After 4 years...
"I'm sorry, this seat is taken."
Jean Mary went inside a decent restaurant in town but the waiter said that the last seat was taken. So she just went out without protest. When she was about to leave the place, she saw a beautiful girl, a new customer arrived and the waiter entertained her properly. Jean Mary felt aggrieved so she wanted to go back to make a complaint but then when she looked at her reflection, she realized that she has no right to do so. She looked old and her clothes looked like rags. She looked like a beggar now. Grand didn't treat her well during her pregnancy up until now and sad news too, due to stress, she delivered her child dead. What a sad event her life turned into.
Unfortunately, she was very excited to eat in a decent place because she had not a proper meal for some time already. Because she did not finish her studies, she could not find a high paying job. She works on a work-now-pay-now basis and today, her employer gave her a large sum of tip that she decided to eat something nice for her stomach. In the end, it only left her to feel brokenhearted with her situation that she ran into. She went home after the incident and there she saw Grand watching the television.
"Prepare the food." He said.
"Where have you been?" Grand asked her.
"I went to work."
'What kind of work?" Grand accused her before selling her body just because she's not anymore a virgin. Grand always is suspicious of her.
"What kind of help do you offer?"
"I cleaned the house of a female client." She told him so he won't have suspicions anymore.
Grand wanted them to live like a couple but she could not open her heart to him. Friendship is the only thing she offers to him. Her heart remains for one person only. Only those reasons don't allow her love for Jan Reynolds to prosper.
She missed the thoughtful and jolly type of personality Grand showed her before. He was disappointed to know that she was not a virgin anymore. But when she delivered her baby dead, Grand opened up the possibility for them to be together. But to no avail, she refused again. She tried to understand the behavior of Grand that maybe his changes might be the result of her rejections to him. So partly, it was her fault. Despite their severed relationships, she did not leave him.
"My parents will come back home. I will be moving back to where my parents for the time being. Don't try running away." He warned.
"Okay." Ever since Grand started showing her his negative attitudes, Jean Mary became a yes-person to Grand except for the relationship he desired. But as time went by, her youth and vibrant personality disappeared, it seemed like Grand doesn't like her anymore. Yet, he doesn't want her out of his life.
The following morning, after breakfast he went back to his old home.
Jean Mary tried to wear her most formal clothes. She will be going to apply for a job because she saw a job posting for a janitorial job for a new company in town.
She went to Jewelry Reigns Company. 9:30 AM she was already there because the interview was scheduled for 10:00 AM that morning.
She saw a long queue of applicants, she was last on the line for the Janitorial position. She felt the urge to pee.
So, she went to the restroom. While on her way, she was busy looking for a tissue paper in her bag when she bumped into someone and her tissue paper fell. She picked it up and was about to say sorry to the woman. She looked up to her but a shocking incident hit her.
"Anne." Her first and only word she said.