Discrapency of Arch-Rivals

No longer feeling dizzy from being transported into another dimension, Levon watches his particles form his body with a stone cold look. 

Right away, he activates the watch and goes to the Psemas challenges section in order to choose the type of challenge he wants. 

·    Vs 1 Psema

·    Vs 3 Psemas

·    Vs 5 Psemas 

·    Vs +oo Psemas (Personalized challenge) 

The last type stole Levon's interest, he quickly understood that he can summon as many Psemas as he wanted until he's done with it, assuming he gets out of it alive obviously. 

'I realize that it's pretty reckless, but that's what I feel like I need at this moment. At any rate, I could stop if things went out of hand.' He says in his mind. 

And so, he clicks Accept! 

Few moments later, the screeching is starting to be heard… slowly, it's approaching. Again, the void cannot reflect sound, Levon's superhuman hearing senses aren't much of an advantage here. 

Yet, he remains calm… 

Until it appeared right behind him! Trying to take him by surprise and attacking his blind spot. However, Levon uses his newly acquired skill "The Quick Jump" and evades the attack at the last second. 

Levon turns around and shoots the Psema in a lightning speed, successfully landing a shot on its' ugly head. Before the second shot could land, the Psema turns into its' defensive mode, which makes it practically resilient to any physical attack. 

Levon lands back on the ground as another Psema makes itself visible, this time from the front. With two Psemas, he must stay aware from all sides, considering that these creatures like to cooperate with each other to make tag attacks. 

For that, he summons his moving bullet and chucks it inside his large gun and places himself right in the middle of the two creatures. 

Suddenly, a third Psema joins the party! No, even a fourth one!! Graham is surrounded by 4 Psemas from all 4 directions. 

'…Alright, only now I can know.' He tells himself. 

All four Psemas start their attack at once!! Once they shift to their offensive mode, their speed isn't much short of Levon's quick jump. With all 4 doing the same, it is impossible to dodge. 

*Bronze Shield* 

Levon tries to take advantage of the vulnerability of the Psemas in their attacking stance, but also risks taking their attack all at once. However, he had a plan. 

The moment his shield took a hit, he fires his moving bullet and then uses his quick jump to get away from being crushed by these devils. 

The moving was fired in a way that it will move on a cycle and keep on piercing the Psemas repeatedly until it kills them off, but before it could make a third round they were able to resort back to their defensive stance. 

Levon lands far away, and the first drop of sweat drops down from his forehead. 

"One down. 

Though he got me too…" 

Graham seizes the three remaining Psemas from distance… He starts walking towards them, slowly, with large steps, then quickly, then he starts running at full speed!! 

He's planning to take them head on! 

'In all my previous fights, I've been relying on waiting for my opponents to attack and come with a counter afterwards. Even if it worked for the most part, I have to versify my style of attacks.' 

Two Psemas switch to attack, while one remains at the back lurking. 

The two sides clash at full speed, Levon fires multiple energy canons towards them, to which they successfully dodge through moving in lateral lines all while getting closer to him. 

He activates his shield to take the coming hit, but it's not enough! 

It shattered! 

Yet, in an instinctive manner, Levon blocks the two Psemas with his bare hands!! 

He grabs their heads and uses his force to jump off them while causing them to headbutt each other!

Levon elegantly flips in the air; grabs the gun he threw up a moment ago and lands safely on the white ground. 

"Two down!" He declares. 

For a split moment, he zoned out of the fight to reflect on how he was able to react in such manner unconsciously! 

He lowkey impressed himself! 

But, that split second was enough for the third Psema to sneak attack him from the back! Levon realizes at the last moment, but it was again too late to shoot at it or activate his shield. 

This time, he consciously uses his physical abilities. 

Levon recalls a skill he used to do long time ago in his childhood when he used to play football at the orphanage! A volley! 

He quickly turns sideways and directs the strongest kick towards the Psema's ribs!! 

The clash sent Levon flying a dozen meters away, there was no way for him to not take damage this time. He hardly gets up, halting, he looks at his foe…

"… Hehe! Look at that… His whole rib section.. is decimated!" He says, as the Psema shatters into oblivion. 

Levon stands alone victorious! 

After taking few deep breaths, he looks at his hands and body. "I did not think of it, and I don't know why, but I should've explored my physical abilities in fighting sooner. No reason to solely rely on special moves and game arsenals. 

Besides that, the game enhances one's physical abilities, and probably keeps on doing so the more one advance in the game. I could sense that I got quicker and stronger compared to the last time I fought these ugly humanoid looking birds.

Anyways, I must admit that I did not dislike this at all…" 

Instead of returning to Apertio, Levon thinks that he can still spend more time in Kardia to train more. 

Levon. "Before I summon more Psemas, I need to recover from the two hits I took, that last one was pretty strong.."

He checks his stats. 

·    Health: 40% 

"Even my durability has increased, taking two hits directly would drop my health lower." He remarks. 

Graham decides to remain in Kardia, and starts running in the void aimlessly to speed up his recovery. With nothing but the sound of his boots, Levon takes a moment to rejoice his solitude…



*Region: Lor, Aedificium* 

To the total opposite of the silence Levon was experiencing, someone else was in the midst of a lot of crowd noise! 




*Loud cheering and crowd noise* 

And there he is in all his arrogance and glory, all eyes, and lights on him. 

With one grin and wave from his hand, he greets the crowd and speaks. 

"My dear fans, who would've thought we'll meet yet again in another world? 

I promise you another performance the likes of you're used to from your one and only Zephyr.

And now…" 

With his classic growling voice, he declares.