Feeling Sadness

Heloice , she was hovering in her room, desperately with reading a book. she was reading the same page over and over again. she had the same problem to night, about insomnia. and her mom, she had given her strict instruction. " don't dare to disturb Lisa. she is newly wed. now, she has her own family. if I knew that you call her by any chance. then, you would have to face consequence." it has been almost one week. she was unable to take a well sleep.

she suddenly roused and darted with her slowly tread towards Lisa's room. in the middle of way, she peeps through in all direction. she gets everyone had already slept. and the light was already switched off of every room. she let herself in her room. and with the help of her phone's flash light. she looks around herself. and came close to switch on of the night bulb.

she found, everything were lying exactly as Lisa had left. here every corner was well organized. she sprinted towards her drawer. and produced her every thing. now, her room was in mess. her every stuff, what she always used to keep away from her family. right now, it was dishevelled onto the floor.

she picked up one comics, and tried to read it. in order to she would be able to sleep. but, unexpectedly, she finds herself. it's making her increasingly exasperated. she browsed through every comics. and at the second moment of time, she closed it. and flumped it on the ground.

she said herself " seriously, I can't believe it. big sis, she used to spend hours in it." she complained" how could she read for child's comics. and most of all it is far away to say one knowledgeable book."

then, she lie down on her bed against her back. she puts out her phone to her pocket. she looks fixedly it. and ruminated something in blurred lit. then, she said herself. " it's not bad idea. if I can't sleep then, how could I give you good time. "

she calls someone. he takes long time to receive her call. in fact he was sleeping this time. it was half past twelve. after the phone rings. he groped on his bed in the dark with closing eye to reach for the phone. he said in sluggish voice. " who the heck is it this time?"

Heloice , she was trying to find an excuse to talk. she didn't know how to initiate to talk someone. she asked casually. " have you slept?"

he knew who would it be. he even recognize her voice after sleepy mode. he jumped on his bed to get up. he was stunned. it was impossible to believe that she called him at this late night. he stammered. " nope.... , I...I am not sleeping. "

"are you really Heloice." he asked enthusiastically.

"why, what do you expect? it's my number. of course it would be me."

he chuckled. " sorry, I thought, It must be a nightmare. and I am in the midst of it."

she sighed. " then, surely you were sleeping."

she added. " anyway, I called you to say that..

that, you should come out to your room to see starry night. it is filled with star all over sky." she lied. actually it was unbearable for her to know that because of which, she is unable to sleep. he is taking good nap.

he walked towards window. and shrinked window screen. the gust of wind, touched his face. and it flapped his hair. he looked over sky.

then, he smirked. " as far as, which Heloice, I know. she would never be so romantic. because her ego would never allow her."

" if you don't believe it. then, look it yourself. it is all over murky sky. there is not a single star existence in the sky. come to the point, miss Icy, why did you call me?" he leaned on the window's sill.

she bites her lips from the edge and rolled herself. she said morosely. " okay, I wil be articulate with you. it is like that I have insomnia. so, I used to sleep with big sis. I don't know since when I always feel safe and warm with her. but right now, I feel lonely. and I also don't know why I am feeling sad?"

" back then, whenever, I was unable to sleep. she always used to recite me someone's love affair."

she implored. "can you tell me your opinion about Roma? you shouldn't be shy. I am her friend."

" so, it turned out that you want to know how I feel about someone."

" yep."

he waited then he said. " I wanted to say it long time ago to you about my reverie. but I had no courage. it started when I transferred here. I was a little nervous about new place. I didn't expect that I will meet here someone. I'd want to talk her and spend time with her. even if she would take me always as a competitor. "

he smiled slightly. " I think she is a little bit silly. but I like her obsessed. and what I want to say you that, this girl is you."

from the another side of call, he didn't get any response. he whispered hesitantly. " Heloice, are you listening me? " he waited for a moment. then, he asked again and again.

when, he confirmed about his doubtfulness. she was already slept.

he sighed. " so you have used me as a babysitter."

" I was failed again. it's already late night."

" good night, miss icy. "