Calder said nothing as he stared in Shaylah's general direction. Shaylah made a disgusted face.
"You know there was only one choice from the beginning."
"Oh, silence, classic. So letting someone die was the right choice? Ha. Life to you is dispensable."
".... Letting someone die is not the choice I would make lightly."
"But it was one you were willing to make.... again."
"... I only hesitated because of another reason."
"... Sure."
".... When will this drug wear off?"
Shaylah silently shiftted her position as she clenched her jaw. ".... My brother isn't really going.... going to do anything to Syria is he?"
With a loud sigh Shaylah got up and started to move. Calder tried to move his head to see what she was doing but the drug was keeping him paralyzed. He heard the tap turn on and something filling up. By the sound he could tell it was purely cold water. He internally groaned.