Chapter 13 - A glimpse of horror...

David watched as the [Eldritch arm] dissolved into particles and surrounded his right arm. He braced himself as the particles spiralled around his arms before diving right through his skin. His arm starting from his hands all the way till his elbow morphed into a much more buffer and advanced version of the original [Eldritch arm].

It was quite odd to see the horrendous arm on a human body but David was too distracted by something else to notice the changes to his arm.

'What happened to the forest? Where am I….?'

The forest around him faded away and silence reigned as David stood in complete darkness. He watched with absolute terror as his sense of self waned and a giant monstrous eye appeared before him, the eye stretched on for miles and its current focus was David.

He couldn't make out the exact appearance of eye and before he could gather himself he was back in the forest on his knees.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, oh fuck…"

David instantly dispelled the possession and laid down on the ground to gather his breath. He only saw the absolute horror that was the eye for an instant but for him it seemed to be an eternity.

The memory of the eye slowly faded from his mind and eventually no matter how hard he tried David could not recall the actual appearance of the eye. Doing so hurt his mind. He was only left with the knowledge that there was a monstrous eye floating in the abyss.

The connection between David and the mysterious [Eldritch Dimension] was strengthened by this encounter, David could perceive his link with the Eldritch realm. Taking a moment to gather himself, David hesitated slightly before re-summoning the [Eldritch arm].

David could feel a greater connection with the arm and was able to control it more smoothly and with far better precision. His brief connection with [Eldritch Dimension] boosted his abilities with the arm and this would apply to other Eldritch abilities in the future.

While hesitant, David decided to let the arm possess him again. His intuition told him nothing bad would happen and it wasn't like he had any other option.

His arm transformed into an eldritch monstrosity and powerful strength erupted as he clenched his fists. In this current state the [Eldritch arm] was much more powerful, its fusion with living flesh empowering the ability.

Along with power came some downfalls as David could feel his connection toe [Eldritch Dimension] becoming stronger with this fusion. The stronger connection was dangerous and unsettling as certain foreign emotions flooded his mind.

The urge to kill, to devour, to consume, to destroy, to ruin… the negative emotions affected David on both a mental and spiritual level. Thankfully it didn't seem to be at the level of corrupting his soul though one could never be sure when it comes to enigmatic existences like the eldritch.

The special ability [Jurisdiction] played a far bigger role than David thought it would, allowing him to stay sane and think tangible thoughts while being possessed.


Jurisdiction (beginner) –

Allows user to have minimal control over entities possessing them.

Note: Allowing external entities to possess user is extremely risky. Caution advised.


Luckily the [Eldritch arm] wasn't sentient and was more comparable to a bundle of emotions. Thus [Jurisdiction] had greater effect and allowed him to control the arm without resistance. David could still feel the negative emotions but as long as he remained calm and collected they would remain nothing more than passive thoughts.

David spent the rest of the day testing out the arm against poor goblins and trees. While not a fan of close combat mainly due to fear, the negative emotions did help in 'slightly' loosening up his mind.

Without fear, David charged towards goblins disregarding whether they were groups and slashed and ripped them apart. It was quite awkward to hold the sword in his Eldritch infused arm so he ended up clawing and dismembering the monsters.

'I should get a huge buster sword, it would be perfect to use with the Eldritch arm.'

David returned to the inn and flirted with Alice over dinner before retreating to his room. Tomorrow he would go to the blacksmith and ask if he had a buster sword aka great sword. He also had to worry about attracting the Komodo dragon cosplaying drake to the village but he would worry about it later,

"Bed time… the best time."

The first thing David did after waking up was going to the Blacksmith's for the buster sword.

"I don't really have a huge sword like that around here, not many find a sword of that size practical. But if its size you want I do have an axe lying around here."

The Blacksmith went behind the store and retrieved a massive two-handed axe. The axe was heavy and David had to help the Blacksmith in bringing it to the table. The blacksmith told him that he got the axe from a friend of his who said that the axe was forged by Giants in the North.

"I like it, how much?"

The blacksmith's jaws dropped as David's arms shifted and lifted the axe with ease. Snapping out of his stupor he replied,

"No one wants an axe that big. So I'll sell it for 10 gold."

The [Eldritch arm] could shift to a more 'human friendly' form that looked more a like a unique gauntlet than a monster's arm. This meant David could use the [Eldritch arm] without someone screaming 'Heretic' or 'Demonspawn'.

Not that any of the villagers would really care either ways, magic was respected and mages were looked up to in these parts. None of those 'burn the witch's' logic seen in most other settings.

"Carrying this is going to be a pain. I should get one of those convenient inventories from the shop."

David eventually decided to have the [Eldritch arm] to carry it and have the arm stick to his back. With his proficiency with the [Eldritch arm] having increased he could now always have it summoned with little to no strain on his mind as long as it was idle.

He now looked like those MMORPG characters with floating weapons on their backs. David went back to casually slaughtering some goblins with his new axe and suffice to the say the experience was truly one of a kind.

The axe didn't slice the goblins, it eviscerated them, tearing them apart with its huge blade ignoring any armour. While effective against meagre goblins, David was still not sure it would be enough to handle the 'dragon'.

When it came to the 'dragon' despite all his 'power-ups' David still showed some measure of fear to the creature. Any creature with the title of 'Dragon' had to have some exaggerated ability. There was also the question of how he would lure it to the village.

An imaginary light bulb lit up above David's head as he realized Giselle would have the solution. As half Dryad and wannabe druid, dealing with creatures should be one of her specialities.

'How can I convince her to help me… She may not be full human but she has to be attached to the people of the village after staying here for a long time. She wouldn't agree to anything that results in harming the village.'

While David was buried in his thoughts he was already in front of the Mayor's house. He walked inside and faced the Mayor at his table,

"Hello Mayor, is Lady Giselle available? She asked me to deliver a dress from the tailor."

The mayor directed him towards the dining hall and didn't bother with David any longer, he had more important things to do than dilly dally with an errand boy, and didn't notice that David had no package in his hands.

David glanced at the 'important' paperwork the mayor was doing and stifled a laugh when he saw him calculating debt from his gambling adventures. David headed towards the Dining hall and saw Giselle at the table having an early lunch.

With a smile, he slowly crept behind her and grabbed her huge bust from behind. Giselle was surprised and was about to retaliate until she realised it was David,

"Hey darling, did you miss me?"

Giselle appeared to be in thought and then replied,

"Not really I suppose."

David choked and with righteous fury his hands slipped inside her dress and groped her bare breasts.

'Not a fan of bras huh, she's probably bare down there too…'

This thought fuelled David's lust and he failed to notice the slight smirk on Giselle's face. Bending forward he kissed her and she returned in turn with passion.

The plan was to ask a favour in dealing with Dragon when she was busy reeling in pleasure but seeing those luscious melons David wanted to have some fun as well. Moving the plates aside David took of his pants and sat on the table with his hard cock proudly pointing towards Giselle.

Giselle sighed,

"As much as I appreciate the gesture, this time my husband his present and I do not want to alert him to our…."

David interrupted her speech by pushing her head down and enjoyed the warm and wet feeling of her mouth on his manhood. Giselle put her hands on his thighs and tried to get up but David's hands made sure to remind her of her duty.

The resistance didn't last for even a few seconds before the Dryad in her won out and her head bobbed up and down. Giselle still glared at David while her tongue was working marvels on his dick which only further turned him on,

"Ohh yes, just like that babe… ohh…"

Giselle took out her breasts and wrapped it around his cock while sucking him off introducing David to new pleasures. The warmth of her breasts and the wetness of her mouth worked wonders on his member.

David's grunts filled the hall and soon his dick throbbed in sign of his coming ejaculation. The tipping point came when a voice called out to Giselle,

"Done with boy Giselle? I didn't see him leave…"

David erupted in her mouth and quickly grabbed his pants and hid under the table. Giselle had it tougher as she swiftly swallowed the copious amounts of cum and adjusted her dress at the same time. She did her best to wipe of the seed from her chest and straightened her posture as the Mayor entered the hall.

The mayor saw Giselle and asked,

"What is that on your mouth?"

With such an amount of cum Giselle couldn't completely swallow given the haste to hide the deeds done and so a small amount of cum dribbled down the corner of her mouth.

"Oh that's just some new syrup that came in from the market this morning. As for the boy, he already headed out a long time ago, you must have missed him."

The Mayor nodded his head and ignored David's disappearance and handed Giselle some documents. Too muddle headed to do the debt paperwork, he gave it to Giselle and instructed her on what to do, meanwhile David was growing impatient.

'Damn old bastard.'

Seeing the old fogey still standing right next to her and talking, David was unable to wait any further and split apart Giselle's legs under the table and ran his tongue over her bare crotch.

Giselle gasped and the mayor noticed and asked what was wrong,

"Nothing dear, I just stubbed my toe."

The mayor ignored this and proceeded to talk about paperwork not knowing his wife was being eaten out under the table. Giselle's hands grabbed David's head but instead of pushing him away like he thought, she pushed him further into her crotch.

Taking this as a sign David used his hands together with his tongue bring Giselle to climax. It took Giselle all her willpower not to moan and gasp in front of her husband.

The mayor failed to notice her body quivering as she orgasmed so hard the silverware shook and the plants near the windows grew vibrant due to unconscious release of her Dryad magic. The mayor soon left and David got up from underneath the table and grinned,

"Now that was wonderful wasn't it?"

Giselle faintly nodded as she still reeled from the orgasm,

"What do you want David?"

David was surprised but then smiled,

'She is too smart…"

Too smart to be under that old husband of hers, clearly there was no love between them and no physical relationship from the signs of it as well. This was perfect as David knew how to strike a deal with Giselle.


Author Note:

Been a while since I posted. Had to take care of some IRL stuff like final semester exams, college paperwork and my new job.

I am in the process of having a chapter bank. The Next chapter is prepped and ready for release tomorrow.

I also have a patre*n whose link is down below.

Currently Patre*n is ahead by 1 chapter.

The current aim is to have patre*n be 5 chapters ahead of public release and other benefits like influencing the story through polls.

One of my ambitions is to be a full time writer but given my circumstances(society, life, parents) it will be hard. Hopefully we get there!