
The rest of the week passed quickly, I allowed myself to completely recover my strength before we travel, but that was really just an excuse to spend more time with Lili. I'm extremely grateful for her company, her energetic and positive personality made the week pass in what seemed like mere moments.

She cared for me as I recovered and we used the time to get to know each other, on the last night of the week, I sat near her on a cot in the cobblestone house and listened to her as she told me about her life.

Lili is the youngest daughter of Rodrick Moon Claw, the chieftain of the Moon Claws clan. Her clan, while few in numbers, was one of the most powerful clans in the beast tribe. The beast tribe itself is made of many different races and types of animal people, ranging from the cat people, all the way to the rabbit people. Their populace is one of the most diverse races that exist in this world.

The story of the Moon Claws begins on the demon continent, where their ancestors lived. Specifically, they resided in the harsh Itami Mountains on the southern part of the continent, these mountains are infamous for being completely inhospitable. They supposedly hunted snow mountain goats and snowshoe rabbits to survive but also lived on a diet of Aronia berries and an assortment of nuts they could collect. The only other animals that lived in the mountains were snow bears and moon wolves, I asked her why they never hunted the bears or wolves. Her response was interesting.

"The snow bears were said to take an entire party to kill a single one, and they usually traveled in groups of 3 to 4, so it was very dangerous to hunt them. As for the wolves." She stopped momentarily to think, trying to collect the right words to clearly explain. "You could say that they were sacred to the tribe, they were bred and the wolves accompany them were ever they went. There was an extremely close bond between the members of the clan and the snow wolves. A child would receive a snow pup at their first cycle and would grow up with it, but they would never receive another wolf, even if theirs died."

A little perplexed by this I asked. "Why's that? They use them for hunting, right? So wouldn't it make more sense to just replace ones that die?"

She shook her head and said. "The bond between a snow pup and the Moon Claw ancestors was sacred, it was believed that the two's hearts were connected. So the bond between a Moon Claw hunter and its wolf was extremely close, and Moon Claws were probably the best hunters that have ever existed, they could hunt for weeks across the entire mountain range and find the exact prey they were searching for." She then started talking about their history.

"Over time, surviving in such a dangerous environment made them extremely powerful. Their senses were heightened three times that of a regular beastman and they were much stronger as well. They were also one of the few ancient civilizations to have practiced magic, see they were very skilled in using light magic. They could imbue their claws with light, lining the edge causing them to be extremely sharp." She showed her hand, then blades of light extended from her fingernails

"We still do something similar, but we don't actually have claws like them anymore, that's where they earned the name Moon Claws. Their claws and the moon were the only things that shone at night, and everyone knew to run if you saw their glow. They were fairly decent at light magic, partially because the clan would create lights that would join the night sky whenever there was an aurora borealis. Creating a beautiful display of natural lights and diverse miniature stars that joining the night sky for a brief moment displaying their might, showing their ranks and counting them amongst the stars."

She propped her head up with her elbows and said while smiling. "I think that was the most interesting thing that I learned, my mother used to tell us about them before we went to sleep. Our clan takes pride in our history, I doubt there's anyone in the beast tribe that doesn't know about it.

But back to history, eventually, the clan had a terrible famine that caused them to have to come down from the mountains. Most of the snow wolves died and had to be freed, so hardly any kept theirs as they descended the mountain. This is around when the demons were uniting all the other beast races against the humans and others. So to feed ourselves and help spread our name we drove back the humans, killing hundreds of them and conquering the demon continent for all beast races."

I paled slightly, she chuckled nervously and apologized. "Sorry, forgot you're human too." I smiled and said "That's really interesting, I never knew about you clans roots. Thank you for sharing their history with me, I really enjoyed it."

She lifted her head smugly and grinned proudly. "But of course, it would be a crime not to enlighten others of our incredible awesomeness." I looked at her cringing playfully.

I changed the subject. "I know about your clan, but I still don't know too much about your history."

She jumped at the chance to talk about herself, but then again, I would probably do the same. "Well as a member of the Moon Claws clan royal family, I had to meet a lot of high expectations. I'm ashamed to say, but I was actually not that kind as a child. I felt so powerless under all the scrutiny and high expectations, so I used what power I did have on those weaker than me.

My father was always busy taking care of the clan and my mother was always taking care of my older siblings, so I started lashing out. As a child I was arrogant and cruel, I would go around demanding things of other children and if a kid didn't give in, then I would threaten them by saying. "My father's the head of the clan." And I would threaten their parent's positions, this was very effective, but eventually, my father caught wind of it.

Even if they were busy people, they were loving parents that cared deeply for all of their children, father was wiser than I give him credit for, he knew that I was doing all of it for attention and because I felt powerless. So he sent me to train under one of his companions, I served in the demon army at the bottom of the food chain, doing all the grunt work, I was forced to learn humility and quite a few different useful skills.

I came to love the army, I met many different people and made many friends. But over the course of the war I would see many of them die. I've seen many of my comrades die before my eyes, and I was unable to do anything but close their dead eyes." She said slightly emotional.

I had to force back my own emotions, war is too similar, its terrible for both sides. "But I've learned to cherish their memories and not dwell in the past. There was a period of time where I lost myself to my rage, I killed hundreds of humans indiscriminately, but I found I hated myself more for what I did. So I learned to live with my pain and eventually It started to fade."

I sit there quietly in my own thoughts, the memories of my friends flooded back to me. I gripped my hands and my nails dug into my palms, their memories filling me with sadness and pain momentarily. Suddenly warmth enveloped my hand and those memories retreated back deep inside me. I looked down to see Lili holding my hand in hers, looking at me with a worried expression. I smiled trying to calm her worries, I said.

"I'm ok Lili, really I am." I changed the topic quickly. "So how old are you Lili? If you don't mind my asking." She continued to hold my hand while she looked away in thought. "My birthday was a few months ago, so let's see..... about 36 cycles."

My jaw dropped, I started to shake as started to mumble. "'re.."

She interrupts by saying, "So I guess that would be about 18 years for you, beastmen count in cycles which happen twice a year."

I released a sigh of relief and smiled to myself. She grinned playfully, and said while poking my cheek. "What? You thought I was 36? Do you not like older women?"

I flustered saying. "What?! Of course not! I am a man of virtue, any way you're my more my type. I mean you're eyes are so pretty, I get lost in them every time I gaze into them, they're like little blue galaxies filled with shimmering stars. Every time you smile at me with those perfect white teeth I get butterflies." I was going to say more, but Lili went behind me and covered my mouth. I looked back expecting her to be mad from my teasing, but her cheeks were flustered and she couldn't look me in the eyes.

When she noticed my staring, she started hitting my back saying. "D..Don't look back, it's embarrassing. You did that on purpose, didn't you!" I looked forward and shielded my head from her harmless blows, but suddenly she wrapped her arms around me, pinning mine to my side. Then she laid her head against my back, I could feel the warmth radiating from her face.

"Did you mean any of that? Tell me the truth, I'll smell it on you if you try." She said quietly.

"Crap." I think, "She can smell if people lie?" I don't know if she's bluffing or not, but I answer honestly anyway.

"I'm telling the truth, I think you're beautiful. It's what I've thought ever since I first saw you, I'm telling the truth!" I exclaim, trying to prove my innocence.

"You're not lying." She says in a matter of fact tone. "Wait, you can actually smell when I'm lying?" She wraps me a little tighter and said. "No, but I would have known if your heart started racing."

I notice the beating of my own heart, but it wasn't beating any faster than when she first grabbed me. I can also feel the beating of her heart as she's leaning against me, it's racing faster than mine.

I swallow a dry gulp and she says. "You'll regret it if you're misleading me, I've always been good on my word." I believe her, but It seems like I'm in a difficult position anyway. She rests her chin on my shoulder as she holds me from behind. "I've never been that good with guys, many of the ones that I was interested in died during the war. Even when they offered me to spend a night in their tent I....never mind, what I was getting at was that I think you're awesome too."

She lets go and slides back, she pulls me back, making me lean back, laying my head on her lap. I gazed up at her as she smiled at me fondly with glimmering eyes.

"When you first approached me I couldn't believe how stoic and cool you looked, I took a lot to keep my composure, but I knew you were enemy so I had to fight you. When you beat me, you stood by and protected me. I know I shouldn't have, but I felt safe. When we were escaping I was continuous the entire time, with every step towards the end I would think. "This is where he's going to fall, or there's no way that he can go any further, he's exhausted." But even then you kept going for our sake." She unconsciously stroked my face with her hands as she spoke.

"I'll be frank with you, I'm not that experienced with men. I was always a nervous wreck whenever someone said they were interested in me, I don't really know that much. But I always thought about love, I've always longed for my soulmate and I knew deep down that there was someone waiting for me. I would fantasize about what he'd look like or what he'd be like, I always thought he would be intelligent and strong. He'd be interesting and would be an amazing cook." She noticed my brow raise at that, she chuckled slightly nervous.

"Ok, I really just didn't want to have to cook. Is that really such a bad thing?" I laughed, somehow expecting that from her. She smiled at my laughter, it was beautiful.

"Anyway, I... I don't know I can't get over this feeling. I find myself staring at you, mesmerized at times, and whenever you laugh it makes me feel warm like everything feels better. I can't get over you, this entire time being anywhere near you has filled my stomach with butterflies, but still, when I'm around you I feel" Wearing a meaningful expression I listen carefully to her. She laughs nervously.

"I know this is probably weird for you, I'm just rambling on and on. I should have waited a while to tell you this, I mean we've just met each other. I'm just jumping to conclusions, sorry, just ignore all this." She tries to get up, but I reach my hand up and place it on the side of her cheek. I sit up and bring her face close, closing my eyes I bring her lips to mine.

Her lips are so soft and warm, it feels so wonderful. Like the peace and warmth of a campfire on a summer night, her scent's like fresh pine and a crisp forest breeze all washing onto me seamlessly. That single kiss lasted what seemed like hours, but after only a few seconds, with effort I pulled back saying.

"I feel the same way, you're right it is weird, but I fell for you at first sight. I've only known you for a little while, but it feels like we've known each other for a lifetime. I..... I really do like you, I feel an attraction to you." I stare right into her eyes and say.

"I think you're my soulmate."

Her face flusters and she looks around nervously but smiles childishly, she stares at the ground says shyly. "I think you're mine too." I smile coyly and ask. "What was that? Can you say that louder? I couldn't hear you." She pouts cutely with folded arms and says, "Well I'm not saying it now."

I plead with puppy dog eyes, and eventually she caves. "Fine! You're a very attractive person that I think I have a future with. I feel an attraction to you that I've never felt with anyone else, my heart beats faster when I'm with you, I love the little smile you make whenever you don't think anyone's looking at reaches the corners of your mouth making a slight dimple. It makes me smile helplessly when I see your enthusiasm for cooking a dish you like and I adore how you listen and pay attention to me when I'm talking to you. There are so many little things I like about you, and so many things I want to learn. I want to be with you."

I'm speechless, she laid herself bare before me. She made her feelings clear and took a risk showing me her heart, she's the one, I can feel it. I stand there as she fidgets nervously awaiting my response, I step closer, embracing her. I hug her tightly and say.

"I like you, I want you to know that. I don't want you to be confused about where I stand, because I feel the exact same way for you. I don't have anyone to confide in, everyone I care about has died, or are far away. I want to trust someone, I need to trust someone because I've been so lonely. I was so lonely, I thought of ending my life, I didn't know what I would do next. I'm so glad I met you Lili, and I don't want anyone but you. But if we're hasty, then we might rush into something that neither of us is ready for. Neither of us are experienced in love, so let's grow together as friends so we can become something greater."

I let go and put my hands on her shoulders as I gaze seriously into those endless mountain blue eyes of hers. "We both know where each other stands, we both like each other. Like I said before, let's just take it slow, and enjoy the journey, ok?" I ask hopefully, she nods happily and jumps into my chest hugging me tightly.

That night we fell asleep in each other's arms, it was the first time I didn't hear those voices in my dreams. The first night where nightmares didn't plague my dreams. And the first night I felt at peace.