chapter 6

After calming down, Sarah then tried to sleep, resting her arms in her face to cover her eyes with. She remembered for some unknown reason her childhood best friend, wasn't she used to nickname him Will too? Maybe she let her guards down near that man for this subconscious matter. With sopping eyes she said,

'But my Will was the best gentleman in the world, spare this subject my lord for this unforgettable matter.'

After being so dramatic and extra, Sarah gained her composed self, after all this childhood best friend was a fantasy that happened only in her dreams. She sighed and closed her eyes, she didn't know when she slept, but she remembered glitches from their first encounter in her dreams.

Will was at someone's funeral, someone who he considered very close to, he didn't cry back then, standing in the corner all alone without greeting the elders, many malicious comments attacked him because of this attitude, nicknames started to rise such as ruthless person, but Sarah knew the amount of pain in his eyes, she just knew it, her intuition told her, Sarah then went to him, tapped his shoulder and said what Samanda told her before.

"It's true that losing loved ones in human life is painful, but as long as their beliefs and values settle deep down in one's heart, then they are still alive."

"Everything will be fine."

Will then turned to look at the doll face beside him, a little girl who sat near him showing from nowhere.

He didn't answer, but Sarah knew exactly what he meant, she always had the ability to pretty much guess what people think or feel reading only their faces, then she changed her tapping hand position into one smack, it did not hurt of course because it held so little force, but the teenage boy looked confused, with raging feelings he was silenced by the girl next words.

"Age doesn't matter when it comes to wisdom, impudent. What's wrong with accepting genuine advice?"

The teenager was going to proceed talking but he then preferred to not waste his energy, he wondered where that girl came from.

"Right now .. did you think it's a waste of your energy to speak with me?"

The teenage boy's eyes were surprised for a second, until it got back to its original state, he then said with a light unclear smile, facing down his head.

"Thank you my lady."

"Your welcome, will"

Sarah felt victory from this conversation, she completed:

"I am going to call you will, because even through the sadness, I still can since a will to fight in your eyes."

With no declines or any spoken words they kept sitting beside each other in silence.

Sarah then opened her eyes slightly, to see herself in the hospital room again.

She sighed .. 'So it wasn't one of my random dreams.'

Speaking of dreams, it's been a long time since she dreamed about the funeral dream with the teenage nick named Will. She went to the bathroom to wash her face, apparently the first day of being in this body has come to an end.


She stood in front of the glass window in her room, the scene was amazing with all the night lights in the garden, she breathed with a relaxed tone and then went to bed again, always the hardest stage in the journey, is the beginning. When she felt little ease, she prepared to sleep.

She remembered what happened for the last time, this time she was evaluating her actions, there is a high possibility that her character is different from the original owner.. In many aspects.

Then there is no other choice, the people around her should get used to it. She trusts her abilities that would lead to great results, as long as she doesn't hurt someone.

From another aspect, It's obvious that the old Sarah doesn't quite have a good relation with her family.

'Bullying it's not a far outcome, I guess it has a relation to why she went to the hospital.'

After the silence took place in the room, Sarah recalled the events and spoke in a serious way.

"Am I really in the novel? Same names, same sets and events."

'poor me, my lovely soul, my pure innocent heart, my delicate body.. Am I horribly gonna face an evil step-mother, scheming younger sister, heartless father who will abandon me.. Oh my! I can't imagine.'

'Uh.. who I am kidding.. That's what I want! Finally some actions in my boring routine life, I am fully excited.'

Even though Sarah prepared her heart, she did not expect what was going to happen next, arriving in the main hall of her house after she departed from hospital the next day, Sarah was left with surprising expressions.

Before hours ago, she first passed the black gates, then minutes later she reached the mansion's door going through a long road with greens and trees. Sarah expected that the body's owner was rich, but this exceeded her imagination. Her family must be one of the wealthiest families in the region. Does that mean her family members will be more shameless?

The more money you have, the more viciously you get?

She then entered the mansion's hall, the maids and workers asked for her to eat at the dining table, she agreed peacefully and went right away, now it was the time to meet her family members.

In the dining table, she only saw one person eating at the dining room, an old quiet man, she was confused, however gently reaching to her seat, she started to eat, glancing at all the angles.. She then took a final glance at the old man with her.

"I would like to apologize for not visiting you during your hospitalized period, I was on a business trip and arrived a couple of hours ago, I believe though you wouldn't care about such a small matter."

He paused a moment before he complete saying,

"I knew also that your fiance came to visit, remember to thank him later."

'Fiance then huh? thank you for the info, I guess he is my grandpa? His way of talking .. it's a bit formal, does he train soldiers? but I know when a man truly means what he says or not, he seems like a nice person'

"Don't bother, thank you for your concern."

Sarah kindly answered with a beautiful eye smile,

"Also I made sure to thank him."

However she was acting like an adorable girl, she cut forcefully a piece of her meat when she said the last sentence, remembering an awful event.

After a moment of thought, she decided to wander all around the mansion after eating, reaching the mansion hall, Sarah was shocked.

Apparently, there were no other family members beside her grandpa and her, she checked the photos, the rooms, the supplements bought.

It all led to the same final outcome, there is no evil step-mother, scheming younger sister, heartless father who will abandon her, none!

"What? Where is the action then? But the novel.. It has the same characters name including me, the fiancee, the fiance's secretary, the grandfather, the main family butler.. But the consequences of the actions it's far.. Right now the female lead should have a step-mother and younger sister, but in this world they simply don't exist!"

Sarah couldn't know what is happening anymore.