episode twenty two

On that party night Zayn suddenly faint Infront everyone but Sara is not there because she already left. Diya saw that and run towards Zayn and they called ambulance and went hospital.

Lisa : it's all because of you, why you called Sara here ,why you invited her.

Diya : shut up, my brother is in hospital now but you only caring about yourself.

Manager : calm down Diya.

Then the doctor checked Zayn and came out of room.

Diya : doctor what happened? Anything problem? My brother is okay right?

Doctor : Relax he is faint because he is too tired and He is restless. So don't worry.

Diya : thank you doctor.

Doctor : it'sokay , you can go and see him.

Then they went inside and meet Zayn. Because of treatment he taking rest at hospital bed. After long time he use his power again. He again traveled somewhere. This time he visited some place and strange memories in his dream.

Zayn : where I am? Why this place is look like this what happened here?

His Soul : don't you remember where you are?

Zayn : where I am?

His soul : this places are you lived your life with her

Zayn : I don't believe this.

His soul : I'm your soul, I'm the one guiding your life. You meet her because of me.

Zayn : what happened to my previous life?

His soul : you meet her and lived your life with her in all your previous life, you two are matched for eachother but...

Zayn : what Happened? Tell me everything

His soul : I can't tell... I'm here to warn you, she is in danger.  Find her , don't leave her.

Then the strange sound disappeared and zayn woke up in his hospital bed.

Diya : Zayn are you okay?

Zayn : I'm okay. Where is Sara?

Diya : she went home

Zayn : i want to see her, let's go.

Diya : but you restless , you have to take rest.

Zayn : No Diya I want to see her. She is in danger.

Then Zayn went to see Lisa and after saw her in house.

Lisa : what happened?

Zayn : are you okay?

Lisa : I'm okay.

Zayn : glad you are okay, don't leave me alone okay. You can't go anywhere.

Lisa : I'm here, don't worry.

Then he hugged her and panicked because  he dont know what's going to happen in his life. But real Sara life is now in danger.

Zayn panicking he afraid to loose Sara in this life but he don't realise who is real Sara.

Zayn : I have to save Sara, I have to...

Diya : nothing going to happen, why you panicking. Relax.

Lisa : can you leave us alone?

Then everyone left his room.

Lisa : come on, I'm here nothing going to happen to me. You take rest

Zayn : don't leave me.

Then the next day he went to his office and he meet real Sara there.

Secretary : hello Mr. Zayn ,. She is your new projects guide. So she going to work with us too.

Zayn : I don't care whoever join in this project. I want complete progress with high profit.

Secretary : you don't worry

Mr. Zayn. She can do. Sara you going to work here today onwards so work hard about this project and report me daily.

Sara : okay.

Secretary : now I leave everything to you.

Then secretary leave zayn's company.

Zayn : you going to work here, so remember I don't care who you are but once you entered in this company you are my employee so don't create any problems here.

Sara : don't worry I'm here for work, I'll do properly and I don't have any intention here.

Zayn : good then.

Then Zayn left and Sara continued her work there but Lisa also one of partner in that company so you also came there and saw Sara there so she went to talk to her.

Lisa : what you doing here?

Sara : I'm your new projects guide.

Lisa : what?

Sara : listen Lisa... Oh no... Sara right? I'm here for work not for fight with you. So leave me alone.

Lisa getting angry and went to see zayn.

Lisa : what she doing here?

Zayn : who!

Lisa : Sara

Zayn : oh her... She going to work here one month for our new projects.

Lisa : choose anyone not her.

Zayn : calm down, what. Happened to you? I don't see you like this before why you behaving like this lately.

Lisa : no I'm just feeling bad.

Zayn : don't worry I'll watch her .

Lisa : no you don't... I'll watch her. You have so many works so you don't need to watch her.

Zayn : okay up to you. I have some meetings outside. Take care.

Then Zayn left his company Lisa went to see Sara again.

Lisa : do you think in this way, you can get Zayn again?

Sara : I told you Lisa , I'm here for work.

Lisa : don't use this things , I. Know you have some intention here. But remember Zayn is my fiance.

Then Lisa went to continue her work and Sara thinking deeply and talking herself.

Sara : she is right, in this way I can meet Zayn so close. Atleast I can see him daily.

Then Sara kept looking at zayn, Zayn also watched her and he confusing.

Zayn : (talking himself)why I feel so close with her. Who is she really? I have to find out soon.

But Sara is happy she again meet Zayn and she can spent time with him atleast little now.