Cake Part 2

Calder cursed inside his head, he wanted to kiss her so bad but he had a feeling that their conversation was not really about cake. He removed his hand from Syria's face and dropped his gaze.

"Syria.... are we really talking about cake?" He asked as he gripped the handkerchief. Syria stayed silent for a long time. With a heavy sigh Calder raised his gaze and gave Syria a small smile. He then grabbed Syria's hand and gently placed the handkerchief into her hand. "Cake or whatever, it's value and beauty are measured by point of view." Calder started.

When Syria closed her hand and accepted the handkerchief Calder let out a sigh of relief. "Point of view?" Syria asked as she brought up the handkerchief and cleaned up her face. "That's right, point of view. There are people who like me like simple cakes, find them tasty and will never get bored of them. While others, they like overly complicated cakes, layered with icing, chocolates, fondant and super rich ingredients."