Electric Eccentricity

10 seconds since the challenge has started, the two players remained in their initial positions without any of them moving an inch! 

To the spectators, it almost looked like they're looking at an image! 

"They are really going hard against each other, using all of their force from the very first moment of their battle!!" commentates the announcer! 

"Huh? Why are they not starting?"

"…Is it just me or it looks like they're not doing anything?"

"But the announcer is still commentating! There is a visual error maybe…"

"Let's goooo Zephyr!! Come on!"

"…I think the broadcasting froze up!"

"Yes, they're not moving at all!" 

Those were some of the conversations going on in the crowd. However, they were all wrong! 

In virtuality, the only reason it's appearing like a frozen image is that both players are applying the same exact opposing force to the extent it is perfectly balanced. 

'Unbelievable! How can he keep up with me?! … He's not of our descent, only my people proved to be a challenge for me, and even then, I would usually come up victorious against the majority of them. 

Could he be one of those that our master talked to us about long time ago?' questions Kanutey in his mind. 

What could it possibly be that he is referring to? Clearly, Kanutey is not a Babel resident for him not to be aware of Zephyr's condition, it looks like he does not even know who Zephyr is! 

On the other hand, Zephyr is not having it any easier. 

'Damn! This is one tough guy we have here… I'm beginning to sweat!' 

Kanutey suddenly inhales heavily and puts even more force on his forearms and biceps, which results in slightly swaying Zephyr of his spot!! 

"…Did Zephyr just move a little bit?"

"I don't know but I definitely saw the other guy moving!" 

"… The image was never frozen." Speaks a mysterious person with a hidden face sitting amid the crowd. 


"What do you mean" questions another. 

"… look closely, Zephyr is getting dragged, so slowly. The reason why you thought it was a frozen image is because both players were using equal force, but right now the edge is on the Kemetic's side." He so calmly explains. 

"…Did he say Kemetic guy?!" 

"What's that!?"

"You fool, obviously he's speaking of Zephyr's opponent!" 

Out of nowhere, a crazy looking woman jumps to the conversation. "Hey!! Did you just assume their gender!? Don't you know that's illegal to do?" 

"Euuh… No no! I didn't! He just… I mean, it looks like he's a male!" replies the guilty. 

Upon this, the mysterious player stands up and leaves the place, leaving the others perplexed for a moment! It's as if he could not support the stupidity of those around him…

Back to the contest, Zephyr is hating his current situation. 

'…Even though I'm only moving some centimeters back, if this goes on, I won't be able to recover!' 

*Silver Shield* 

He activates the defensive mechanism and places it right in front of the tips of his toes. 


He used his two-star shield to stop his movement and add more resiliency!!!"

"Woah!!". The crowd yells in awe, they did not expect nor think of such possibility! 

'Now I must think of a way to add more strength unto my pull, I am currently using 80% of my physical ability, but the rest can only be tapped in if my body heats up to 40° degrees Celsius! 

Currently, It's about 39° degrees…' 

Zephyr abruptly changes his stance and faces towards his opponent, now he is pulling backwards instead of onwards. "This will surely generate less power, but with the help of the shield I can hang on a little until I'm able to heat up my body!" 

He starts to move his legs up and down repeatedly, as if he is walking backwards on a running roulette machine! 

"I… I am not quite sure what Zephyr is trying to do right now!! But it appears as if he is trying his best to run backwards!!" says the announcer. 

Previously, Kanutey did not look back and simply focused on dragging his opponent to the other direction. But hearing what the commentator said made him take a look. 

'…What is he doing? I can feel that he is not generating enough power to hold me back. He must be desperate… He thinks that shield of his is enough to stop me! I'll show him the real strength of a royal warrior.

I was going to simply rely on my Gods given power, but seeing that he is not, It is only fair to use a special ability myself.' 

*Electrical Charge* 

Electrical charge is an ability that allows its user to be literally charged by electricity without any of the harmful effects it might have in normal real-life circumstances. 

This electrical charge pumps up muscles and fastens blood circulation, adding significant power to the user. 

The announcer hypes up the moment even more. "WOOOOW!!! KANUTEY IS USING A SPECIAL ABILITY OF HIS OWN LADIES & GENTLEMEN!!! 

Electrical charge is a high 2nd level ability that adds a lot of potency to the player using it. 

Look at him glowing with electrical sparks, isn't this so cool!!!" 

The crowd itself is impressed!

"Wow! That Kanutey player is really strong!"

"You ever acquired this ability?"

"No! I never seen it before. It must be quite high level like the announcer said…" 

"Zephyr might lose this one it seems…

The mysterious guy from earlier changed his place and went to the top edge of the stands, still eyeing the battle from under his long cape. 

"Hmm… How ironic!" He says. 

The silver shield begins to crack due the multiplied force of Kanutey, it can no longer withhold Zephyr!

However… Something was taking place while everyone was preoccupied by the sparkling Sanio! 

"Hey! Look at Zephyr! Isn't his hair standing up a bit?" 

"…Oh! You're right!!" 

"Isn't those sparks of electricity appearing on his body too!?"


The silver shield suddenly breaks as Hanx begins to be dragged closer and closer to the middle line! 


The crowd goes on even more quite as they watch the player they're rooting for losing…

"…This is over!" 

"Oh no!" one of his fangirls even starts crying.

Another fanboy however spots something! 

"Is Zephyr…smiling?" 

Indeed he was! This time, it wasn't an arrogant confident smile however, it was as geniuine of a smile as Zephyr has ever smiled. 

"Hahahaha! Coincidence is truly a wonderful thing. 

After all, isn't that the reason everything happens?" 

Kanutey looks back again, shocked to see a losing opponent smiling and talking inexplainable things! 

But even more shocked to see that he is no more dragging Zephyr towards his side!!

"…We're back to equal again!? How come! My strength almost doubled!!"

He looks below at his footsteps. "…What the hell is going on!! 

Am I…getting pulled back!!!" 

Zephyr. "Yes, you are! And it's all thanks to you, Sanio Kanutey!" 


"YYYYYYYEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" the crowd goes back to life once again! 

As he's pulling his opponent, he nonchalantly explains. "…As opposed to what you might believe, I do not possess that ability of yours. However, you can say that electricity is one of my closest friends, and it will always be my ally. 

The moment you used your ability, Th…" Zephyr puts on even more effort. "The electrical charges began to transmit from you to the rope, and then to me as well!"

Sanio's look expresses true shock and unexpectedness! 

"It took some time for me to get used to it, after all, being shocked with electricity is not fun at all. 

Thankfully, I am pretty much resilient and more apt to take it than the average human being. You helped me heat up even more, which I was already started doing! 

Plus, I really like these electrical sparks emitting from my body, even my hair looks cooler this way! 

Now…" Zephyr pulls even stronger, Kanutey's feet are now continuously slipping from under him! 

"What is your next move, big guy?"