episode Forty four

Sara and Alia decide to buy gifts and cake for their dad, so they called taxi and went to shopping. Unfortunately Rocky follow them in another car, when the two cars meet signal in road. Sam saw Alia in his car. So he also following them one side. They bought gifts and cakes in shopping mall. Rocky following them there too and Sam also following Alia one side. Sam accidentally saw someone following Alia too and that is Rocky.

Sam : why he following Alia? Wait a minute I know him, his face is familiar to me.

Then Sam went to ask him but Rocky pushed him away and escaped him. Sara and Alia also left shopping mall and went to celebrate their father birthday in their house.sam also went to his home. At birthday party Zayn also came Sara house.

Zayn : can I join too

Her mom : ofcourse Mr. Zayn.

Alia : someone here blushing...

Sara : shut up.

Her dad : can we start now??

Her mom : yeah cut the cake...

Then they celebrate birthday party, Sara is so happy because Zayn also came there.

Next day Alia eating lunch with her friends in college cafeteria, Sam saw them and went to join with them.

Sam : hi girls

Alia : what are you doing here? Just go away, sit somewhere

Sam : why?

Alia : look around

Other students shocked too because popular guy of the college is eating lunch with Alia.

Sam : I don't care.

Alia : but I care. Let's go

She called her friends and run away from Sam, but Sam following her whole day.she went to library next there also he followed her.

Alia : why you following me everywhere.

Sam : me... I don't.

Alia : then what are you doing here?

Sam : ahhh book reading.

Alia : fine.

Then she left library and walking outside in garden area of the college. Sam following her there too. Other students takes pictures of them and uploaded in college forum. Niti saw those pictures and getting angry. Roy also shocked and sad inside.

(Basketball court)

Viki : someone these days so busy.

Sam : come straight to the point.

Viki : why you following Alia everywhere? Do you like her? (Teasing)

Sam : me...? Stop talking nonsense. Where is Roy?

Viki : I don't know, may be he meet his father again and fight with him. Yesterday I saw him in his step brother school Infront of gate. I think he don't hate his step brother.

In the middle of Sam and Viki conversation, Niti came there.

Niti : Sam... I calling you. Why you avoiding me everytime?

Sam just walk away without speaking anything.

Niti : Sam wait.

Then Viki and Sam left basketball court.

Alia went to photography club. She meet Roy there.

Roy : hi

Alia : oh you are here.

Roy : anything you want?

Alia : no , I'm just preparing for exams.

Roy : I saw forum posts. Do you like Sam?

Then Sam came there and answer him

Sam : she likes me ? Really?

Alia : not even in your dream. I have to go, see you later Roy.

Then Sam followed her again. Roy is really upset and sad about her feelings to Sam. Because he also find out already that is Sam love Alia.

Sam : why you avoiding me, do you really like me?

Alia : me... You...? No way. Then why you avoiding me.

Sam stand close to her and looking her eyes and asked her.

Sam : you don't really like me?

Alia pushed him away and run away from him....