Chapter 6 - It's not easy mode?

David woke up, to the system interface showing his rewards for completing the mission. Looking around the white room to find that nothing had changed, David turned back to the floating window.


Mission: Living with your aunt


Your family has decided to make you live with your aunt while you attend college to reduce living expenses. Her husband, your uncle works overseas and your aunt is a housewife. They have a daughter who works in a big city.

Mission objective:

Have sexual intercourse with your aunt.


1500 points

Bonus Rewards: [Hidden condition must be met]

Access to mission dimension



Mission Completed…

Giving out rewards

1500 points [Main mission]

Additional rewards:

1000 points [for making perverted plays]

Bonus Reward:



Hidden condition: Aunt Affection reaches [Lover] achieved.

Access to mission dimension granted

[100 points for 1 day]


Going through the mission rewards, David was happy that his fondling and kissing of his aunt gave extra rewards. He wasn't sure about the affection criteria but the thought of his aunt considering him a lover delighted David.

He was tempted to go back to his aunt using the bonus reward but thought better of it, he had more important things to do after all, seeing he was now six days away from the nightmare mission. It seemed that the information given to him was accurate as only a day had passed in the [Nightmare Realm] after his mission in the [Dream].

David asked the [Nightmare Realm] if he could go out of this room and the floating window responded by telling him that only those who completed their first [Nightmare mission] were allowed to meet the other denizens of the [Nightmare Realm].

After all it would be a waste of time if he ended up dying anyways, and also to prevent him from seeking external assistance. David thought that was a pretty good rule and decided to buy more items from the shop before setting out for the next mission. The way the [Nightmare realm] described the [Nightmare mission] scared him and he wanted as much power as possible before facing it in the end.

The first mission was the easiest mission the [Dream] could possibly give, there was no saying what the next mission might bring, and David might very well have to fight a Dragon before getting to the princess.

More combat oriented abilities would serve him well in future missions. David though didn't really want to become a brawly, up in your face warrior though, he preferred to sit back and watch his enemies burn, so a mage type would be better for him.

In the end David decided he would try to become a mage/summoner hybrid. After all he wasn't some webnovel protagonist with godlike talent and genius minds. He was but a normal person before all this and reincarnating or transmigrating didn't change a thing.

David was content fighting from a far and he believed he was smart enough to use magic and familiars to out manoeuvre most opponents.

Keeping this in mind he browsed through the shop and found some abilities that would serve him well.



Imp – 500 points

Summon a small devilkin capable of minor magic and has mediocre flight capabilities.

Slime – 300 points

Summon a low level slime with an acidic body.

Goblin scout – 450 points

Summon a goblin with low combat skills but good tracking.





There were plenty of familiars that could be bought with points but none of them satisfied David. They simply weren't worth the cost. David almost gave up on finding a summon until one particular thing caught his eyes.


[Hidden condition fulfilled]

[User has title "Touched by @&(*)&(%(* " ]

[Lower cost for dimension, space and soul related shop items]



Eldritch arm – 3000 points [1000 points as user has title "Touched by @&(*)&(%(* "]

Summon an Eldritch manifestation in the form of an arm.


David was pleasantly surprised that the title reduced the cost of a shop item. Looks like his transmigration from another universe had some tangible benefits after all, other than a second chance.

It was quite frustrating that the description for a lot of the shop items were basic and didn't possess much detail. He could only judge the product from their cost. Still [Eldritch arm] seemed to be quite the powerful summon as its original cost was three thousand points.

With the remaining points, David bought some items he thought would be useful for the upcoming mission.



Eldritch arm – 3000 points [1000 points as user has title "Touched by @&(*)&(%(* "]

Summon an Eldritch manifestation in the form of an arm.

Pheromones (Intermediate) – 1200 points [800 points if basic is possessed]

The intermediate version of Pheromones will make the opposite gender have increased favourability towards and minor sexual attraction.

Enhanced intuition – 300 points

Enhanced 6th sense giving danger sensing and minor trap/risk detection capabilities.


After buying the [Eldritch arm] he obtained more information from the interface and found that he could allow the arm to possess his actual arm to enhance his strength. Something which was not recommended to be done by the [Nightmare Realm] as eldritch entities have a corrupting influence on their hosts. Summoning them was acceptable as they were bound by certain rules but once you give it permission to possess your body, there was a high chance the eldritch entity would fight for control.

There was no use in keeping or saving any points as most of the valuable items in the shop were far out of his reach, so David bought one extra item after receiving the new information.


Jurisdiction (beginner) – 900 points [300 points as user has title "Touched by @&(*)&(%(* "]

Allows user to have minimal control over entities possessing them.

Note: Allowing external entities to possess user is extremely risky. Caution advised.


David didn't have enough points for the basic version so he settled for the beginner version instead which he could barely afford with the discount. He still had a hundred points remaining which he decided to save. He didn't buy any physical enhancements and guessed the next mission would still be within what could be considered as 'human limits'.

The [Eldritch arm] would be more than enough to take care of any dangers that he came across and he still had the stamina buff from [Increased Virility] to lean on in case things get tough.

He slept earlier on so he was feeling quite energetic, and so David decided to immediately go onto the next [Dream mission]. Maybe after he completed his first [Nightmare Mission] and was loaded with points, he would go back and visit his Aunt Sarah for some fun times.


Mission: Zero to Hero

Background: You are the third son of a farmer who has set out in search of glory as you have no chance in inheriting the farm. You arrive at the quaint village of Iseikville. You work for the local farmer in exchange for sleeping in his barn at night.

Mission objective:

Become a Hero.

Side Objectives:

Dominate woman in power.

Vanquish the Dragon.


8000 points

5000 points for completing Side objectives

Bonus Rewards: [Hidden condition must be met]

Access to mission dimension

Accept Mission?



David read over the details and was puzzled how fucking was not the main goal of this mission. He could only describe his desire to the [Dream] and it would create a corresponding mission. Guess it was wishful thinking on David's part for thinking all the missions would involve only making love to beautiful women.

He was perturbed by the mission and becoming a hero wasn't something the likes of him weren't cut out for but David accepted the mission grimly.

David sighed as the white room faded away,

'Press W and eventually I'll become a hero, I guess.'