episode fifteen

Zayn want to visit again India. His dad went to Italy for business meeting so he want to go back to India and continue his business. Lisa after heard about that news she trying to stop him because real Sara is there.

Lisa : Zayn I heard you going back to India again.

Zayn : yes, let's live together there. Okay?

Lisa : why?

Zayn : I don't know too but I feel like empty here And most important I feel like something waiting for me there and it's Calling me everytime. So I want to go back.

Lisa : but Zayn ...

Zayn : don't worry Sara , this time nothing going to happen.

Then he hugged Lisa because he still thinking she is Sara but somewhat he realize sometimes like he don't have feelings whenever he hug Lisa. Then Zayn and Lisa came back again to India. Lisa is afraid because what if Zayn meet real Sara again and what if he recall her face again so she arranged so many things to distract zayn. Zayn's manager watching her moves everyday but he can't do anything because of Mr. Steven. But fate is decided already so his fate giving second chance to Zayn. Because Sara also decide to go back to Mumbai (the place where she meet Zayn).

Zayn after reach India he visited some places (the places he date with real Sara) and so he sometimes recall her face structure sometimes and he confusing like who is she. He can meet real Sara in his dream but after that car accident, he went to coma so his power is gone. until he meet real Sara he can't use his dream journey power. He also went to his company and meet employees there with Lisa. But noone understand why Zayn calling Lisa name Sara.

Zayn : I arranged dinner tonight, let's go together.

Lisa : okay.

Zayn : I'm back to India I don't know why I feel like missing something.

Lisa : I'm here what you missing?

Zayn : that's right , you are with me.

He trying to kiss Lisa after but one of his company employee came to there suddenly so they didn't kiss eachother.

Lisa : don't you have manners, how dare you.

Employee : I'm sorry Mr.CEO but meeting is arranged so I came to inform you.

Zayn : Okay, I'll be there with in five minutes.

Then his employee left CEO room. Zayn and lisa went to join meeting. Zayn introduced Lisa to everyone. Even the directors also surprising when Lisa changed her name Sara.

Employee : why our CEO calling that evil "Sara" her name is Lisa right?

Another employee: I remember our CEO so close with Sara , what happened to them?

The gossips spreading everywhere in the company except Zayn everyone knows she is not Sara her name is Lisa but noone dare to tell him against Lisa. Because Lisa is one of shareholders.

(At night)

Zayn takes Lisa to his favourite restaurant for dinner, he still remember what Sara ordered routinely whenever they visit but Lisa dislike those foods and she forgot that restaurant is Sara and zayn's favourite restaurant.

Zayn : what happened you don't like?

Lisa : why you order chicken? I don't like chicken don't you remember! And Can we go another restaurant, because this restaurant is not clean and people here so noisy.

Zayn : what? But You always order chicken here. And this is our favourite restaurant. What happened to you.

Lisa : ofcourse I remember but I feel sick suddenly.

Zayn : okay let's go , I'll take to the hospital.

Lisa : no it's ok, I'm tired that's why I feel sick. Let's go and take rest.

Zayn : okay let's go.

Then Zayn and Lisa left that restaurant after they left Sara came to visit there but she didn't meet him.