episode nine

oneday Sara traveling in bus but she never knew she going to meet him, that person is bullied Sara in her college life. so she afraid about him even after meet him so long because he didn't changed himself. so she hided her face and waiting for her stop. she going work, after she reached she just quickly get out bus and turned her and looked at him but he didn't noticed him after.

Sara : thank god he didn't noticed me.

Zayn : what are you doing here

Sara : nothing.

Zayn : let's go inside.

Sara : okay.

then Zayn and Sara went to eat dinner in restaurant that day. she meet that person again, his name is Rocky. but this time he saw Sara and went to meet her close. Sara shocked and stucked in her place. Zayn is not there, he went to attend phone call outside.

Rocky : Sara right?

Sara : yes

Rocky : wah long time, you really living happily , do you wanna die?

Sara just avoided him and trying to walk away but he didn't allow. He just holded her hand tightly.

Sara : leave my hands ...

Rocky : how dare you? because of you three years I was in jail , do you know how's that feel?

Sara : leave me ... it's paining.

Rocky : I'm not going to leave you.

then manager of the restaurant call police and Zayn also saw Sara with Rocky. Zayn just pushed him and safe Sara and Zayn punched his face too.

Zayn : I don't want to know who are you but if I saw you again. I'll kill you .

then police arrived there and they talked him away from the restaurant.

Zayn : Are you okay?

Sara : yeah

Zayn : don't worry I'm here. let's go.

then Zayn dropped Sara in her home and told her to be careful.

Zayn : I'll pickup you daily . see you tomorrow.

Sara : no it's ok, what if company staffs find out.

Zayn : I don't care about anything. I'll see you tomorrow.

then Zayn left her house.

Next day Sara standing outside of company cafeteria Zayn saw her and went to talk to her.

Zayn : Why standing here alone

Sara : it's been 3 years but nothing changed from him. why you don't ask anything to me" who is that" "what's between me and him".

Zayn : it's because I trust you. you don't need to tell anything. whatever happened in your past... if it's chasing you now or future . I'm not going just stand and watch. I'll protect you nomatter.

then Sara cried and Zayn hugged her. Lisa saw everything and heard everything what they talking. so she decide to find out why she scaring. Zayn also looking around for details about Rocky. so he asked his manager to help.

Manager : I got some details about him, his name is Rocky. three years before he misbehaved with his fellow college mate girl. so police enquired him and arrested him, he spended two weeks in jail after releasing in jail he went to meet that college mate again and kidnapped her but with police and her friends help she escaped from that big accident and the most important thing is... she is...

Zayn : I know I got it.... arrange securities more in our company and keep CCTV 24 hours.

Manager : okay.

Zayn trying his best to protect Sara from Rocky. Rocky also find out where Sara working and who is Zayn.

oneday Sara went to business dinner with Zayn and Lisa. Lisa arranged that dinner. In the middle of conversation Lisa saw sauce from Sara dress. after she informed that to Sara. Sara went to wash sauce in her dress from that hotel bathroom. then she meet some strange peoples there with Rocky, they trying to kidnapping sara...