Behind the Mask Part 1

Syria groaned as she face palmed herself. "She said she had a normal day until she got home, something was wrong in the Earl's Mansion." Syria explained. The men all made an Oh with their mouths then looked at Lady Rose with another confused expression.

"Was that some kind of code that only women can understand?" Esai asked as he cocked his head. "I don't think so, I think Syria just summarized everything she said into a simpler version, you know for us to understand." Calder replied as he furrowed his brows.

"You don't sound too confident." Rutley sighed. "I'm not, I just... assume that I am correct." Calder replied with a smirk. "I'm just wondering about Lady Syria's skill, is this a learned ability? Can it be taught? I think it would make future interro-cough, cough, cough, I should, Uhm, yes, what was I saying? Right! Civil conversations with noble ladies run more smoothly." Commander Wystan said as his face flushed a deep red.