episode fifty seven

Sam waiting for Alia outside in the college ,Alia saw that and went to talk to him

Alia : why are you standing outside?

Sam : nothing, can we go somewhere.

Alia : sure.

Then they went to lake .

Alia : tell me what you want to talk? Do you want to breakup isn't?

Sam : I'm sorry for everything.

Alia : I know already, it'sokay you don't need to worry about anything.

Sam : I'm sorry (feeling guilty)

Alia : I have to go home.

Sam : let me dropp you.

Alia : no thanks, I can call taxi.

Sam : but...

Alia : I said I don't need

Then Alia left there and she is completely upset about her relationship with Sam. Sam is confusing and frustrating about his friendship and relationship.

He hating himself because of his decisions, he went bar and drinking toomuch and Niti meet Sam there and she trying to use this chance, she takes him to the hotel and trying to get close to him but Roy came there because of that hotel owner information, that hotel owner is his friend.

Niti : don't think anything wrong , I just takes here for rest.

Roy : I know who are you so don't try anything.

Roy takes Sam away from that room and takes him to his house.

(In Roy's house)

Roy : why his body is hot this much.

Sam murmuring little ...

Sam : I'm sorry ...

Roy : Sam are you okay? What you talking...

Sam : I'm sorry Alia I'm sorry...

Roy : Alia???

Sam : I'm sorry...(murmuring again and again)

Roy is thinking what happened to them why he saying sorry then he called doctor and giving Medicine to him and let him to sleep in his house. Next day morning he Sam opened his eyes little by little and saw everything.

Then he realized he was in Roy's house, he went to see Roy and Roy is preparing breakfast for him and Sam. Sam silently trying to go back his home but Roy stopped him.

Roy : where are you going?

Sam : I don't need to tell you anything.

Roy : oh really, then answer me for only one question. What you did to Alia this time?

Sam : that's none of your business.

Roy : it's my business too because I like her too.

Sam : then go-ahead, go and tell her that you love her. I don't care about anything.

Then he left Roy's house and went to his house. Roy is confusing why he saying like this.

(In college)

Roy meet alia and talk to her about her relationship.

Alia : it's been long time..

Roy : yeah long time... Are you okay?

Alia : I'm okay.

Roy : really? I heard you breakup with Sam. Is that true?

Alia : oh that's.. it's nothing.

Roy : I'm sorry

Alia : why you saying sorry to me?

Roy : it's all because of me

Alia : what are you talking?

Roy : yes it's all because of me, I'm sorry. Sam breakup you because I love you too.

Alia : what?

Roy : I love you Alia.

Alia : what ? Don't startled me.

Roy : I telling you truth, can we date now?

Alia is shocked and she don't know what to answer to him.