Chapter 19 - A spar

Author note:

Long time no see... IRL issues caused delays and also I was kinda sad n shit...

Anyways... DOUBLE RELEASE on Patreon but don't worry I'll release a chapter tomorrow.


P.S I'm feeling good about the quality of the chapter... I think. Each chapter is 2k+ words from now on...


The moon was shining high in the sky when the [Spirit Animal] sent a signal to David. David was ready to summon the [Eldritch arm] at a moment's notice. A knock at the door made David raise his eyebrows,

'Who would knock at this hour?'

The door opened to reveal Commander Larson,

"May I come in?"

David stared at the woman for some time before sighing and making way for her,

"Sorry for the rough greeting this morning but there was some things I couldn't speak of in the command room. Too many eyes and ears around you see."

Larson explained how the Rockeagle's were in a delicate situation. Technically the Rockeagle's still had to report to the government as they were part of the military. The commander along with certain other military leaders on the other hand wanted to separate from the government and establish their own faction. Supposedly the government and a certain mega-corporation were behind the zombie apocalypse.

The commander repeatedly stated that it was their fault the [L1-strain] was created and subsequently leaked. David took all this information with a grain of salt. He would rather not get too involved in the politics and put himself in more danger. The base was nothing more than a means that would allow David to sleep safely and stay away from monstrosities like the beasts that chased him on his arrival.

"Tomorrow that bastard James will probably try to recruit you into his camp. I suggest you decline, the men behind James will use you as a pawn in their games. The Rockeagle's would be a great home to you, we want nothing more than the survival of the human race."

David assured her that he would side with Larson tomorrow and sent the woman of with a smile. Lying on his bed, David contemplated the meeting and Larson's words. If Larson was to be believed than the faction behind James was responsible for the zombie outbreak and the subsequent end of the world.

Larson didn't need to spend too much effort in convincing David as he himself decided to stay as far as possible from James and his people. Evil corporations and their schemes and plans within plans would only lead David faster to the gates of hell.

Sticking with Larson would be smooth tidings as he would complete any missions assigned and then retire to the [Nightmare Realm]. If David came across any situation that he couldn't handle he would just run away. His life was more important after all,

"Good night little Monkey."

In the morning David took a quick shower and wore the standard issue uniform given to him before making his way to the command room. In the command room other than Larson there was a new addition, a stout blonde haired man who introduced himself as James.

Arron was also present and stood by the commander's side. Larson addressed the room and stated how the base lacked several vital parts needed to repair its mobile functionality. Arron and David would go along with a team of soldiers to loot an old factory in Z city.

This mission would however commence two weeks from now, currently Arron and David would be sent to scout out the surroundings and gather data. Larson's instructions were interrupted abruptly by James much to her displeasure,

"Ah David, I've heard much about you, it must have been hard surviving in Z city. It's completely understandable if you want to back out from the operation. You could join me and my team as we handle logistics and take orders from the heads of state themselves…"

James was about to continue advertising his deal and the benefits offered before he was interrupted by David,

"It's quite alright Mr. James, while I appreciate the offer, I don't mind helping the commander and her team out. I am not entirely new to the dangers around the city, I'm sure I can handle myself."

James was unpleasantly surprised but didn't make any further attempts to convince David. He excused himself shortly after and left the command room. Larson on the other hand was all smiles, a rare emotion that not only surprised David but even her long serving subordinates.

David's words were more or less a tacit statement to all parties that he was in Commander Larson's camp. Of course in the end David's true loyalties were only to himself but he was fine with being under Larson's banner in the public eye.

In reality, David had considered James invitation as it would allow him to survive the mission with little to no risk but the man himself was the reason David declined the deal. Prolonged use of [Eldritch arm] coupled with the recent addition of [Spirit animal] and [Spirit channeling] made David sensitive to negative emotions.

From James, David on both a conscious and sub-conscious level felt evil intentions and thus decided to reject the invitation. Going to Z city was also on David's to-do list so it further dissuaded him from joining James.

Returning to Z city was a risky endeavor but it was also David's best chance to find out more about the [L-strain]. The mission scenario's always have some special 'Easter eggs' whether they be [Dream missions] or [Nightmare missions]. The she-ogre from the previous mission could be said to be one such 'Easter egg'.

Infiltrating the lab was also one of David's goals but it would be farfetched to have any thoughts on the lab, not only was it one of the most secure locations on the base it was also overseen by the head scientist who was an enhanced. It was best to wait and observe the base for a few weeks before attempting anything, for now David complied with Larson's orders.

Arron brought David to the base's armory and handed him his new gear. A combat suit and a sword were issued along with two automatic pistols and a single assault rifle. The sword was single edged, similar in design to Japanese katanas. They were issued only to enhanced and were built with a special alloy and modern forging techniques.

Swinging the sword gave David a good feel for the sword. Luckily unlike the [Dream missions], David was allowed to bring out items from the [Nightmare missions]. This sword would be a good weapon to carry even in future missions.

Once they were geared up and ready, Arron and David headed out to scout the location. The old factory was situated in the outskirts of the city but there was still a significant zombie population. The scouting was an opportunity for David to work with the squad as well as get used to combat.

Larson and her men believed David could hold his own as an enhanced individual's abilities allowed them to beat even skilled normal people through sheer brute force but it was still better to get accustomed to combat to ensure David wouldn't be dead weight in the upcoming mission.

For his part David was showcased his combat skills and occasionally used the strength of the possessed form of the [Eldritch arm] in order to show his worth. If Larson valued him more than David would only receive more benefits in the future.

He also took this time to practice using firearms at the base. In most cases he would not need to do so but it was a useful skill to learn nonetheless. David spoke with Larson quite a few times over the two weeks and while the commander didn't showcase any emotions he believed there relationship deepened. The [Pheromones (intermediate)] also served as both a confidence boost as well as assistance when speaking to the commander.

Though the effects of the ability on an enhanced were unknown, David hoped it would have at the very least the lowest of effects. Eventually on the day before the mission to the factory David gained the courage to ask the commander to a spar.

"Hmmm...Sure why not? Let's see if you're good enough for the mission tomorrow."

David gulped as he followed the tall woman to the training room. Larson was certainly the strongest enhanced in this base. While she was a commander due to her previous military career, her new found strength as an enhanced allowed her to consolidate and maintain her position.

'I didn't think she would accept. Oh Nightmares please don't make me a complete fool in front of her…'

In the training room, both of them stood on opposite sides of the training mat. Larson donned a sports bra and tight leggings showcasing her big luscious chest and toned muscular legs. David sneaked a peek at her tight round ass when he thought she wasn't looking,

"Are you ready boy?"

This made David alert as he replied with a scowl on his face, which judging by the smirk on Larson's face was the expected response.

David used [Spirit Channeling] and slowly circled around the mat searching for any weaknesses in Larson's defense. He also took this time to admire Larson's body. David noticed a scar running across the side of her stomach beside her navel and several other battle marks along her back and shoulders.

Unfortunately for David this only made her more attractive in his eyes and his vision went to her huge melons and round heart shaped ass. This proved to be a fatal mistake as Larson used this moment when David was distracted to strike.

If it wasn't for [Enhanced intuition] David would have been knocked to the ground by that punch but he dodged to the side and retaliated with a punch of his own at her chest. Larson's eyebrows raised as she blocked the punch and sent a kick aimed at his ribs.

Jumping back several steps David put some distance between them as tried to regain the rhythm of the fight,

"Good reflexes boy, you're not as bad as I thought."

She tried to agitate David by calling him boy again but David didn't respond and calmly decided on his next action,

���She's faster and probably way stronger than me even with [Spirit Channeling].'

Not giving David any rest Larson bombarded David with jabs and kicks which he danced around while occasionally responding with a punch and kick of his own. Larson was clearly holding back from beating the absolute crap out of David. This was but a test of David's skills.

Apparently that test was over as she suddenly sped up and slammed David to the floor. Even with his intuition and enhanced senses David couldn't react to the attack, Larson flashed before his eyes and took him down.

"You have some fight in you boy but there is much to impro-…"

David was pissed and he certainly did not take well to getting his ass handed to him, it didn't help with her calling him boy every now and then during the fight. David wasn't the type to look down on a woman or anything but deep down it was still very embarrassing to getting beat down by the opposite sex. Sure she was better than him in combat in all aspects but it was shameful nonetheless.

Thus David resorted to his default weapon in frustration. The [Eldritch arm] possessed his arm and he used the increased strength to break away from her pin and grabbed her arm instead and flipped her over on the mat.

The unexpected strength caught Larson by surprise and she found herself pinned under David as he smiled defiantly at her,

"Looks like I win Commander."

Both her hands were pinned under the [Eldritch arm] and David sat above her and gazed down below at Larson's surprised face. Man and woman heavily panted as they were locked in a rather compromising position.

Contrary to David's expectation, Larson erupted with an enormous strength and easily broke out of his possessed arm's grip. She grabbed David and flipped their positions and pinned his arms to the side.

"How interesting, looks like you have some secrets David."

Larson had a unique smile on her face as she glanced at his possessed arms,

'Crap, I just had to be a moron and use the arm didn't I… I should have just taken the L.'

David's thoughts were interrupted by a warm, soft and heavy sensation on his lower region. Larson sat on David's crotch and brought her face closer to him, her warm breath exciting David even further, but it seemed Larson wasn't affected by David's growing member.

Ignoring David's hardness, she mumbled to herself,

"I knew there had to be something special about you, an ordinary enhanced couldn't have survived alone in the city after all… I thought you might have been an esper but to think it was a mutant ability. How spectacular…"

David nervously watched on as the woman muttered to herself, not knowing whether to be terrified or excited at the situation.