
The night passed and when dawn broke I gathered everyone, then we reported to Lt. May as early as was possible. He gave more detailed instructions after we arrived, we would attack from the east. He assigned Dontae to the fire support group and the rest of us to the vanguard. Before we left to equip ourself Lt. May said.

"It seems like the other squads aren't as diligent as yours is, don't worry about them. Just commence your attack and they'll come and give you support when they can. It's not that big of an operation, so you should be fine commencing the initial attack by yourselves."

I saluted and said. "Yes, Sir. Well, take out that outpost before reinforcements can even get there."

With a hollow smile, he only said. "Good." With the same tone as before. I just can't place it, his tone and expression are freaking me out. It's setting off warning bells, but I guess we're all under some kind of stress. I shouldn't question it, he did lose his entire platoon right before his eyes, so maybe that's it. We were dismissed and arrived at the armory and everyone started equipping their armor and weapons. I was already wearing my custom armor and had my weapons strapped on, so there was really no need. I was observing my men as they were preparing when the armorer got my attention, he beckoned me closer saying.

"You're that squad commander that defeated the archdemon right?" I nodded, he continued.

"My nephew was assigned to Lt. May's battalion and died trying to secure the mansion. When I first heard I was devastated, I had no idea what I was going to tell his father, but then I heard that you took on the archdemon by yourself and beat him into a pulp. I want to thank you for avenging my nephew and giving his father solace that his death wasn't for naught. Here." He presented a small rectangular plate with a miniature crossbow mounted on it encased in mechanical parts that only exposed the very edges of the bow. Giving it a sleek and concealable design.

"His father is a well-known inventor, he sent this for his son to use. It's a miniature crossbow that attaches to your forearm." He presented it to me, I was hesitant at first, but he was insistent so I stuck out my arm and allowed him to attach the device to the bottom of my forearm.

"This is his finished design, so it's very durable and easy to maintain. I know it's not a lot, but it's all that I can give you as thanks for avenging him. Think of it as thanks from all the lives you saved, and gratitude for those you didn't." The puggy armorer gave me an earnest and heartfelt expression, thanking me from the bottom of his heart. I smiled with gratitude, silently promising to use it to help save even more lives.

He said one final thing. "Here is the supply of bolts that his father sent with it, they come in a metallic cartridge that can hold up to five bolts before needing to be replaced." He gave me about ten cartridges, all brimming with a miniature, but deadly bolts.

"You attach it to the bottom of your forearm and fire it by squeezing the two protrusions at the back of the device. It cannot have a bolt loaded if you want to change cartridges, but when you do change them you have to push the indented button on the side of the device for the cartridge to be released, then it can be replaced by another.

To reload you just have to pull the handle back until it locks into place."He looks to my side and sees my squad waiting for us to finish our conversation. He says with a hurried tone. "Good luck commander, I pray for your protection. Be careful as you conquer your enemies, and trust no one but god. Remember that." He quickly returns to his work and I rejoin my squad's company.

We traveled east through the woods until we were on the outskirts of the village. I used [Enhance Vision] to scout the encampment from afar. I saw a maximum of 10 demons scattered throughout the town. They were seemingly relaxed, not expecting to be assaulted, which always works to our advantage. I turned to the others and announced my plan.

"Under a cloak, we will get as close to the town as possible without being spotted. I want all of you to hide until I'm discovered. I'll go through the town and take out as many demons as I can without raising suspicion, but don't come out until I give the signal or they discover me. Simple enough?"

They all nodded, trusting my judgment, so we started. Under [Light Refraction] we slowly made our way to the village, until we arrived at an empty barn. I dissolved the spell and they all moved into position, setting up to ambush anyone that entered the barn. Dontae used [Hightened Sense] and [Detect Presence] to monitor the situation.

I cast [Light Refraction], [Soft Step], and [Erase Presence], then silently walked through the town. I stopped close to a smithy and watched for a few moments. There were groups of two patrolling through the town, six of the ten demons I saw were patrolling, while the remaining four were camped around a fire talking and drinking. I waited silently, observing their patrol patterns, then eventually I made my move on a pair that was going around a large building across from me.

I crouched walked undetectably until I could reach out and touch them. "Let's test out this new toy." I thought. I armed the miniature bow, then extended my arm towards the demon of the right side. Before they could continue on their patrol, I squeezed the end of the device until I heard a small click. I felt the recoil from the released quarry, then embedded fletching in the back of his neck was the only sign I hit my target.

The demon cried out in agony or would cry out if the bolt hadn't punctured his vocal cords resulting in him only able to make a choking gurgle. The demon on the left side noticing the sound looked at to the dying companion. He stood there motionless in shock, jumping up I drew my dagger while covering his mouth and slit his throat before he could recover and raise an alarm.

Two down, I retrieved the blood-covered bolt and store it in a utility pouch, I would clean it when this operation was over. My [Light Refraction] dissipated as soon as my hand covered his mouth, that's one of the downsides of the spell. When your body makes contact with something not under the veil, then the spell fails and dissipates.

I cast [Light Refraction] again, hoping no one witnessed the small window where I was visible. I couldn't do anything with the bodies, I didn't have time, I moved to the next location where I predicted another demon patrol.

They passed roughly when I predicted and I rinsed washed and repeated. I took out the second patrol, then the third with similar results. Until only the demons near the campfire remained, I blew a faint whistle so faint that only someone with [Hightened Sence] could hear.

After dispelling [Light Refraction] I was quickly surrounded by my squadmates, I then pointed in the direction of the campfire and motioned in a circular fashion with my finger. They understood the predetermined signal and moved to encircle the remaining four.

After a few minutes, the demons were surrounded, with none the wiser. I raised my fist aimed at a demon with its back to me, squeezing the trigger, the small projectile found its way into the back of the demons head. Following without a seconds hesitation, a deadly firebolt embedded itself into a demon's chest killing him instantly.

The remaining two stood up in confusion, yelling useless warnings and alerts to the dead patrol members. As one of them called out for his comrades, he stopped and looked down to see Rachels's sword protruding from his stomach, then voicelessly, he crumpled to the ground.

The last demon in a final act of desperation launched a fireball high into the air to call for support from anyone that remained before promptly being cut down by Joseph. With all the demons dead, a moment of peace came. Suddenly weary, I slumped against the wall of a cottage, taking a breath as my adrenaline started wearing off.

Suddenly I heard a shuffle from behind, looking back I saw the frame of a fleeing demon, one that we must have missed. "Crap!" I exclaimed, looking to my squad I said. "I'm going to kill him before he can get away, can you guys wait until the other squad gets here?" I know there's a risk in separating, but I have to stop that demon before he gets away. They should be ok until the others arrive, I just need to kill him and get back before any demons in the area respond to that emergency signal.

Turing, I said. "I'll be right back, protect the village until our reinforcements arrive." Casting [Enhance Body] I ran swiftly to pursue the fleeing demon. After a few minutes, I was heaving with exhaustion, [Enhance Body] makes you faster, but it uses the same amount of energy it would take to run that distance. I'm used to running hard for long distances, but with the added weight of my equipment and my spell quickly draining my energy, I don't know how much further I can run.

Even If the demon got a head start, I was quickly overtaking him. I eventually got close enough to effectively use my wrist-bow. I aimed hastily and fired, the shot aimed at his back went wide, but still traveled towards his shoulder. But suddenly bolt was directed away but a gust of wind. "Crap, he has [Wind Plate] active, that means I'll have to use a spell."

Thinking quickly, I cast [Light Lance] and it passes right through him, leaving only a hole where his heart was, killing him instantly. I stood there, allowing my ragged breathing to return to its natural rhythm. As I rested a second calm subsided over me, the quiet rustling of the wind was the only sound in the open plains, until a blood curtailing cry echoed through the quiet plains, breaking the silence.

Fear instantly gipped me and terror ran rampant through my mind. I sprinted back to the village with any weariness forgotten, replaced by intrinsic fear. I ran faster than I thought my legs could take me, the sound of my ragged breathing quiet compared to the cry replaying again and again in my mind.

Because the voice that echoed throughout the plains belonged to Rachel.