Delusional Victory




Later on that night Levon remained sleepless, overthinking everything his father said. He usually has all possibilities in front, but since he started this journey of discovering the unknown. He hasn't been himself like he is with pure scientific matter. What makes it worse is that he realizes this downfall but cannot come to a reason that explains it!

It's as suffocating as dragging a heavy object in the barrel of the ocean.

Earlier, it was easier for Levon to decide because he knew what he wanted. But the questions Robert laid on make his decision much tougher.

"…it is far more dangerous than it's portrayed to be."

'What does he mean by that?

How can a game be as dangerous as he's making it seem? No matter its mechanism or its rules, at the end one can just resume his life outside.


A whole new perspective appeared in front of his eyes!

'…Could it be that this is his way to..convince me to stay?!!

I mean…Clearly he has nothing to gain from my departure. Being a man of past times… He always knew what to say and when to say it…He has that something I simply can't figure out. And he's using it against me now, directly!!


This is it! I am finally able to notice it before me…

I don't know how he does it yet but now I know it when I hear it. All of what he said made sense to make me back off. Since he's aware I know that he knows more than I do, he's always sure that I'll give his reasoning a bigger importance, than even mine…

Well, not this time old man. Not this time!

You've decided for me far more things that you have the right to, the right that you gave yourself by your own hands.

And even if you're right, I prefer to experience it on my own!

Eitherways, I should look at things from a broader perspective. Within his words he admitted that the last decision is in my hands. And that's exactly right!

I was already going to go there, but now he'll even give me valuable information again. This all played in my side!!'. As Levon was deeply invested in his long climatic monologue. He felt his heart beating a bit faster than its normal rate -which is already 1.5x the normal rate of a human being-

It was a sudden burst that drew a weird smile on his face. It was almost like…

A smile of victory!

'…Is this what it feels like, to surpass the only person you've never surpassed?'. He asked! Clearly, talking about surpassing Robert!

He continued. '…Maybe they have a word for it too, but all I care for now is that…It feels really good!!'. And there came the light from his heterochromia eyes, to announce the quick retrieval of his resolve!!

It took him a whole night of none-stop overthinking, he checks the hour…

'5 AM! Barely felt like any time has passed… I feel just alright so whatever!'. Levon gets up from his bed and gets prepared.

As he was about to pick one of the many identical hoodies he always wears… He stopped for a second! He looked at the far-right corner, to a very lonely shiny black suit.

Then, he said to himself. '…My last day for a while, wouldn't it be a shock to everyone?'. With the same smile he had minutes before, he grabbed it.

The absolute mad man transformed into a classy gentleman!

Even Ezer, upon seeing him in such different clothes had no words to describe that. He just stared blatantly as Levon confidently walked out the door, neglecting him!

"Different"! Was the only robotic word he uttered.

His personal driver, Bruce, was awaiting him outdoors inside the black car. Usually, he keeps on looking ahead, but for some strange reason today his eyes slipped to the side, he witnessed Levon Graham in all of his glory in his luxurious black costume, which trumps his own! He barely believed it!

Levon got in, the driver was still a bit shocked! Causing a two seconds delay.

"…What is it, Bruce?"

"..A..Apologies sir." He quickly replied and resumed his professional duties.

Arriving in about 30 second, before descending the car Levon thought to say something.

"…I won't be around for some time, here's the access to the house.

Take care of Ezer in my absence. Tell him not to worry about me, I'll be back."

Careless about the driver's response, he walked out of the car towards the big institution entry.

Just like the first time in our story. Zephyr was trailing behind, except this time he does not hurry up to catch him. He also had a similar, borderline malicious smile on his face.

' So you took on the challenge, quite better than I even anticipated.

Great Levon, great… I cannot wait for that moment.' He said to himself. But which moment is he referring to?

Entering his section's special room and noticing the shocked faces with half an eye gave Levon even more pleasure. He still doesn't know what this is all called, or what does it really mean. Yet, he is reacting to it!

This is an ultimate proof that, humans will never fully escape their humanity, no matter how robotic and alienated they make themselves be.

The whole working day was just like any other, the chatter certainly was louder but Levon paid no attention. When it was time to leave… He dropped the bomb.

"Listen carefully. I will be out of duty for the next period.

Kamal will take charge meanwhile, I've just sent you my last research about the project. Make sure you apply every single order correctly."

And again, not waiting for any response he exits the room, leaving everybody with scandalized expressions.

'…Now, let's get to the interesting part. Shall we?'.

His last stop before the long-awaited promised land, is what was once his physical home.

Robert Graham's mansion!