I Will Kill You

Lisa's family believed that - ' study is everything. it shouldn't be bond with age. no matter what happens you have to keep grow up your knowledge, perpetually.'

it was the rule that had made up by her dad. entertainment should be fully prohibited in this house. so, in front of her dad, no one could dare to do anything for fun. Lisa had already completed her master degree two years ago. but she didn't have any exceptional rite. first of all, she revealed that. now, she shouldn't have to be bookworm. I have already completed my education. i don't have to give any exams. without ambition no one would like to squander time in study.' she always dreamed that one day she will be free by it.

even, her wishes had been granted. but, she was not very happy. now, in her mom's eyes, started showing work everywhere. at first, she had done only house chores kind of cooking, scavenging.... by her mom's instruction. she thought, she can stand it. but after some time, her mom started imposing own hobby at Lisa. like that planting flowers, watering, trimming twig. she said cos, you have much free time,now. we should spend it on gardening. it was overbearing to her.

she shakily said "no, I would rather study than work."

so mostly time you could found all of three merged into book. that's the other thing that no one could find what they are really reading. certainly, Heloice always follows that rule. but, in case of, Lisa and Rosy, we can't be so sure. Lisa always read comics book under the cover of old art history book. sometimes, she had been seen reading book at midnight.

and for Rosy, she has many common things to Lisa. she does the same thing what Lisa did in her high school time. to her, book is the best remedy for sleeping pills. she doesn't even know when she falls asleep by gloating book.

as for Oliver, he was different from all of three. he was always being honest in this matter. he doesn't believe in show off. that's why he was not ponded by his dad so much.

as usual day, Lisa was dissipated in reading. abruptly, her smartphone started to ring up. she took off to look at it who could it be? it was an unknown number.

as she picked up the call to give an answer. one silky voice came in her mind. "congratulate miss. you have been able to catch up my eyes on you, successfully. I am really impressed to you."

she was totally stunned who could it be. why is he saying like that. it was outrageous tone for her.

she said " wrong number, you have called in wrong place. I am hanging up."

" how could you forgot about someone who just became your friend." he said while he was dashing out of cafeteria.

as, she was on the way to cut the call.

" Lala Lisa, master degree in major subject of history, age - twenty six. slightly voice came to another side.

she was astonished. she said " how did you know much about me? and how do you managed to get my number?"

" do you think it would be take time for me to find someone."

she thought it might be someone from social site. who would saw her profile. and trying to pull her leg. but it is impossible. she had given wrong biodata, there. she said angrily "did you spy me?"

" of course. for being, future husband of an menacing woman. I had to know everything about you. it is for the precaution."

she sprang up from her bed with chocolate what she was eating. it almost choked in her throat. she was in amazed. her heart bit was throbbing unexpectedly very fast. she was being overwhelmed. it was first time she was hearing his voice. though, she had chatted with him. she thought ' so, her doubt was right. at that time, he knew it. it was me.' it was puzzle for her what is he snapping right now.

she was startled. we haven't meet ever once face to face. how could he reckoned that.. that I am a menacing woman. and most of all, he is saying I have done something that way I stick out in his eye. she said " I haven't done anything. what do you want to say? why don't you say it in human language. I am not expert to solve riddle."

he grinned "you are really interesting. don't put on of an innocent girl. who could thought that someone so fragile girl would have attempted to kill someone together with her boyfriend."

she thought so he had been attacked. she said in different voice "what do you mean? you want to say that it was me. how rediculous."

" before, i had been thought I would go easily with you."

" but, now, you make it difficult for me."

she insisted " you must have been misunderstanding someone else. how could I do like that." she was being annoyed. she snapped "if I would. then, I'd make sure you.

... such a vile person like you, couldn't escaped from it."

she gasped. "I am saying it again and again. I haven't done it. why don't you believe in me?"

" miss Lisa you are wasting my time to endorse your flawless."

" see ya , we are going to meet soon. take care for now" he said as he stepped in his car."and one more thing I want to say you, personally. he paused. "I won't let you go. no matter what happens."

he hang up the call.

" such a foul mouth man. overtly, he intermediated me, just now." she throws her smartphone on her bed in rage.

"surely, he will make me pay for what have I didn't." she thought.

" who is framing me. wait.. wait... he was saying. my boyfriend and I were cahooted to attack him. but even In my entire life, i haven't got any boyfriend. she tried to remember it.who would be so thoughtful to help me. something struck in her mind.

she bellowed in deafening voice. "Heloice..."

" I am sure. this time I won't spare your life. I will definitely kill you."
