episode sixty five

Zayn asked his manager to check Sara's real parents address and her family curse. Three days later his manager came back with some information.

Manager : I checked that address, that was village from South side. I asked about that curse from their relatives and friends and they said same thing " they don't know too what is truth" but the elder of that family member is came with me.

Zayn : where ?

Manager : she is in hotel. I think she is Sara's real grandmother.

Then Zayn went to meet her in hotel, from the first meet between her grandmother and Zayn is awkward but she easily recognised him.

Zayn : hello grandma I'm Zayn...

Grandmother : I know who you are and I know you can travel in dream right?

Zayn : please tell me how to save my wife (shockingly)

Grandmother : i can't help you.

Zayn : no please please tell me , I want to save Sara please...

Grandmother : I know how you feel inside because i also wished to save my husband and my son but the curse is killed my whole family. (Crying) (sobbing)

Zayn : please grandma save her, I can't live without her please.

Grandmother : how old she is now?

Zayn : she celebrated her 24th birthday five days before.

Grandmother : if Kapoor family meet their destined partner, the curse will kill them. Every destined partner can meet Kapoor family members in their dream. You have that power because of your wife. You are destined life partner. I saw my husband like that and your wife mother's also saw her husband like that. I lost my husband, Sara's mother also lost her husband because of that curse. This time your wife gonna meet that curse.

Zayn : no I don't believe this...(eyes full anger and tears)

Grandmother : we can't stop that curse. I'm sorry.

Zayn : no you all liars, I'm not going to believe your words. (Angry)

Grandmother : if you don't trust that , see your wife's neck. It's started with black dot and it's increase day by day like big blackspot, then it's covered your wife's body. It's turned her Skin colour full of black. This is first step of that curse, it means darkness definitely eat your love.

Zayn : no I don't believe anything, this is impossible.

Grandmother : I hope so my son. remember if it's happened,you need to breakup. Breakup your relationship with my grand daughter. (shouting)

Zayn shocked after talking with her , he also afraid about that curse. He returned his home and saw his wife Sara in the kitchen, she cooking happily for him. He hugged her back sadly.

Sara : are you hungry?do you want to eat anything (caring)

Zayn turned her in his side and looking at her like heart broken.

Sara : are you okay? What happened to you.

Zayn : I missed you (hugging)

Sara : I missed you too. (Smiling)

Zayn trying to kiss her neck because then only can he see that curse Blackspot but that was not there. He feel relieved and hugged her tightly.

Zayn : I know nothing going to happened to you. (Smiling happily)

Sara : what going to happened to me, I'm healthy see .... And I have you my side, so nothing going to happen.

Zayn : yeah I'll save you nomatter what. (Smiling).

Sara : let's go and eat this.

Then they happily eating dinner together.