The Birth of Death

Levon quickly shifts his gaze back at the electronic screens and covers them with others related to work.

In a cold manner, he asks. "What brought you here so suddenly?".

One glance was enough for Zephyr to see a lot of what was there, it couldn't be the case if he was a normal human! But he decides not to mention anything.

"I came here to tell you that I'm quitting work for the near future." Zephyr announces!


What do you mean?". Levon reacts quite surprisingly!

Zephyr gets a bit closer and puts both his hands on the edges of the table while leaning on it, then looks sideways and answers.

"I've finished my part of the project already, I figured out the right combination of molecules and the exact formula that can create the new sphere.

The rest can be done by my team, I hired Lily to take my place meanwhile."

Levon. "…That still doesn't explain why you'll quit, and by saying the near future it means you'll return after."

Zephyr, still looking away. "That's what I'm intending, but who knows…

*At this moment, he shifts his eyes towards Levon*

You're intending the same thing too, right?"

The casualty of his question gave it an even stronger impact, Graham knew exactly what he meant.

'I've had my doubts about it, but he's also the same as me…A hybrid+. Not only that, but he also knows all 3 of the remaining heroes. I am sure they told him just as much as they told me.' Levon connects the dots in his mind.

"…You're talking about the game; you're going to participate then." He says.

Zephyr smiles. "Yes, I will!

I already got Dr Robert's approval for that. I am not sure you'll be getting it though…"

Levon. "What do you mean?"

Zephyr. "He seems against the idea of you participating, that's what I understood from my conversation with him."

Levon. "Why wasn't he against you then?"

Zephyr shrugs his shoulders indifferently. "No idea, serves me good anyways!

But at the end of the day, you won't let anyone stop you from doing something you want. Right?"

Zephyr stands tall again and heads exit, not waiting for any answer!


Why did you think it was necessary to tell me all of this? Weren't you avoiding me all this period?". Levon asks.

Hanx stops right at the door and replies without looking back.

"That's because, I am challenging you."

And that was it from him.

Levon was stunned, the answer simply did not make any sense however he tried to understand it!

'Challenging me?

…Challenging….me? What does he even mean by that!?"

In Levon's mind, there is no competition between him and Zephyr for any challenge to be made in the first place. In fact, he never felt like competing with anyone in anything!

The whole notion of challenge is only recent to him, the only time he truly felt weakened is when he realized how little he knows about everything that shaped the world to how it is today.

His only challenge now is with himself, hearing that Zephyr is now challenging him publicly, truly throws him away!

Minutes after, still trying to process the situation. Levon finds himself getting some flashbacks of the first time the two of them studied in the same class during the 8th grade.

Finally, he realizes something!

'…Each time I had the best mark, he had it too! I never thought of my marks as anything special. I would rarely ever get confronted because of that, but he was much more popular than me even back then. And yet, whenever I occasionally looked at him in those moments, I'd find him looking at me in a way I can't comprehend.

This carried on in almost everything we would do similarly, or when sharing the same spot. That look on his eyes would always force me to take away mine…

What is it exactly that this situation is called?

I really wish I knew…'

Levon felt an aching heavy weight on his chest.

'I need to get out of here…my breathing is suddenly disturbed!'

Levon goes up to the building's rooftop and stands there looking at the whole city from way up high. It is a city of skyscrapers, however it is clear that two tallest buildings by far are this one and the King's twin tower.

"…That is because, I'm challenging you!!". He still had that sentence echoing in his mind.

"…Whatever, Let me focus on the other things he said.

The day I met The King, I heard Father talk to him about some interesting details in his research, it must be what he came to conclude.

But now, I know for a fact that Father will be trying to stop me from entering the game. Makes sense…

The latest commercial stated that there is no precise finishing date when one enters the game. Though it's for granted that one can leave any time he feels like it, he can only participate once!

It's only a one-time thing.

I have to convince him, he probably knows in his mind that this is way bigger than even the scientific institution.

Who knows how long will it take, Valvesteen also said that the world inside the game cannot be measured, in other words it's infinite! Only the challenges and objectives will guide the players towards the ultimate goal.

Still, I feel much is left to be known about it. And it looks as if the only option to know about that is to enter there.

I wonder how many will participate, being presented by the king himself and the world's most famous artist…

Anyways, my breathing has been stabilized. I think I'll just go home…

Matter of fact, I haven't yet looked at that questionnaire on the game's website.'




It's already 12th July 2093. One week before opening day!

Levon is in the latest stages of making his final decision.

'Should I pay Dr. Howard a visit before deciding?

No! I am done taking others' opinion…I know enough right now. My last conversation is none other than with Robert himself.

I'll make it clear that the only option for me is to participate in the game…In return, I'll tell him that I accept my position as his future successor. I'll use that to my advantage…

Plus, I don't even think it's going to last very long.

Weeks? Months at best?

He doesn't know either, knowing that his contact with King Axel is oddly very limited I am sure they weren't sharing information about it…'

After some seconds of silence, both outside and inside.

Levon recalls something he normally shouldn't have forgotten, or rather it's someone!

'Ah…Mother Elena!'


…I guess that's who my last conversation will be with!

I really don't know how she will take this. She knows about what happened 30years ago, Father surely told her something in all their years together. She has always been very protective and worried about me. Just knowing that the game has something to do with the terrible events that occurred back then…

I don't really know how to handle that on the spot. I never know how to react to her actions and words.

I must be prepared; I'll memorize every reply possible to every possible reaction she could make.


That seems like a good idea…"