Inner War

Levon attentively reads the options, once, twice, and a third time… from the look in his eyes, he's having difficulty understanding them!

'… wholistic? What could it signify!

The first choice is a bit understandable in terms of meaning, but then again, why would he deserve any punishment from my point of view? How can I judge that? We've learnt not to even care about what another person does, yet alone judge something I have absolutely no contribution in!

But the last two choices are even more troublesome, judging from what's in between brackets, they're more related to what the whole challenge is about' referring to "objectivity vs subjectivity.

Levon's stream of consciousness didn't stop.

'Personal and wholistic, subjective and objective… Seeing that each of the two is a separate answer, I can draw the conclusion that they're opposite concepts… Well, not necessarily, but definitely not analogous.

Luckily, personal is kind of understandable. It comes from within the person, so that's probably what subjectivity also hints at. Therefore, wholistic is something that does not come from there!"

At this moment, Levon recalls a line Maximus said right before the end!

'Oh yeah… He said something along the lines of…his law transcends humans and that it's coming from…somewhere!

Damn it, if only she didn't stop him, I would've known what it is… but is that actually related to the question? It could be talking about something completely different…

In the end, I can't fathom how anyone can decide or form an idea that isn't personal? Only pure scientific facts can be passed and taught as they are, which no differing can exist therein.

This is what we've been taught in the mystery school, all humans are individualistic creatures by nature!'

*The mystery school, or "School of Mystery" is the name of the institution in which Levon studied most of his life after being adopted by Mr. Robert. it is the largest and most renowned school in the world today*

'...And that's what makes most sense to me, therefore, It is the only logical answer to such odd question.'

Levon makes his final decision, he picks the 2nd option!

The watch displays a new message:

*Click here to move to the 3rd sub-challenge: The Two Sides of War*

Graham realizes two things right away, the first being that there is a title to this challenge, and the second is…

'How come? I am not informed of either passing or failing the last challenge! Unlike the previous one… could it be that I gave the wrong answer?!

Maybe not, they didn't say I failed it either… Eitherways, I'll get the answer to that in the end.

Now I need to focus on the next one, the two sides of war… Something tells me it has to do with what happened 30years ago…'

Levon clicks on it, and right away the whole landscape changed in a matter of microseconds… Levon's senses followed suit, to the sound of massive explosions!!

"WHAT THE…" says out loud as he looks upon his surrounding from all directions. "What is this mess!?

These large buildings are all destroyed, and the road is filled with their ruins."

Suddenly, the watch lights itself, it's a notification!

Disturbingly, Levon looks at it. The notification manifests itself in front of his face!


*In this challenge, you must follow the instructions given to you through the watch in order to complete it.

Instruction N°1: interact with a human and extract necessary information about the setting.

Note: Unlike the previous challenge, you are part of the setting's fabric of reality, in other words you are visible and touchable*


*PAWH!!! PAWHH!!!!* Levon hears a sound a bit identical to his own gun when it fires, close to where he is! "Shit!! This is surely gun fire… I'm standing in an open spot, I have to run from here immediately."

Levon uses his quickness and speed to swift past the ruins and layers of the destroyed bricks and walls thrown all over the ground.

'…War, so this is how it looks like.'

Abruptly, the sound of gun fires was heard less and less… not because of it stopping, but because of an even louder and more ear-piercing sound dominating it!!

Levon looks towards its source, leading him to the sky, just to see huge lightning-fast objects flying in midair!!

"Missiles!!!" Levon shouts uncontrollably, as he realizes the danger of the situation growing exponentially. '…Is it possible to die in a challenge such as this!!? Even if it's not a fighting one… this is more dangerous than I imagined.

The missiles are not that high in the sky, they could land near any second… Where in doom's world can I find a human in these conditions?! Everyone must be hiding…

Where could they be hiding?

Buildings… or maybe underground! Yeah, it would make more sense if they're hiding in the tunnels… I must find a portal in all this mess!'

Levon stops and takes out his gun, he plans to fire on the ground to disintegrate the layers so he can finally detect a portal.

*BOOWWW* Goes the sound of his shots hitting the ground, resulting in big smoke coming out.

Levon stands in the midst of it, waiting for the landscape to get clearer.

"HEEEYY!!! THERE IS SOMETHING GOING ON HERE!!" Yells a man from the back!

Graham turns nervously "SHIT!! Somebody noticed!!

I'll get caught once the smoke clears… Ugh! It's hard to see clearly due to that... I can't wait until then, I might get shot.

I must…"

And there it is again, Levon's heterochromia eyes lightning up like that of a Felidae in deep night!

"Focus!!!" Due to his perfect hybrid genes, Levon is able to exceed the human limits of his senses and achieve superhuman status.

"YES! I can see it… right there!!" Levon detects a portal a dozen feet away from where he's standing.

As The mud began to clear out... the man who yelled earlier arrives at the scene, but he finds no one.

"What is it? No one's here…" Says the other one who obliged his call earlier.

"Yeah, I thought I saw someone… Maybe it's a missile that hit the ground.

Let's go back to our base, I heard we'll be receiving special forces today!" the man replies.

While the two militant armed men continued their conversation, Levon had just descended the underground stairs. Before doing so, he made sure to cover the portal so those following him would not be able to see it or follow him down there.

Keeping his ultra-vision, Levon navigates in a world he truly has never been in before…