Hidden Messages

Bai Yu Yan's eyes flew wide open by the sudden pull of force from inside. Mentally cursing herself she was getting ready to embrace the floor when a white figure suddenly dashed at a lightning speed and caught her midair. A loud bang reverberated in the room. She blinked her eyes once and blinked it twice.

The thought that her body was not registering the pain because of the overwhelming embarrassment of the situation crossed her brain, but she realized she was not lying on the ground but in someone's embrace.

Bai Yu Yan slowly raised her head and locked her gaze with the intense eyes looking down at her. The ground was still underneath her feet, which means it wasn't the sound of her falling. Turning her head, she saw the Third Princess lying face down on the floor. She didn't know whether to heave a sigh of relief or not.

Half an hour later, Bai Yu Yan was sitting with folded legs and a straight back. A white porcelain tea set and a cup of freshly brewed tea lay on the table. Across her, Fan Li Wei was calmly sitting with a smile in his eyes.

"Miss Bai, is the tea to your liking?" Fan Li Wei looked at the girl before him who was sitting with a constipated look.

Bai Yu Yan glanced at the servants who had a guarded look on their face and back to the man who was calmly looking at her but with subtle mirth in his eyes. She immediately wanted to drill a hole, jump right in, and never come out.

"That...Princess might be hurt because of the fall. I think I should go and check on her." She hurriedly found an excuse to leave the room.

"There is no need to worry, Miss Bai. Wei Min is also a doctor. If he said it's nothing more than a simple bruise that will heal after a few days, then that must be it. And my men have already sent her to the palace, so you can rest assured that it will be alright." Before the girl could run away, Fan Li Wei blocked her escape with his words.

Hearing him, Bai Yu Yan visibly wilted like a dry flower. What was even more awkward was that the man had not even asked her what they were doing at the door. If only he had asked, she could make a random excuse and get over with it but without him bringing the topic, she couldn't say anything and voluntarily appear guilty.

Since there was no way out of it, she took a deep breath to calm herself and smiled like nothing happened. "Did Prince make the tea yourself? The fragrance alone is so calming, the taste is even better," she remarked taking a whiff.

Amusement danced in Fan Li Wei's soft eyes seeing her acting normal to dispel the awkwardness in the air. Nodding his head, he replied, "I am glad that it is to your liking. Also, my name is Fan Li Wei. Last time, I couldn't introduce myself properly, hope that Miss Bai did not mind it."

Bai Yu Yan immediately swallowed the tea and refuted, "What's there to mind? In fact, it was me who couldn't properly apologize for spilling wine. Also, you can call me Bai Yu Yan."

Fan Li Wei remembered the robe sent by Lu Tong Xiao early in the morning. He mused to himself at how the man had sent the robe of the most expensive silk but refused to talk about it in front of Bai Yu Yan who seemed to be unaware of it.

Yu Yan glanced at the man called Wei Min and casually asked, "Prince Li Wei is saying that he knows medicine as well? Is he perhaps your personal doctor?"

"Ah, yes, Wei Min pretty much knows about everything. Not only is he my doctor but my personal bodyguard as well. Why, is there anything that you want to discuss?"

The surrounding guards were shocked by how their Master was telling such information to this strange woman. Not many people outside of their group knew that Wei Min is also proficient in medicine. They were already bothered by the fact that the woman seemed to be secretly listening to their conversation.

Bai Yu Yan hurriedly shook her head to deny, "No no. I was just asking. I saw him checking Third Princess earlier so was curious if he really knew medicine." If he is a personal doctor of Prince Li Wei then he must know about his condition and the poison in his body as well. She mentally noted his name and appearance.

"Don't worry, he has learned medicine. So nothing will happen to the Third Princess," said Fan Li Wei with a light chuckle.

The atmosphere turned to normal and Bai Yu Yan's hand unconsciously stretched towards the light snacks on the table. But seeing that the guards were still looking at her with suspicion, she pulled her hand back and gave a dry laugh. "Did Prince Li Wei come to Xin for some business? Will you be staying for long?" Sipping on her tea, she asked. She didn't know if they would have another chance encounter where she can let him know about the antidote without appearing apparent.

"Just some personal matters. I'll probably leave next month."

"Forgive me for asking. I didn't mean to probe." Yu Yan awkwardly smiled. She really didn't want to be nosy in other people's business but given the situation, she really couldn't help, ah.

Looking at her uncomfortable expression, he replied in a heavy voice, "No, it's alright. I've come for Consort Ning's death anniversary. It's this week."

His gentle eyes had layers of unspeakable hidden sadness. Bai Yu Yan looked at his beautiful face that was devoid of any maliciousness even after suffering so much at his own family's hands. At the mention of Consort Ning, his voice held both warmth and sorrow. It seemed Consort Ning was someone really important to him.

She couldn't help but think back to the unfortunate relationships in his life. Suppressing the hesitation, she carefully worded her message and reminded him, "Your Highness, everyone is truly alone in their life. Nobody will show kindness unless they want something from us, sometimes not even our own parents. So rather than expecting genuine warmth from others only to be disappointed in the end, it's better that we live for and be kind to ourselves. Don't you think so?"

Fan Li Wei's clenched hands resting on his knees shook slightly, his jaw stretching to a hard line. The deep eyes looking at Bai Yu Yan had a hint of surprise but also a doubtful curiosity creeping out of it. He didn't know why she said such a thing all of a sudden but after a moment he added, "Indeed. Nobody can be trusted. In this world of fickle relationships filled with betrayals, even the bond of husband and wife can be laced with sharp thorns. Much less, with other people."

Thinking he understood her meaning, Bai Yu Yan was nodding her head with satisfaction when she suddenly felt something off about his words. Like he was implying something. She raised her head to look at his expression. But on that unreadable face, there was nothing peculiar, only a gentle smile hanging on his lips.