Death is Near!

Levon starts walking quickly, using his acute sense of hearing he was able to realize that none of their sounds came from in front.

He saw an opportunity to avoid this suffocating situation! As he reached the end of the road and abruptly takes the right turn. 'I don't want to deal with any of this, not now at least... i don't have time to read what these missions are about, i'll just choose hazardly.'

Levon clicks on the "Objectivity vs Subjectivity" mission. Then, the watch shows him where it is located.

It is bad news!

"Fucking doom!! I was there just minutes ago..."

"Are you running, Mr. Levon? Come on now... I didn't know you miss the past this much you want to play Hide and seek!" Says one of them!

Levon senses how the situation keeps getting more uncomfortable. 'Shit...The voice is getting closer!!'

"Hahahahahaha! Levon Graham turned out to be a fun childish person, who thought?"

"...Not me! Let us just have a moment with your honor. We'd like to get some tips from you is all!"


Levon's anxiety rose even higher, all three voices got really close. It could be just one wall seperating them. But he had one plan to escape!

Levon suddenly stops and makes zero sound. His plan is to make the 3 think he is going one way when in fact he is going to the other. To do that he first runs at his highest speed directly and simultaneously replies to them.

"Only if you catch me then."

Hearing the footsteps and the direction of his voice, the three started running as well to catch up!

However, Levon was actually backpeddling!!

'They're no hybrids, they cant detect sound direction clearly. Since its coming out in the same one as before they would just assume I'm running forward. This way i can also get to KARDIA and hide there, where no one can follow me or detect my presence!" Explains Levon.

The plan was intelligent and it did trick the three, they all found themselves looking at nothing on that end!

"What?! Where is he??"

"You heard him running here too right?"

"Shit... he must have fooled us somehow!"

"Lets search on the other end, maybe he's just hiding unmovingly."

Levon could hear a little bit of that shatter as he escaped, enough to know that they got fooled! He smiled victoriously for showing them they're truly unworthy of his time and effort.



"I caught you."

Levon backpeddles a few steps back as his surprised face expressed real concern and shock!!

"Wh...Are you..with them?!!" He asks.

"Hmmm... Am I with them? Good question!

I don't know If I am, but you can say they are with me." The scary man replies, his voice was as deep of a voice as u can hear and his face did not show any emotion to go along with what he said!!

'*Tossin Toygar*

What kind of name is this... it feels as if I'm standing next to a wall! Not because he's taller... but the way he looks at me now is nothing like i've ever seen!' Says Graham in his mind, he continues. '... he must be their boss! Though he wasn't there in Apertio space.

His armor is much more metalic than mine, and covers almost all of his body except his neck, head and arms...'

"What is it? Are you impressed by my look and presence!?

That is quite flattering coming from you, though i can't say the same back. You look agile though, must be helpful when it comes to speed and movement.

No wonder you lost these fools." Tossin slightly moves his eyes past Levon, towards the other three who finally joined the party!

"Aah.. we're sorry boss! It's quite the slippery target here..." says one, called *Omar Quenka*

Levon finds himself cornered from all directions. '...There is no escape from this now. I am obliged to resolve into another method.'

So he decides to take the lead on this confrontation.

"Alright then, what is it that you want to talk about with me?"

Tossin. "Nothing, is there something you want us to talk about?"

Graham wasn't ready for such question back. '... what is he on to? These fuckers said they want to talk. But their boss doesn't? Were they just fooling?!'

"... I want to ask two things, or make it three." He replies!

Tossin lets out a rare grin. "...I can see why these lots hate you. But fine, i'll answer your questions."

Levon's confusion gets higher as he does not understand many things implied but yet, he proceeds to ask. "First, what do you want from me?

Second, are there others targetting me the same way as you?

And last, how are you able to team up with others when only 5star players are capable of that?"

Tossin takes a second before replying, he looks at Levon thoroughly then gives his answers.

"... i will have to make a necessary distinction before i answer. The "You" you're using seems to be including other persons beside me. Therefore, i can only answer on behalf of myself!"

He then extends his arm and hand towards Levon, as if he's calling him to come. "What do I want from you? I thought a smart person like you shouldn't ask such basic question! We're here to duel, to fight and become stronger in order to achieve the ultimate objective. To me, You're only an opponent i want to kill and steal his arsenal!

As for your second question, these guys over here seem to have personal issues with you. And i heard from them there are many others who feel the same. I didn't care much about the details so i didn't ask, but they can tell you now if they want!"

Levon looks back at the three, to only find such resentful and repulsive faces staring at him, waiting to see his ultimate downfall and destruction!!

They didn't speak a word.

"... Seems it isnt redeemable!" Comments Tossin, with his deep and incredibly calm tone. "Now, we come to your last question! You're right, only a 5star player is able to start forming teams.

Doesn't that mean something, Mr. Levon?"

The bell rang hard in Levon's mind. 'Unbelievable.... No, there is just no way... IS HE A 5 STAR PLAYER!!!!!!!'

The way in which Tossin rhetorically asked, made the realization weigh so much more than it already would have by itself...

"...Oh relax! You went for the far fetched possibility. Ofcourse I am not a 5 star player!

It only means that this isn't a team i formed, those are just people i came across. They can do whatever and I can as well, i may have to duel them right after you if I saw it necessary.

I just owe them something since long time ago, now I'm paying it back in a way that serves me as well!"

Levon. "...Paying it back? What do you mean?!"

Tossin. "Remember, you only had 3 questions.Talk time is over!"

Suddenly, Levon's watch displays him the duel invitation!!