episode ninteen

Diya shocked when she meet Sara in her room, but Sara confusing she didn't answer anything.

Sara : hello is this yours?

Diya : yeah yeah it's mine.

Sara : okay. Then I'll leave.

Diya : wait your name Sara right?

Sara : yes, how you know my name?

Zayn : my brother admitted you hospital last night.

Sara : oh really, I want to meet your brother. Where is he I want thank to him.

Diya : it's okay. By the way my name is Diya.

Sara : hello Diya, can you please convey my thanks to your brother.

Diya : sure. Actually I came from Australia so I don't have friends here. Can we friends?

Sara : huh?

Diya : I know you shocking but I'm bored here.

Sara : lol okay. Now I have to go, take care.

Diya : bye.

Then Sara left hospital and went to her home.

Oneday later Diya also discharged hospital. Diya and Sara become close eachother day by day. Diya invited Sara to her home. So Sara went to see Diya at her home but she don't know Zayn also there.

Diya : thank you for coming.

Sara : no problem. Are you staying alone in this big house.

Diya : no, I'm with my brother.

Sara : okay. Where's your brother?

Diya : he'll join later.lets go.

Then Diya and Sara waiting for  Zayn. Zayn also joined their dinner with Lisa.

Diya : Sara my brother his name is Zayn.

Sara turned her head and see his face and shocked. Zayn also surprised because he already meet her. Lisa also surprised to meet Sara with Diya.

Zayn : oh you? I remember I admitted you in hospital.

Diya : yes do you know brother? Her name also Sara.

Zayn : oh really.

Zayn called Lisa name Sara Infront of real sara. Lisa don't know what to do in that situation. Sara is shocking and confusing what's going on...

Diya : sit Sara , let's eat. Oh I forgot to introduced her, she is my brother fiance and her name is... Sara.

Lisa smirking at Diya because Diya teasing her.

Diya : what happened Sara(Lisa), are you surprised?

Zayn : are you okay?

Lisa : yeah I'm okay. I forgot I have to go somewhere, you guys carry on dinner.

Diya : nonono come on sit and join with us, because Sara is my best friend. I'm mean she not you.

Lisa getting angry about Diya because she thinking Diya is the one doing everything purposely.

Diya : brother don't you want to meet Sara parents in her home.

Zayn : ofcourse we have to inform your parents about our marriage plan.

Lisa is shocking she don't know what to answer because she is not real Sara how can she meet Sara parents.

Lisa : my parents not here. So we don't need to ask them.

Diya : no I heard your parents also in Mumbai. Tell us where they are, lets meet them properly.

Zayn : my parents went to Chennai so let's meet later.

Diya : so sad. We must meet them soon.

Sara don't understand what's going on there she just stuck Infront of them and she don't know what to answer too. Sara suddenly stand and tell them

Sara : I have to go , thanks for dinner today.

Diya : wait Sara, I'll arrange driver for you. Oh no driver is not here today, he took leave. Zayn dropped her in home.

Sara : no Its okay. I can call taxi.

Diya : no it's not okay. Come on brother take her.

Zayn : okay, let's go.

Lisa is just annoying about diya but Diya is so happy because they went together and meet eachother again. Sara went to sit backside of car. But diya asked her to sit front side of car. Then Zayn and Sara left that place.

(At Sara house Infront of gate)

Sara don't want to look Zayn eyes. She quickly getout the car after reached.

Sara : thank you

Zayn : wait a minute.

Then she stopped and Zayn went to give her handphone because she left in car. Zayn get out his car and went to stand Infront Sara. Sara don't know what to do she become nervous what he going to ask.

Zayn : your handphone

Sara : thanks.

Then she trying to escape from him but he stopped her again and asked her.

Zayn : do you know who I am?

Sara is shocked and don't know what to answer to him.  They kept looking eachother  without answer.