Black Auction Part 2

A chill ran down Calder's spine, if the Hostess looked happy that only meant that she had some sort of plan in place.

"1 million gold!" Someone shouted over the applauds and the room went deadly silent. Calder stood up and looked back.

A robust looking man dripping with golden accessories was being fanned by a ridiculously thin woman who wore sheer drapes as clothing. He smiled as he raised his white sign, a row of small white teeth showed as his massively round cheeks puffed up.

Calder scolded, he didn't think someone would bid that high, suddenly his eyes rounded. Calder looked back at the Hostess as say the smirk on her face. Calder balled his fists, it was her plan. He slipped into thought, didn't hear or see any of the minions move so he wondered how the man was approached.