Hunted x Hunter

Levon makes his final move!

'There is no room for error here, I must use all of my concentration so I won't be hit by my own attack!' He again holds his gun from its grip by his fingers, however, he does not throw it vertically like earlier on! Instead, he uses his index finger to put a horizontal spin power on the gun, making it turn on its axis in the air!!

And he does that with such quickness and force so the gun would spin at a high speed! The Psema already covered so much ground, and the shields were starting to shatter, but Levon's final attack was quicker this time.

The reason why he spined the gun in the air, was for it to automatically hit the 3psemas from all angles in the minimal period of time! Though he is within the range of his own weapon, Levon was focused with all his brain power to avoid firing at himself. As his supernatural abilities enhances his senses to a degree in which he can see and predict the direction of each attack.

The scene happened so fast, yet so slow in Levon's mind.

'To know exactly how to avoid shooting myself, I spined it while its muzzle was pointed at me. That way I can calculate how much one spin would take in time.

After that, I only need it to spin 3 other times, which will guarantee each Psema to be hit 3 times. I put power into that so the speed in which it spins does not decrease in that short time frame and possibly ruin my calculations.'

Levon's plan was flawless, truly showing what a genius of a mind he has. The third Psema's speed was not enough to ruin it.

The gun fired at all directions like mad, it all ended in a matter of a second. And The smoke covered the battle area… Until Levon was seen thrown out of it!!

He fell to the ground on his back, it seemed from way up high that his shoulder was hit! As some smoke was coming out of it as well.

The smoke cleared out, no Psemas were seen! Levon has managed once again, to complete the task at hand! But it seemed that it took him more than what he was willing to give!!

A dozen seconds later, he regainshis senses! He looks at his left shoulder in pain… then struggling, he lifts himself up to sit on the ground.

'… My shoulder is as good as nothing. I can't move it an inch, it's both dislocated and broken!' He looks in front of him, where his hellacious battle took place. Then revisits his memory of what just occurred. 'Was it me shooting myself? or the Psema's attack…

No… It was both!

The one on my left, was the one who I haven't landed a hit on since our battle started. I spined the gun to the right direction, which means the first one to be hit was the Psema on my right, and the last…was the one on the left.

He succeeded to break the shield before my third hit, he got my shoulder…I immediately felt the pain and the threat of losing, so I ended up firing uncontrollably. Which also landed on my shoulder…' an ironic smile appeared on Levon's face. It was incomprehensible!

He slowly gets up on his feet and walks towards the only thing left intact after this battle. His gun!

He picks it up, as the light in his eyes was fading, he looks at it thoroughly like he didn't before. Then, puts it back at its place.

As usual, the congratulation message appears from his watch.

· Congratulations, your challenge has been completed successfully!

· Health: 23%

· Truth: 1,5%

· Experience: 10%

· Number of Lives: 2

· Completed challenges: 3

· Challenges remaining: 27

· Achievement: The Moving Bullet

Levon finds quite a few interesting information in this message. '… I understand all these stats, but how did my truth percentage increase by 0.5 when it was not mentioned that this challenge would make me achieve that?

Is it some sort of a bonus? I mean it's only 0.5… well either ways, that plays to my advantage.

23% health… I have no words for that. This really could've costed me a life, and it���s only my 3rd challenge…

But again, what is this moving bullet? I need an explanation.'

The watch immediately flashes a second message, obeying his request.

· The moving bullet: a special attack that follows the enemy in whatever direction he is, until it hits him.

· It is possible for the player to control the direction of the moving bullet however he pleases

· As a 1star player, the moving bullet can only be used once in a battle.

Levon. "Hmm… This is really ironic! What I have been trying to come up with in the battle. Is what I literally got now.

Anyways, that's a good item. I won't have to take risk the same way I did now, though I liked the move I just made… I may still need to use it one day, but I'll have to perfect it.'

The message disappears, and with it does Levon from Kardia back to the Labyrinth of Aedificium, precisely Apertio.

Levon looks extremely fatigued, too calm even for his own standard. His steps were tired and slow, and his injured shoulder weighed more than his whole body at this point. Not even knowing what his next objective is, he kept on walking aimlessly… it wasn't really about recovering through this method, he just felt like walking.

At one of the countless turns, something he was not anticipating at this moment happened!

"Oh hey there! Seems like you're pretty fucked up aren't you!"

Levon abruptly looks up to see who is talking to him, and he gets shocked!

'…this face, I remember this face! That's the guy I bumped into that other day!!

Wait...What the old man told me at the restaurant, is true… His name is written on top of his head!!

*Dion Fonley*'.

Levon does not reply, rather he stiffs his shoulders and head up and looks back at him firmly.

"Relax, Levon Graham! Relax… If you haven't noticed I've been following you for about 5 minutes now. It seems like you have had a tough time before that!

Are you struggling with Psemas?? Hhahahahahahaahhahaha!!!'. He laughs hysterically, implying that such thing is a joke for him!

Levon understood that, but couldn't comprehend it. So he goes out of his way and asks. "…What do you mean? Have you fought 3 of them at once?"

Dion replies with the same trollish facial expression, which actually suits his face. "Ooooh!! Now you're replying huh… Well if you want to see for yourself, how about a duel right here and now! I suppose you wouldn't run away like you did that time.

I am challenging you to a duel!"

A digital message suddenly appears in front of Levon, which actually translates what just happened now. The message was simple:

· You have received a duel invitation, will you accept?

· Yes.

· No.

Levon's pride took a direct hit this time, his mind could not rest. '… This insect is trying to get me to react like he wants me to. If only I wasn't injured severely… I know he's just talking nonsense about how I'm struggling with Psemas. No way the likes of him even succeeded at killing one.

I have no time to waste on this…'. He ends up clicking on the No option!

Levon continues to walk on his path, ignoring the man standing in front of him and leaving him behind. However, Dion did not look irritated by it the way he was the previous time!

"…Hahahahha!! So you chose to run again, you're pretty good at that I admit. However, you can't be running all the time.

I'll tell you something, I am after you Levon Graham. Or I'd rather should say, WE are after you. But you are most likely oblivious to that, cause you have no idea what's happening around you.

But one day, you'll be trapped and dragged down where you belong. Enjoy your few peaceful days here…"

Levon froze in his place, listening to all of it as if he was paralyzed! He decides to look back, only to see Dion walking away and blending with the dark.

His eyes reflected the level of confusion he's experiencing!

Suddenly, he grabbs his head in pain and starts halting!! '…I need to get out of here! I need an open place…NOW!! I need fresh air… My mind is starting to hurt.

The restaurant!! I need to go sit there again… '