Tidal Tantrum

Levon gave up on his everyday ritual. Not because of physical exhaustion, but with each step taken, his mind kept overthinking and replaying what happened. And that's the last thing he wants at this point.

He must return to his comfort zone. Research and study will surely keep him busy from such trivial matters. He knows they are so trivial! And he acts like it, but deep inside…He doesn't know why it feels like this repeatedly.

The driver from early morning is again resurrected like a Jinni! And within seconds, Levon is in his neighborhood.

As he got down from the car, he first noticed that another one is stationed next to his house. Which is unusual!

He quickly heads inside, it's all quiet…Which is a problem!

By the time he's near, Ezer Is always at the door waiting. This isn't the case tonight! And it is giving more anxiety to the already anxious and frustrated Levon.

'…Cases of robbery have been very few these last years, no one needs to steal anything.

But…Ezer is different, I made sure no one knows about the device!

Could it be...'

"Ezer!". He calls on to him.

2 seconds of suffocating silence...And there he appears! Upstairs barking happily.

Levon takes a breather upon this sight. But!

'Wait! How did he get up there?! He's only barking and not speaking!! Somebody stole away the device!!?'

Levon has no idea how to handle this, this is yet again another violation done upon him.

"Levon…". Somebody called from behind the wall upstairs!!

Under his condition, he couldn't compose himself to even recognize it.

The voice got closer…Until.

"You're here baby?".Asked a middle-aged looking lady, with a long fluffy, extremely fashionable dress, as she picked up Ezer and pet him gently. Then said. " I'm sorry I got inside without letting you know. I was waiting outside for a long time."

"..Mo…m!". He mumbles.

"It's been a long time, I thought you don't miss or want to see me.

But I do, that is why I came here."

Levon was indeed relieved that it wasn't some casual intruder. Still, he now has to figure out how to properly handle this situation as well.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd come at this time…". Levon climbs the imaginary stairs.

And stands in front of her, she's tall, not much away from his height! looks in fine health and shape. Though what stands out most, is that she's much classier and conservative in her looks than the ones the females walking down the streets of Babel! Graham, continiously makes these remarks in his head whenever he's looking directly at someone, even if he had seen him a thousand times. Like an application that keeps updating every day, his mind is a machine.

On the other side, she looked at him with loving eyes and a tenderly smile. Then puts her arms around his body and hugs him tightly.

"Oh Levon, I know you must have been very busy handling your father's job while he was away…But even before that you wouldn't come see me often.

I guess, no matter how I try...I'll never be what she was for you."

He realizes she's talking about Malika, and it's not the first time that she hints on that!

"No…No need to say that. I was...going to come, very soon…I..do..miss you..too."

Though, his robotic tone makes it less believable and real, Elena takes that with open arms and hugs him once more.

"You must be hungry; I know you're tired of machine-made food. It all tastes the same.

I made you some with my own hands. The ones you liked from back then. They don't make them anymore. Certainly you miss those too!"

"I appreciate that mother…I will eat them when I'm hungry." He replies as he looks sideways.

"Nooo! You got to right now, I need your opinion to know whether I'm still good at cooking or not.". She replied, adding a little sweet laugh at the end.

Levon. "…I'm really not hungry, I have a lot to work on.

But...Thank you anyways."

He turned her down, and with that her smiley shiny face quickly faded away.

"… Maybe I am not welcome here.

I wanted to give you some things I had from a very long time ago… I left them in your room.

That's if you felt like checking them anyways..."

She gives the dog a final look. "Ezer has grown pretty old, atleast you still let him be with you. Take care of him."

Levon didn't know what to say back. And to his misery, the words that were going to get out of his mouth didn't really convey his inner thoughts.

"…Take care…of yourself."

Elena descends the stairs as her hand graced Levon's shoulder smoothly, but painfully! Her long golden hair with little curls at the end, hid behind the sad and broken expression on her eyes. And all was heard was the robotic sound of the titanium door being closed off automatically

Staring at the void, he thought. '…What a stupid person I am, I couldn't even tell her to stay the night.

It's really, too much for one day…'

Indeed, what could be a great day for anyone else is a nightmare for Levon. And the biggest problem is not knowing exactly why!

"Master levon!

Why are you sad?!" Ezer suddenly asked and brought him back to reality.

Levon was quite surprised, he thought that the device was turned off! He leaned and checked. It's still there, active.

"…You didn't talk to her on purpose?".

Ezer. "Yes, I only talk with Master Levon."

The young man puts his hand and rubs Ezer's fluffy furr then said. "It's time you sleep, so tomorrow morning we go out early…"

Ezer barks back in happiness and runs towards his place. Levon felt a little better once again thanks to his only companion, who's showing signs of intelligence day after another.

He heads towards his room and finally rests his body, it wasn't physically tired, but the mental aspect weighed in heavy. In fact, he only knew of this mental side of humans recently, through the books given to him by Mr. Howard!

In this New World, what cannot be seen and touched, has been deemed unnecessary in the evolution of the human species. And for one, psychology is not a field of study anymore!

Levon looks at his right, his eyes noticed the new item in the room. This little bag his mom left for him. He stretches his hand to get to it, even in this advanced world everything isn't automatic and magical. Then starts discovering what's inside.

The first thing he got out of the bag, was a little diary! The size of his hand.

"With my touch, I can tell it was carried out for very long, and dirtied by soil and other substances that I can't quite identify by touch only. Why would she want to give me something like this?". He wondered.

Levon puts it aside, to pull out another book. This time, it's much bigger and heavier!

He checks the outside state. "..just like the previous one." At that moment, something grabbed his attention. The title!

"My World".

That was enough to make him open it. With the first glance, the look on his face said it all…