episode thirty one

Alia after working in part time job she returning home, On the way she meet viki . He is drunk and laying down in the road. So she went to help him.

Alia : excuse me are you okay.

Viki : wait your face is look like someone...do you have sister ??

Then she take his cellphone and dialled his last conduct.

Alia : hello owner of this phone is drunk and laying down in the campus road. Can you please take him.

That person : okay I'll come within ten minutes.

That time someone secretly taking photos of them. Then that person arrived there and he is Roy.

Roy : Viki are you okay?

Viki : Roy why you are here I'm okay. I just sleeping here. This place is so peaceful better then my home.

Roy : thank you . I'll take care of him.

Alia : okay . Bye.

Then Roy takes Viki in the car.

Next morning SRV entering to the campus . Everyone shocking and surprising and also shouting SRV.

Girls : o my god they are handsome.

Alia also saw them but her eyes only looking to Roy. Roy also saw Alia and went to say thanks to her.

Roy : hi thank you for last night. I'm sorry I didn't introduced myself. My name is Roy.

Alia : I'm Alia.

Roy : nice to meet you Alia.

Then they smiled eachother but Sam is annoying about that.

Viki : so you are that girl? You looking beautiful. Do you know who I am?

Alia : no.

Viki : what? You really don't know who I am?

Alia : ahhh SRV..?

Viki smiled : I liked your innocent. Thanks for last night.

Sam (with his annoying look) : let's go.

Roy & Viki : bye ...

Everyone there shocked and looking at her like why SRV boys talking to her.

Jene : what happened last night?

Alia : nothing.

Next day other students looking Alia like culprit. Because the person who took pictures last night, he uploaded those pictures in internet. So everyone hates Alia and teased her, complaining her.

Sam : who are you? You are not student right? Are you reporter? Why you take those pictures?

Alia : I'm not reporter I'm student. What pictures? I don't know anything.

Sam : don't lie. How much money you want? Delete those pictures right now.

Alia : I don't know what you all talking about. Can you leave my hands.

Sam : okay fine. But remember this if anything happened to Viki . 

You can't live peacefully never.

Then he left her, Alia don't know what to do.

(In home)

Sara also saw the article and reading newspaper in her home.

Sara : Alia see this, do you think she is stalker?

Alia : what? Stalker? She just helped him...

Sara : oh really... Then why she don't reply anything to media? Pity her...

Alia trying to tell everything to her sister but she don't want because already Sara have so much problems so she don't want to tell her.

(Next day in zayn's company)

Employee : sir reports

Zayn : leave it here, you can go now.

Then someone called Zayn and blackmailing him , that person is Rocky...

Rocky : Zayn Zayn Zayn... Do you remember me?

Zayn : who are you?

Rocky : too bad you don't even remember me... I'm Rocky....

Zayn : Rocky....???

Zayn shocked after heard his voice in phone.

Zayn : why you called me?

Rocky : your Sara she is waiting for bus in bus stop. If you don't come here within 5 minutes. You can't see her.

Then Zayn drive his car fastly and went to meet Sara. She even avoided traffic signal so police also driving back to his car. He arrived bus stop within 4min 35 seconds. He opened his car door and went to meet Sara in bus stop.

Sara : Zayn what are you doing here?

Zayn : are you okay?

Sara : I'm okay....what happened? Why you look like this?

Zayn : nothing, let's go.

Then Zayn pickup her and went to somewhere alone.

Sara : what happened? Tell me?

Zayn : he is back

Sara : who?

Zayn : Rocky.

Then Sara also shocked and afraid about him...

Zayn : I'm here ,don't worry.

Zayn hugged Sara but he also afraid what if anything happened to Sara. He already lost her in his previous life. How can he save her in this life?