Contract Part 1

"Ah wub you neb a loyal slabe?!" Edmond shouted strangely but then he winced, his dislocated jaw was making it hard to talk. Rutley grabbed Edmond's face and made him scream. "Alright! Alright I swear." Nakoa said with a frustrated tone. "Oh no, you're not swearing but signing." Rutley said as he let go of Edmond's face.

"We'll be doing a binding contract." He continued as Ouroboros jumped up with a scroll in its mouth, his eyes glowing an ominous green and purple. Edmond started to furiously shout more garbled sounds causing Calder to roll his eyes.

Calder shoved his thumb inside Edmond's mouth and placed it behind hiss teeth. Calder then placed his other fingers under Edmond's chin. "Try not to bite me." Calder said. "Ah?" Edmond gagged and in a swift motion Calder snapped Edmond's jaw into place.