episode thirty nine

The girl with beautiful dress called "Sam how are you" then Sam shocked after see her because she is his ex girlfriend her name is Niti.

Sam : you?

Niti : yeah I am Niti, how are you?

But Sam left that party house without saying anything . He is really flustered about her. After he left Alia joined party. she looks stunning and beautiful but Sam is not there.

Alia : where is he...wow this place is so beautiful, they are really rich... Wow look at the sweets ...it's so tasty.

Roy : Alia? What are you doing here?

Alia : I... I just came here. Sam invited me.

Roy : oh really but Sam is not here now. He is gone. Its okay

Come with me.

Alia : okay.

Then she meet viki too and three enjoying there. But Sam went bar and drunk too much. Then he called Alia in phone and told here where he is so Alia left the party and went to meet Sam in the bar.

Alia : Sam Sam why drink so much, stop it.

Sam : Alia my slave... You come here for me ... You are so sweet.

Alia : shut up , come with me.

Then she takes him to his car and buckle up him too, that movement their eyes meet close and their heart beating so fast because their face is so close. The people of outside and his house party people shouting "HAPPY NEW YEAR" and the fireworks also looking beautiful in the sky. In car that time Sam kissed Alia. Alia shocked about that. So she pushed him away.

Alia : what are you doing ?

Sam just laughed and slept in car. Then Alia takes him to his house. She called Roy after reaching house.

Roy : I knew it, it's going to happen. Thanks Alia.

Alia : no it's okay.

Then Alia went to her house back and thinking about kissing scene with Sam. She didn't sleep whole night, just she thinking about that kept and shocking, frustrating. She is alone in her dorm room.

Alia : (shouting) Sam the satan you stealing my first kiss.....

(At new year )

Mr. Steven back to India and meet Zayn and Sara . Zayn invited Sara to his home because he want to inform his father about engagement.

Sara : do you think your father accept me?

Zayn : yes, but don't worry, I'll take care if he still stubborn....let's run away lol.

Sara : ahhh Zayn I'm afraid.

Zayn : I just kidding it'sokay, don't worry.

Sara : why you suddenly proposed me? Because of that night?

Zayn : you told me you feel uncomfortable with me when I trying to so close to you. So I decide to break that gate between us. I don't want to stay away from you in heart and body. Sara let's get married soon okay?

Sara : okay.

Then they went Zayn house and meet Mr. Steven. Diya also waiting for them.

Zayn : dad I want to say something.

Mr. Steven : I know what's that already , you break your engagement with Lisa . Because you want to engage with Sara right because you love her so much?

Zayn : I want to get married with Sara .

Diya : brother did you proposed her already?

Zayn : yes.

Diya : is that true Sara?

Sara : yes.

Diya : wow... My brother is so cool.

Mr. steven : (hugged Zayn) don't worry I'm not going to stand in the middle, do whatever you like. All I want is your happiness and Diya happiness.

Zayn : thanks dad.

Diya : let's celebrate New year.lets go.

Then they went to dinner and enjoyed new year happily.

Next day morning in college.

Sam : why she avoiding my phone calls.

Roy : you don't remember anything about lastnight

Sam : what happened to lastnight

Roy : she is the one pickup you from the bar and dropped too..

Sam : what? I don't remember anything.

Then Niti visit Sam college, Viki saw that and informed Sam.

Sam : what are you doing here?

Niti : I missed you

Sam : but I don't. So leave

Niti : it's okay. Can we go out?

Sam : listen first I'm not interested in you. Second stay away from me.

Then Sam left and went to meet Alia in her department.The girls are surprising and shouting "Sam Sam Sam" "wow he is so handsome". Sam dragged outside the classroom.

Alia : what are you doing, leave my hands.

Sam : you ignored my calls but it's ok. I'm hungry.

Alia : Then go and eat , I have class.

Sam : buy breakfast

Alia : what?

Sam : buy something delicious. Let's go out and eat.

Alia : no I have to attend class...

Sam : fine I'm waiting for you too in your class... You carry on. Hello girls...

Alia : what

Girls : wow he so handsome...

Alia don't want to create any troubles so he dragged sam outside him within 5 minutes.

Sam : not bad. Let's go

Alia : don't come again here.

Sam : it's about how you behave.

Then they went to eat breakfast out. Alia still embarrassing about last night kiss. So she asked him.

Alia : did you remember anything ... about lastnight.

Sam : lastnight? ... Ahhhh I heard you pickup me and dropped me in my home. You doing your duty very well. I'm proud of you my slave.

Alia : that's all?

Sam : why? Anything important

Alia : no nothing.

Niti also came to eat breakfast at same restaurant . She saw Sam and Alia there. She getting angry and left restaurant , after finishing breakfast...

Sam : I'm going somewhere, so you call taxi or if you don't have money then walk. Your house is near by within 5 kilo meters. See you .bye

Sam left her alone there, Alia is frustrating and annoying about him. Then she called taxi and went to home