deaths painless if you do, but if not then I'll just have to take my time with one of you."

He looked over at Rachel perversely. "You seem like you could entertain me for a while." His face morphed into a sinister expression that displayed demonic delight. "I can't wait to hear your screams, I can already imagine how sweet they'll be."

I clenched my teeth as anger ignited within my chest, it fueling a burning fury that was yearning to overtake me. Sheathing my weapons and walked past the commander to the middle of the room, just in front of the archdemon. He said, "Oh, a worm dares to approach me. I don't know whether to commend your bravery or stupidity, so I'll just commend both."

I couldn't rush in a fiery rage, I use [Soul Eye] to see his stats before I tried anything. Nothing happened, fear gripped me momentarily, he has a higher Magecraft level than I do. That means it's at least higher than Lv. 8, there's no way I can beat him in a regular match. My mind races to find a way to beat him, he just wiped out an entire platoon with a single spell. I came up with a plan, a stupid and far-fetched plan that probably won't work, but it's our only chance.

If the archdemon has a higher Magecraft than me, then he has to be specialized in that area. I'm an unusual exception because Sir Richard trained me to be very well rounded, but I doubt he is. I need to provoke him so he'll fight me in hand to hand combat, but if I'm wrong, then we'll all die. Well here goes nothing.

I look to him unamused while cracking my knuckles. "That's some big talk for someone who's about to get their teeth knocked in."

He scoffs at me, flinging a finger in my direction with a disgusted expression. Not even willing to respond to my provocation. Suddenly a [Flame Inferno] raced to engulf me, I cast [Tempest Guard]. The flames enveloped me, the spell worked, but It was too powerful. I had to pore mana into my spell just to keep it active.

I walked through the sea of flame seemingly unscathed, trying desperately to hid how mana was drained from me. It was a good thing that [Mental Shield] was active, otherwise, I would be in some deep crap. I smiled dangerously at the bewildered archdemon in front of me while saying in the demon tongue.

"Anything else?" With a defiant tone that held a challenge within.

He started smiling hysterically with a maniacal expression, finding some cruel pleasure in a worthwhile opponent.

"Draw your weapons, but before you do, tell me your name. I want to know your name before I snuff out your life and torture your friends too death. As a courtesy for making my day a little more interesting."

I just glare at him while I rotate my arm to stretch out my shoulder. "I don't need my weapons to defeat you, like I said I'm going to knock your teeth in for threatening my subordinates. My name is Christian, remember to give god my thanks when you see him on your way to hell."

The demon started shaking with pleasure and excitement. "Yes, I haven't heard such bold words in many decades. I'll accept your conditions, no weapons just fists, those are your terms, yes?"

I nodded in agreement, I silently cast [Iron Skin], [Enhance Reflexes], [Quick Step], a few spells to help me end this fight quickly, not wanting to look at his face any longer.

He waits until I'm done, somehow knowing that that something has changed about myself. "Ready? let's go."

As soon as he said go he almost instantly closed our distance, rearing back to land a straight punch before I could put my guard up. I quickly sidestepped and threw a right hook aimed at his head. He ducked under and used the power from his legs to propel an uppercut, but I swiftly leaned my head back to avoid it. We were about equally matched when It came to speed, so it would come down to strength and strategy.

As he was coming down from his uppercut I roundhouse kicked at the side of his head. I felt it connect and grinned in triumph, but when I tried to pull back my leg it was stuck. The demon caught my leg before the kick landed, panic threatened to overtake me, I had to fight back the rising tide of fear and focus on the fight at hand.

With my leg confined in his right hand, he used his left to drive a hard blow below my belt. I was blown backward having the wind knocked from me. He wasted no time, pushing his advantage, throwing jabs at my guarded face that made my arms numb from the power behind them. He laughed sinisterly with every blow.

"Where's that bravado now? Can't you see how outclassed you are? Once I'm done with you, your friends will be defenseless. Can't you see how powerless they are? You were their only chance at salvation, but you're going to die. How does it feel, do you feel terrified? Just give up and I'll give..."

I land a quick jab on his nose, then a right hook stunning him. Spitting I say. "You talk too much for a dead man."

He becomes furious, seeming to not have much tolerance for punches or insulant worms like myself. He began throwing haymakers recklessly, lost in his rage. I avoided all of them easily, allowing him to exhaust himself. His breathing became ragged and his mighty blows became fewer, with this I let loose.

I let him throw a jab, I avoided it, ducking under and driving my right fist with the power from my legs into his rage distorted face. He flew backward, landing on the ground. I didn't allow him to recover, I threw calculated jabs, left and right hooks, then finally a gut punch that made him crumple to the ground breathless.

I kicked him, making him fall on his back. Sitting on his chest I threw punch after punch at his unguarded face until it was a bloody pulp, undistinguishable from the sharply dressed demon before. I withdrew fatigued, swaying from side to side. Then spit on the demon's face saying.

"A wise man told me, "A man that attacks blinded by his rage is already dead." I guess he was right." I walked away as the remaining soldiers restrain the senseless archdemon while I approached my squad.

They looked at me with concern in their eyes, I smiled at them with my bruising face in an attempt to quell their worries. Successfully failing. The commander caught my attention saying.

"Good work Sir Christian, you took out a demon that slaughtered my entire platoon with your bare hands. I think I've witnessed history in the making, just know the higher-ups will be hearing of your deeds. Thank you for saving our lives and what remains of my men, you have all of our gratitude. I think you and your squad are spent, my men and I will accompany you back to the base camp so you can rest."

I smiled wearily at my squad, then to the commander, saying. "With all due respect sir, we're not done. There's still work to be done and I won't allow my squad to stop on my behalf. So don't worry about me, I've lived through much, much worse."

The commander looks at me with concern and tries to pull rank, but stops short seeing the determination in my eyes. He just shakes his head while smiling and says.

"If that's what you want I have no reason to argue, I'd like to reward you for your outstanding achievement, but it seems like your too dutiful to accept that when there are enemies to slay. You're going places son, just don't overextend yourself, know your limits."

I give him a knowing look saying. "Trust me, I do, and I'm nowhere near them."