Why Mei?

The next day was a blur. Taki didn't know what to do. He just sat at his desk clutching his head, trying his best not to cry. "Mei, Mei, Mei... Why did you do it?" He said with a trembling voice as he looked at his phone which was laying on top of his desk. Everyone was dismissed for the day, no one knew what to say or do.

Taki's assistant Jade knocked on the door, trying to get Taki's attention but he was too deep in thought and misery. "Sir?" Jade called out instead as he looked at Taki's pitiful figure. "Why haven't you gone home?" Taki asked in a feeble voice. "I couldn't.... I couldn't when I know... I know how much she meant to you sir..." Jade said as his eyes turned red again.

"You mean all of us." Taki corrected. "... Whatever you say s-sir." Jade replied as he sniffed back some tears. "Go home Jade." Taki said as his voice cracked. Jade nodded his head and quietly left the room. Taki watched as Jade closed the door behind him as his vision started to blur again. "I have to move past this.... I'm getting married tomorrow." Taki said to himself as tears spilled downwards.

"Ting Ting is the most important person to me..." He told himself but he couldn't trust in his own words. His heart hurt too much. He sobbed into his hands, tears escaping and hitting the screen of his smartphone. It showed that he had one missed call from Mei.

She even left a voicemail but Taki was too much of a coward to listen to it. He vowed to treasure the voicemail until he could finally grow a pair of balls to listen to it. "Mei, sniff, sniff, sniff, if I, sob, a-a-ans-s-swered... would you, you, you, sniff, sniff, sniff, s-still be alive?"


Taki didn't know how he did it but he made it to the next day and actually got married. He made it through the ceremony, he made it through his reception, he had his first dance with his new wife, partied with family and friends and even carried his new bride over the thresh hold but he was pretty much a smiling zombie.

It was finally his long awaited wedding night and he needed to get ready. As he took off his clothes in the bathroom his chibi angel and devil appeared. "It's human to mourn." The angel started off. "But dude! Your wife is in the other room!" The devil shouted. "Ya but... Should I be this happy when someone I knew committed suicide?" Taki asked in a low voice.

"You know G*d has a plan with everyone of his children." The angel said gently as he hugged Taki's face. "No one can stop someone who has made up their minds. Especially if they go they way she did." The devil sighed as he sat down and leaned against Taki's other cheek. "Are you comforting me too?" Taki asked in a hock tone. "I may be a devil but I have feelings too." The devil said.

The three stood in silently in front of the mirror as they mourned Mei. "Alright that's enough now. Go Shower and be the beast I know you can and wanna be!" The devil said as he slapped his own knee. "And he's back." The angel said as he shook his head. "Thanks guys, I needed that." Taki said before jumping into the shower.

When Taki was done he walked into the master bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. "Ting Ting." He called out as he brushed his wet hair back with a single hand and posed. His elder brother Satsu had told him that this little trick, could get Ting Ting's heart pumping but Ting Ting was distracted by something else.

She was sitting in their bed looking at phone, completely glued. "Ting Ting, what are you," Taki started to say as he moved in closer but stopped talking the moment he heard Mei's voice coming from the phone.

"I'm sorry Taki. If Kei never pointed it out I would have never realized... I love you. I have always loved you and now I know that you will never be mine.... I am doomed to be alone, writing romance novels, ironic isn't? Dreaming of the perfect love but never realizing the one I always dreamt about was my best friend and boss. I actually thought that if you picked up this phone call it meant that I still have a chance, that fate was not that cruel but..."

"But you didn't pick up... That's it then... That is the answer that fate has given me and I have to accept it. Kei's words hurt, you not answering me hurt, living my life just to write stories to make others dream about what they could find... hurts. Everything hurts, even living... I know now we were just never meant to be and have been just putting off something that has been... inevitable. Especially for someone like me.... Good bye Taki, I will always love you."

BANG! The sound echoed in Taki's mind. It was his fault. If he didn't take a shower, no if he didn't put his phone on silent, no if he just realized how she still lived in that darkness it could have been all avoided. If he just answered the phone call he could have stopped Mei.

"I'm sorry Mei... I'm so sorry." Taki whispered pitifully as he dropped to his knees. Tears spilled from his eyes and he couldn't stop his sobs from escaping, he covered his mouth with his hands as the speed of tears picked up. "****************?"


Taki didn't know what happened after that. Everything went black. He groaned as he opened his eyes and sat up. His body felt sore all over so he figured he had a great time with Ting Ting. He looked over and saw that he was alone in bed. "Ting Ting?" He called out in a groggy state. "Ting Ting?" He called out again then froze. His voice was much deeper and huskier then he remembered.

"Did I ruin my voice from crying?" He asked himself as he brought his hand to his throat and massaged it but something felt wrong. He looked down and practically jumped out of his skin. His body was toned. It was toned before but it used to be more slender. However now he had a bulkier body with hard muscles everywhere. "Did I evolve after I lost my V card?" Taki asked himself.

He then jumped out of his bed and looked around. His room was different. It was more extravagant with deep purple and gold decorations. Silk drapes and cashmere blankets. Taki looked around in awer. "Ting Ting, did you redecorate the room while I was asleep?" Taki called out loudly.