episode fifty two

Sara : please don't do that please

Rocky : Nono I'm not going to spoil this beautiful face that soon so don't worry. do you know why I still Don't kill you because I want you. I want you all... so let me kiss you.

Rocky trying to kiss her and misbehaving. Sara trying to run away from him. Sam oneside searching Rocky outside , he hearing Sara voice suddenly when he walking outside of that waiting room he felt strange but that room is locked so he trying to open outside.

Rocky : don't run away from me Sara, come to me... here noone only you and me so don't trying to escape.

Sara : please anyone help....(screaming)

(in another room)

after talking with Lisa Zayn also searching Sara everywhere in that hotel. he also feeling strange inside.

then suddenly Sam opened that waiting room door and saw Sara and Rocky. Sam trying to help Sara, so both fighting eachother and Sara trying to escape from that room and Rocky saw that too so he pushed Sam away and takes knife and running towards to Sara. Zayn suddenly came there and saw Sam oneside and Rocky running back to Sara.

Zayn : Sara...noo...

Rocky : oh you are here too... you can't save her...

Rocky throw that knife to the Sara stomach side and Sara fell down . Zayn running towards to Sara. Police came there and catch Rocky and takes him and ambulance also came there Zayn takes her to the ambulance he saw so much blood bleeding outside from her stomach.

(in ambulance)

Zayn : Nono don't worry I'm here, please don't close your eyes... please don't leave me... (crying)

Sara : Zayn.... I love you.

Zayn : no don't please don't... please drive fastly. (shouting and crying)

(in hospital)

after reached hospital Zayn rushing whole hospital because of Sara. Doctors takes her to the operation theatre and giving treatment to her. Zayn waiting outside and panicking.

Zayn : nothing going to happen to her, nothing going to....

Diya : Zayn please calm down.

Zayn : no Diya... do something... please...I don't want to loose her...(crying)

Diya hugged her brother, whole family is waiting for Sara outside. Doctors also trying their best inside of the operation theatre.

(In hospital)

After operation doctor informed that she is in critical condition and tried their best. Zayn shocked and afraid to loose her so he went inside hospital room and trying to wake up Sara.

Zayn : I'm here Sara, please wake up and look at me (crying). Please open your eyes and see me.

She hugged her in the bed and crying. When his tear drops to her cheek. She blinked her eyes and moved her hands suddenly. But zayn didn't noticed that. Then she opened her eyes and trying to talk Zayn.

Sara : I'm hungry.

Then Zayn turned her head and look at surprisingly.

Sara : I'm hungry. Can I eat something?

Zayn : hungry ?

Zayn laughed and hugged her tightly and replied her.

Zayn : you can eat anything, I'll buy for you delicious foods.

Then he hugged her again and kissed her in forehead , he so surprised because she is back to her life. Zayn called doctor and even doctor also surprised because he thought she going to die. But it's medical miracle. After doctor checked...

Doctor : it's medical miracle, this is unbelievable to me too. She is okay now.

Zayn : thank you doctor.

Doctor : I did nothing, you should say thanks to her and god.

Sara : can I eat something?

Doctor: ofcourse you can but only prescription foods.

Sara : nooo I want to eat delicious..

Zayn and her family, his family laughed about her cuteness and relieved because she is okay now.

(In hotel room)

Lisa after got information about Sara.

Lisa : damn, why she still alive.

Then suddenly opened her room door and Lisa is shocking because that is Sam.

Lisa : what are you doing?

Sam : you already know why I am here...

(Flashback in the engagement party before Sara and rocky meet. Sam following rocky wherever he goes, Rocky signaling everytime to one side so Sam noticed and saw Lisa conversation secretly to Rocky but he confirmed after Lisa created problem in engagement party with Sara and understand everything like he don't follow Alia , he followed her sister sara).

So he came to ask Lisa in hotel (where she stayed).

Sam : why you changed like this?

Lisa : she changed me like this, you have no idea how much I love zayn. He is mine.

Sam : but he love Sara not you.

Lisa : I don't care that's why I planned to kill her.

Sam : are you crazy

Lisa : yes I am....I'm crazy (shouting)

Then she left the room and went to meet Sara in hospital.