episode Forty two

Everyone there in part shocking what Sam going to announce.

Sam : I'm going to announce something tonight that is about Alia and me. I want to tell her about something. Alia... You are free now , our contract is end today, you are not my slave anymore. Thanks for everyone coming to my party. Enjoy lot it's all my treat.

Alia is shocked about that. She don't know what to reply him.

Sam : Are you shocked?

Viki : ofcourse she is shocked, we also shocked. Congrats Alia now you are free.

Alia : yeah I'm free and I'm happy too...

Then Alia left that party place. She waiting for bus in bus stop. Sam came to their suddenly in his car.

(In bus stop)

Sam : why you suddenly left my birthday party? Why ? You don't want to break our contract?

Alia : no I'm happy , I can live from now on without your annoying things.

Sam : yeah right. Let's go I'll drop you.

Alia : no thanks.

Sam : oh come on. It's already late.

Alia : why you worried about me, you don't need to worry about me. Just go. I'll take care myself.

Sam : oh really , okay fine.

Then Sam left in his car from that place. Alia standing there alone. Some stranger street boys came there and trying to misbehave to Alia.

Boys : hey girl, can we drop you in your house.

Other boy : or my house....(laughing)

Next one : he come on guys she must be scared. Look at her she likes me? And She is my type too. You choose me right?

Other one : hey let's stop to talk . Come with us.

Then they trying to hold her hand and touch her. Alia shouting for help but noone is there. Suddenly Sam came there again with his car and noticed her. Alia is really happy but he left suddenly again.

Alia : Nono Sam help me , don't go.

Sam laughed in his car and came back and fight with them. Then the boys run away from that place.

Sam : I told you it's late night.

Alia : then why you left ? You should compel me again...

Sam : get on

( In car )

Sam played music in his car but Alia turned off then Sam played again she again turned off that.

Sam : it's my car, my music player , I can do anything. Why you turned off.

Alia : it's my ear , it's my hand. I want peace and silent now. 

Then Sam again turned on and she again turned off and fighting eachother in car. Then romance started. Sam stop the car in middle of road then he hold her hands tightly and trying to kiss her. Alia shocked about that but he don't kiss he just pretend.

Sam : if you again turned off and making me to touch your hands again, I can't control myself. Got it.

Alia : Okay okay (panicking)

Sam : good girl. (Smiling like teasing)

Then he started car and drive again to her house and dropped her finally.

Sara : thanks

Zayn : goodnight

Then he left. Alia went to her home inside...

(In home)

Sara : what happened why you late?

Alia : nothing

Sara : why she blushing?

Alia : me? No way...

Sara  : yes you are...

Sara trying to tease her and asked questions to her but she don't reply for anything.

Alia : im tired let me sleep.

Sara : then tell me tell me

Alia : I told you nothing. Stop pinching me.

The two girls laughed and talking whole night. Their room light is on so long in that beautiful night. Rocky is standing outside the Zayn house but Zayn didn't know about that he is studying book inside his home...

When he went to his room after study,  he saw his room windows is not closed so he went to closed because it's raining outside. When he closing the windows he saw someone standing outside in his house and watching, he confirmed that is Rocky so he called his securities and inform and he also went to check but Rocky is not there ....

Zayn : I just saw him here...where he went???

Securities : sir there is no one here.

Zayn : it'sokay , becareful next time.

Zayn confusing why Rocky visiting his house and suddenly disappeared....then he called Sara in phone.

Zayn : are you okay?

Sara : yeah I'm okay... What happened?

Zayn : nothing

Sara : I'm okay don't worry... I love you.

Zayn : I love you too (smiling)

After phone call with Sara Zayn went to check CCTV cameras and checked and confirmed too.