Guilt Stricken Thieves Part 1

The walk from the tracks was long, Calder wondered if they would ever find the mansion but the moment he and the others spotted a dirt road their hearts soared. 

"Just a little bit more." Britille panted. In one swift movement, Calder picked up Syria with one arm and she instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck. A goofy smile spread across his face but he quickly cleared his head. They needed to get to the mansion. He grabbed Britille's waist and dashed forward. 

"15 minutes, gasp, cough, cough, of running is almost?!" He said as he dropped to his knees and let the women fall to the ground. "Are you okay?" Syria asked as she patted Britille's back. She looked positively green. "Ugh, try being, oh my G*dess! Ugh!" She said as she quickly covered her mouth.