You can say I'm a typical teenager. I play video games, go to high school, work, and play some sports, all the normal stuff. Teachers consider me a good student because I don't disrupt class and get my work done correctly and in a timely manner. I'm pretty much a straight-A student taking honors and advanced placement classes. Not the most popular guy in the world mostly due to the fact that I'm basically a mute. I don't like talking to people because they are either annoying or just seeking attention. Most of the time they just want my opinion or need help. To which I respond with, nods or to go ask somebody else. I am technically a role model student in almost every aspect. I have played or done and even raced every sport under the sun before I turned 16. I was pretty much good at anything I tried. I have learned a few types of martial arts, but mostly for self-defense. A Guinness some would say. All that attention and affection talk makes me sick. Being in physical shape is a byproduct of doing all those sports 2 if not more at a time. Note that I did all of that to try and find something I liked.
One thing unique about me though is that I often feel like hobbies become boring much faster than I can find new ones. They usually last 2-3 weeks, but in the case I really like it I can get burnt out in a few days from overuse. Because of that, I have many 'useful' skills that have no meaning for life in general. Whether it be computer programming, carpentry, engineering, and even biology, What do all of these things show for in our current world? Nothing. They mean absolutely nothing. The world and its economy are run by point-one percent. Like the saying goes the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. It's honestly boring and tiring.
Not too long ago I started reading manga and webtoons and even venturing into light novels. The idea of an 'Isekai' is kinda cliched beyond repair. The first couple I read were pretty good with the interesting storyline and characters, but all seemed to have one thing in common. The idea of levels. It's either a game system with invisible windows nobody else can see or broken characters that are too overpowered for the story to be any good. Another thing that makes me annoyed, is the women or men that the character meets. For f*cks sake just pick one. You don't need 10 significant others. It all seems far fetched, but at the same time based on the theory of quantum physics it is in fact possible.
Recently I have been getting into yo-yo and balisong tricks. The way the yo-yo string and actual hunk of metal spins are oddly satisfying. It's funny how this current conversation is being held inside my head with no real response. It is kind of making me lose focu..* clunk * Everything went black for maybe a second before appearing in an all-white room. Wait a minute this seems very familiar… For the love of god please do not be what I think this is.
An elderly humanoid figure suddenly pops into existence right before me. * swoosh * It didn't really surprise me it was more of an expected surprise party so you kind of has to act surprised. The figure spoke in a monotone form of speech, like the way I talk really, that was not identifiable by either a man nor a woman. [So you really already know what's going on. Huh?] I Flippin called it. [Yeah, for some reason I do not want to mention, I will need your participation in another world.] Okay makes sense kind of. I guess it does in relation to the stories I have read. [Wow. You're not even surprised I can read your thoughts. Impressive.] Not really surprised by this whole ordeal in general. So what do I have to do? Defeat the demon lord, save a country, save a race, or just be there? [Nailed it on the head. I just want you to be there. Your skills you have learned here will be much more useful in that world than this one. So do you want to accept?] I mean anything will probably be better than what I am doing right now, to be honest. The figure starts to grin slowly in the most malicious way I have ever seen. Almost looking inhuman as the smile reaches from cheek to cheek. [Talk to you when you find out what you are meant to do. Bye-bye. Have fun.] * zippp * I am now slightly regretting that decision I just made.